![]() Leeds 1997A Chapter by J.M.Blife. Howard Marks posters advertising free space-cakes for his latest book launch were bandied about the city. haughty shoppers colonised the arcades, alleys, streets, and stores, bouncing hurriedly into different types of book entirely. trolley-dollies pushed past us with chairs and screaming kids strapped inside, begging for Mamma’s t***y, but getting only plastic. the fuzz mulched around on their beats in twos hardly bothered by Mr Marks, Mr Nice. we scored some skunk from a dreadlocked Rasta standing in a stone doorway near the Arches selling pipes, and skins, and bongs, just in from he said blethering in a Jamaican Creole drawl, and standing with a carnal grin i could hardly understand him. good s**t mon! i got that, handed him the dosh, three Charles Darwin’s, and stepped away to find a bus back to Wakey, quickly. i was planning another sesh in my mind for later with my mate . . . we'll meet up with the brown-eyed beatniks, the blue-eyed punks and the freakish freaks and the f*g i rented the flat with, we’ll listen to Shadow’s mix, talk some s**t, blu-tac Egyptian hieroglyphs to the wall, plot a revolutionary anarcho- coup, laugh at the impracticalities of it all - and afterwards i’ll ride the EasyJet between her flabby thighs a bit pasted, and pissed when she comes around, after she finishes school. © 2012 J.M.B |
1 Review Added on March 18, 2012 Last Updated on April 20, 2012 Author