12. Breathe Me

12. Breathe Me

A Chapter by Sinbulvinter

Rema receives a distressing late-night call, and walks into a house of horrors to save Frey.

This chapter contains descriptions of torture and aftermath of torture, rape and forced sexual acts (m/m and m/f), violence, physical abuse, mental and emotional abuse, course offensive language, murder, gore, and themes that are very dark and may upset and/or disturb the reader.
Rema receives a distressing late-night call, and walks into a house of horrors to save Frey.


I need my clothes...

I have a cell phone Rema gave me in my jeans. Just a cheap throw away, but if I could get it I could get out of here.  As much as I'd hate to, I could call her and tell her where I am... She could get me out of here and I won't have to deal with this torture anymore.

Every day has gotten worse.  At first, he'd just beat the f**k out of me until he got out his anger and then f**k me.  After a couple days, he started getting really sadistic.  He whipped me with a belt so much my back is covered in welts and blood.  He beat me with crowbars, bats, pieces of wood, anything he could think of.  He even burned me with a blow torch the other day, and rubbed salt in the wound after.

I can't take this anymore.  I can't be strong anymore... I can't even will myself to fight back in defiance because it only makes him hurt me worse.  I can't do this. I just can't... I can't be under his thumb again... I'm tired, hungry, and in so much pain.

I waited all morning to hear his footsteps, the sound I dread finally comes across the wooden floorboards above me late in the afternoon.  I hear the door unlock and he comes down the stairs, smirking at me.

"What? No obnoxious names to call me?"

"Can I please have my clothes..." I whisper in a small voice.

"Why do you need clothes?"

I can't bring myself to look at him. "I'm cold... And I don't like being... like this..."

He laughs cruelly, "Beg for them. On your knees."

I'm tempted to cuss him out and tell him to go f**k himself, but I restrain myself.  As much as I hate myself for it, as much as it shames and degrades my very being, I get on my skinned and bruised knees and keep my head down. "Please, give me my clothes."

He laughs again. "You can do better than that, Kid."

He bite my lip, my hands turning into fists. "Please, give me my clothes. I beg of you, allow me to have my clothing."

I sicken myself. My blood filling with self-loathing and disgust.  I hate myself for being so pathetic... I hate him for doing everything he can to make me feel lower than dirt.

"Well, what are you going to do for them?" I hear the smirk on his voice and look up, my eyes dull and void of emotion.

"Anything you want me to..."

"You'll let me f**k your face without biting me?"

I clench my teeth. Last time He tried that, I bit him so hard he didn't f**k me for a few days.  The moment made me feel such pride, like I got a victory over him...


It's disgusting, awful, and so degrading.  He mocks me the whole time, calling me a w***e and forcefully yanking my head back and forth by my hair until I gag and choke.  When he finishes, he shoves me back onto the floor and walks up the stairs.

It takes at least five minutes, and I wondered for a moment if he lied to me and just did that to make me feel worse about myself, but soon I hear the footsteps coming down the stairs. He throws my clothes at me.

"Whatever. It won't change anything to have clothes, just takes longer for me to get them off and f**k your brains out." So smug.  I just wanna kick his teeth down his f*****g throat.

I wait about an hour, until I don't hear his footsteps upstairs anymore and I'm sure he went out to look for a victim.  I quickly grab the phone and dial Rema's number, it rings and rings, then goes to voicemail so I hang up and repeat the process until she picks up at the forth try.

"Hello?" She must have been sleeping, sounds groggy.

"Rema, I need you to come get me."

"Frey? Is that you? Where are you?"

I spit the address out as fast as I can, my voice starting to break. "Please come get me. Please, I can't take this anymore."

"Frey, What's going on? Are you okay?" I hear worry in her voice.

"Please, come get me... Please..."

"Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can..."

I hang up and lie down, waiting with a feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach.  My body hurts too much to even put the bloody clothing back on.  I let myself slip into the darkness.


I took Kacia's car. Didn't even bother to ask her.  I don't care that it's nearly midnight, I need to get to him.  He sounded so upset on the phone... So... afraid... I didn't think it was possible for him to sound like that, but I know he must be in trouble.

He's in a whole other state, about two hours away. How he got there and why I have no idea, but I speed the whole way, trying to get to the address he gave me as fast as I could.

I'm confused when it's a rundown shack on the edge of a backwoods, hill-billy town.  There's tire marks in the dirt driveway, as if someone lives here, but wasn't home.  I walk up to the porch and open the front door.

The whole house stinks and is full of clutter and trash.  The person who lives here must be a pack rat or something. It's filthy and disgusting.

"Frey?" I call out, my voice echoes in the deafening silence as I walk through the living room into the hall, "Frey? Where are you?" Did he give me the wrong address?

My stomach drops when I see a door with a lock on it, what appears to be a basement door.  It couldn't be... He couldn't have...

I quickly pick the padlock with a hairclip, and open the door slowly.  I see wooden stairs leading into darkness and I look for a switch on the wall, but find none. "Frey?" I call down the stairs.

I gingerly start making my way down the creaking steps, until I reach the bottom.  The whole basement smells like death and rotting corpses, I find a string hanging from a bulb on the ceiling and pull it.

A silent scream escapes my lips when I look around, there's blood all over the walls and the source of the awful smell is a pile of bodies in the corner, some freshly decaying, others completely bones.  My horror turns to fear when I see someone lying on the ground in another corner.  The messy dark head of hair gives away who it is.  I run to him, dropping to my knees.

Blood... So much blood.  He's covered in it.  His skin is a mass of different shades of blacks, blues, purples, and greens. His bloody wrists are chained to the wall, and I almost throw up when I see his fingernails were removed.  He's only wearing the shirt I gave him, and its torn to shreds while his pants are at his ankles.

"Frey... Oh my god, Frey..." My hands hover above him, afraid if I touch him he'll break.

He doesn't even move and my fear turns into complete panic and I lightly shake him, "Frey, wake up! Look at me!"

His eyes flutter open, bloodshot.  He looks at me almost in a daze, as if he's not sure if I'm real or not.

"Frey, it's me..." My heart beats out of my chest and I cup his face, "Talk to me."

"Rema... It hurts..." His voice sounds raw and cracked, like someone poured glass down his throat. "F****n' 'urts..."

"I know baby, I know... I'm going to get you out of here, do you know where the keys are? For the cuffs on your wrists?" I ask.

He shakes his head, "He's always got them on him..." his eyes close again.

"No, no. Frey, stay awake okay. Don't go to sleep."

"I'm 'ired..." He mumbles, I see the blood steadily drip from his lips.

"You have to stay with me." I tell him, inspecting the chains.  I look around, spotting a pair of pliers across the room.  I quickly grab them and come back to his side, grabbing his hands.

He pulls away, whimpering and whispering nearly inaudible pleas of don't's and no's.

"It's okay, It's just me. I won't hurt you." I promise him and he relaxes a little, allowing me to snap the chains connecting the cuffs to the wall. "Come on, We'll get out of this place."

I pull him up so he's sitting and place his arm over my shoulder, pulling him up with me.  I drag him up the stairs, his blood staining my clothes.  I place him on the floor once I reach the upstairs, taking a breather before I pull him back up with me.

"You f*****g little brat! You called some b***h to come recuse your pathetic a*s?"

The booming voice makes me jump, I look up to see a tall, large man standing in the living room.  He looks to be in his late forties, dark hair, black beard, and bloody clothes. He has a body lying at his feet, covered in gashes and gore.

This must be that man Frey talked about... The man that's caused him so much suffering.

"You... You can't hurt him anymore..." I say, trying to sound strong but my voice shakes.

He gives the most horrifying grin I ever saw. "I can do whatever I want to that f*****g b*****d, and he knows that."

I hear Frey whimper against me, his head buried in my shoulder as I pull him close to me in a protective manner. "You have no right to do what you did to him for all these years! I won't let you hurt him anymore!" I scream.

He lifts his nose, chuckling. "Oh, and what are you going to do to stop me, little girl?" He suddenly reaches forward, right in front of me much faster than a man his size should be able to manage.  He grabs Frey by his hair, sending him across the floor and then punches me right in the mouth before he smashes my head on the wall.

I pull myself to my hands and knees on shaking arms, holding my palm to my now bleeding forehead.  I look over and see the man grabbing Frey and tossing him against a wall effortlessly, stalking his way over like a beast after a wounded a animal.  I force myself to stand, running at him with my knife and stabbing it into his shoulder.

"Don't f*****g touch him!" I scream.

He shoves me down, pulling the pocket knife out of his arm like it was nothing.  He looks down at the heap against the wall, "I'm going to kill this c**t in front of you and then break every bone in your f*****g body, you little b***h." He kicks him hard in the stomach, earning a loud scream of agony.

I shake in fear as he makes his way over to me, his hand grabbing my hair and throwing me across a recently fixed table.  I land on a collection of glass that pierces my skin and before I can even react, he kicks me in the back.  I scream in pain and he stomps on my arm, a horrible pain rings through my wrist.

Tears run down my face and I hold my arm close to my body.  He's strong... He's too strong.

His hands grab me again, yanking my face up by my chin. "Why would you want something like him? He's just a f*****g good-for-nothing murderer who lived in a basement all his life.  Why do you even give a damn about him?  He's worthless."

"Shut... Shut up." I yell through my sobs.

"Did he f**k you?  You know I fucked him first, right?  I've fucked him to the point he couldn't walk."

How can he be so cruel and say it in such a casual manner?

"He's always been a useless f*****g b***h, ya know that? F*****g stupid as s**t." He punches me in the mouth, knocking me back to the floor. "I got him when he was just a kid, you wouldn't believe what a whiny little brat he was... Surprised me how he tries to act all tough now..."

"Shut up..." I cough up blood. "You're so cruel to him... It's all lies.  He's none of those things, you sick, twisted b*****d! How could you take a child and put them through all the s**t you did! You're f*****g evil!"

"Oh, you are so naive, little girl. He was an orphan. His parents f*****g left him for dead in the streets, if I hadn't have taken the little brat in he'd probably be a pile of bones in the woods right now.  He should be grateful."

"Grateful!?" I shake with anger, "You kept him in a basement, mistreated him for years, starved him and made him murder people! You destroyed an innocent child's soul! How the f**k should he be grateful you sick motherfucking a*****e!"

He kicks me hard in the side, knocking me fully on the floor and then gets on top of me, pinning me down by my wrists and punching me in the face. "You know nothing, you little s**t! I'm going to have a fun time f*****g you before I kill you!" He punches me again and yanks my shorts down, followed by my panties.

I kick wildly, clawing, biting, and punching. It's all in vain, he overpowers me so quickly and starts thrusting so hard my back hurts from the impact.  He's so rough, so cruel. He laughs at my pain like the sadist he is, licks the tears off my face.

It hurts.  It hurts so bad.  Memories flash before my eyes.  My husband's angry face.  His hateful words.  I feel like that helpless battered woman all over again.  It hurts... It hurts...

Suddenly, I see Frey behind him.  He swings a lead pipe at his head, knocking the man off me.  He repeatedly hits him in the stomach, making his ribs break each time and blood pour from his mouth.  Frey's eyes are almost red, his teeth clenched as he swings again and again, hitting his legs, arms, stomach, and face.

"Frey! Stop! Stop!" I'm surprised the man begs. "Please, Frey!"

"Why!?" Frey screams, "You never stopped! No matter how much I begged or cried you never stopped, why should I?!" His voice sounds both broken and demented, as if there's two souls in his body. "I'm going to f*****g kill you! Slowly and f*****g painfully!"

"Frey! Please!"

"No! You took everything from me! My name, my life, my body, my soul, my being! You took everything! I have nothing left! Why shouldn't I f*****g kill you! You killed every part of me!  I have nothing! Nothing to give to anyone! I'm nothing!"

The body stops moving, but Frey keeps bashing him with the pipe until his face is a gory, deformed mess of blood and tissue. He doesn't stop, he just keeps hitting him over and over. All that rage, that pain and sorrow he held coming out at once.

"Frey..." I say carefully, pulling my shorts up. "Frey, it's done... He's dead.."

He doesn't even appear to hear me.  He's going to hurt himself doing this with all the injuries he has.

"Frey, he's gone... He can't hurt you anymore. He's dead..." I force myself to stand, ignoring the pain in my body and the warm feeling of blood between my legs.  "It's over, Frey... He can't hurt you again..."

I reach out, touching his bruised shoulder gently.  I let my hand fall to my side when he shakes it off.  I watch him stand there for a few moments, just looking at the bloody and dismembered corpse before he drops to his knees and just breaks down sobbing.

I stare in surprise for a few moments, just listening to the heart wrenching tortured cries as he shakes on the floor.  He doesn't care I'm there, he doesn't care I'm seeing him like this.  He just lets it out like a dam just broke.  It hurts to hear him cry like that... Someone who appeared to have no emotions at all should not have such heartbreaking sobs.

I get down beside him, "It's okay now..." I whisper, reaching my hand out to try to comfort him again. This time, he throws himself into me, sobbing on my shoulder uncontrollably.  All I can do is rub his back, whispering words of comfort into his ear.

© 2016 Sinbulvinter

Author's Note

Yay! Frey's free now and killed that bastard! Whoohoo! Took him long enough...

Frey: *stabs me in the eye*
Me: Fuck, Frey. It was just some lighthearted joking
Frey: Not the place or the time... DX

Anyway, the torture parts are over for now and Rema will take care of him now, but he'll go through some drastic character changes (of course, the guy did just get tortured, raped, and nearly had the one person he cares about killed in front of him). But his trauma triggered changes might make him open up to Rema a bit more.

Read and review if you like. If this is the only chapter you've read, go back and read the others or this won't make sense.

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Added on October 21, 2016
Last Updated on October 21, 2016



Ephrata, PA

Sinbulvinter: Name is based off of the Norse Mythological Event known as Fimbulvetr (Fimbulvinter, Fimbulwinter.) It means "The Great Winter." It is the immediate prelude to the events of Ragnarö.. more..
