A Million Golden Cages
A Book by Lemunculus
This book is actually kind of a short story, I've just gotten started on it and keep in mind that this is Skyrim fanfiction so some of the references in it will not be my own. 
© 2013 Lemunculus
Added on March 9, 2013
Last Updated on March 9, 2013
Tags: Skyrim, fanfiction, khajiit, imperial, neoncookie97, Leah, Nord, reference, a million golden cages, short, story, fiction, dark, elf, high, wood elf, falmer, orc, alduin
LemunculusAlpine, AZ
I've wanted to write since forever I guess, but I really realized that when I was maybe eleven. I'm fifteen now and it takes a lot for me to get myself writing now, so whenever I start I try to keep g.. more..