The Certain Ones: You're not Forsaken. You're Chosen for Purpose.

The Certain Ones: You're not Forsaken. You're Chosen for Purpose.

A Chapter by Vanessa Richardson

Why do certain ones suffer more than other people do? That is the question she wanted answered. The path of life is not just a journey but also an assigned one she discovered as she witness the journey of the lives of others. No longer a peripheral by




                                   Prologue: ~The Calling~


The Certain Ones: You're not Forsaken. You're Chosen for Purpose.She was dressed in pristine, white garb. Its' radiance was amazing to her. For never had she seen such brilliance. Pondering this thought, she became aware that she had not consciously chosen her attire. Why was she adorned so? She began to mentally analyze the biblical significance of white. She would never have chosen that color for herself. Ever! 

Recalling her many faults, her angst grew stronger. Obscurity was her place of comfort. As a child, she had always wanted to own a pet. Not typical pets like a cat, dog, or gold fish, such as other young people her age craved. No, she was exotic in her choice of pets. She wanted a chameleon. The chameleon is a master of disguise and change colors to blend in with its environment. She became enthralled with the chameleon from a book she read once, and became intrigued with the amphibian, since then.
White? She could never blend in. It was too difficult a task to achieve. There would be no hiding. Who had chosen this transparent color for her? She did not want it! Realizing she was getting nowhere with her ruminations, she resigned herself to the fact, that she would have to wear, the chosen selection. She forced herself to walk.
It was then she felt apowerful pulling. The pull was too powerful to be ignored. She felt the compelling command to walk forward. It was not a matter of if she wanted to walk. No, she had to walk. It was a calling. She was being called. Upon walking, she became enlightened, that she was in what appeared to be a tunnel. Bewilderingly, as confining as the tunnel was, she was not afraid.
For years, she suffered from claustrophobia,small places absolutely,horrified her. However, in this new moment, she was not afraid,in this confined place. The tunnel stretched onward. Inhaling, she continued her sojourn. The walk was the loneliest, she had ever taken. She did not want to do this,she inwardly denied for the hundredth time!
If you had asked her choice in the matter, she would have chosen differently. Her favorite color is brown.She would have worn brown. If you had asked her, she would be serenely sipping, her favorite beverage of Raspberry lemonade. Easy living was her place of comfort. She, however, was not asked,  that was not to be her reality. The reality was she had been called. She had no choice; but to obey the summons. It was then that she felt a presence.
Warmth began to coarse through her. The feeling was overwhelming,making her want to cry and laugh at the same time. Why was she being called? He had to know that narrow places frightened her. He had to know that brown, not white was her choice of color. He had to know all of this!
Walking the narrowed path for what felt like hours, an ending was finally in sight. She paused in front of a door. It was a burnished gold in color, it was beatific to look upon. She could see her reflection in it. She hesitated. Logic dictated for her to turn the door's handle.
Yet, somehow she sensed, that logic had no place here, faith was the key. Sensing,too, that what was about to take place far exceeded anything of the normal capacity; she turned the door's handle, vowing to deal with whatever was behind the door. And she would deal with it she avowed to herself.She felt strongly there would be no going back for her. 
The bright light pierced her eyes, causing them to water. Moments passed,as her eyes acclimated to the brilliance of the light.She noticed there were six people standing in a line. Taking position at the end ofthe line she aware that she was the seventh person. The line's formation was now completed. The inward revelation caused her to shiver.  
    No one, on the line, acknowledged her presence. Their mien was one of determination. They were focused on what was ahead them. She felt the warming presence again. The warmth. The love. The encouragement. She was not alone. Expelling a shaky breath, she now felt ready.
She heard a faint, yet powerful voice state"Many are called but few are chosen. And you a have been chosen." Fear paralyzed her. These certain ones where chosen and she was one of them! What occurred next was all a blur to her. All she remembered thinking.  I did not volunteer to be amongst these certain ones.


© 2008 Vanessa Richardson

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its both exciting and strange she said she did not volunteer,to be amongst these ones,she was one of few called ,one of few chosen,i am a bit lost here but this is a prologue lets see what follows,interesting

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 28, 2008


Vanessa Richardson
Vanessa Richardson


Vanessa Richardson is an author, poet, and playwright. Vanessa has written several stage productions and has been blessed to perform them at various venues. Her stage production includes Mama Rainey,.. more..
