![]() This DreamA Chapter by J.M.Bmake no mistake my cherished one while the world turns on its axis and men and women run on their scripted programs of thou shalts and thou shalt nots, as termite machines eat through rotting wood - with self-indulgence and greed, a bit of sadism too, yeah? we’ll be sitting naked in a bamboo garden somewhere far away, by the sea, with butterflies and bronze statues of Buddha and stuff, all serene and supremo cool, where thoughts cannot be diseases ‘cause that’s not what diseases are, and it’s just me and you baby as the sun rises in the morn and i kiss your pale unpainted lips, trace a finger across your apple-sized breasts, squeeze your arse babe, getting all nice, and romantic like and i’ll remind you of this dream
© 2012 J.M.B |
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Added on January 3, 2012Last Updated on March 23, 2012 Author