![]() 33.A Story by Desert RoseA number that i’m seeing almost everywhere i go for the past few months & up until now, for some reasons i can’t quite understand just yet, it also happens to be how old i am as of yesterday, June 9th, so, just for kicks & as a thank you for all the birthday wishes & without further ado, here are 33 certainties in life, from my own (shocking) perspective, in the form of a list Buzzfeed article for you tl;dr..ers out there: 1- Everything happens for a Reason. 2- Our problems as a species are neither Political, nor Economical, they're (primordially) Social. 3- Egotism, not Cancer, is humanity's worst disease. (& we’re all sick…myself included) 4- Belief/Religion (or Lack thereof) is not the Problem, Organized Belief is. we’re all Spiritual one way or another. 5- “If you let People's perception of you, dictate your Behaviour, then you will NEVER grow as a Person” (Mr. Feeny); In other words, People will Judge you & people will give their opinion of you whether you like it or not, all you have to tell yourself is that Opinions are like a******s & that everybody has one. 6- Humans are indeed capable of Real & Unconditional Love, given that they stop running from it &/or take it for granted. 7- Family Love is free & abundant..& no, you don't have to be Blood to be Family. 8- We need to hear less of the word "Tolerance" & more of the word "Embrace" 9- it is only when you're exposed to (deliberately or not) & when you experience the true filth of this world & its inhabitants that you can appreciate its beauty. (& Boy Riyadh was filthy..) 10- There’s no greater power than the Power of Pain. The one that sits in between & transcends both Good & Evil. 11- It is OK, & completely acceptable, to cry, once in a while. 12- Music is our 5th Element. 13- Work is a Double-Edged sword, it can (..& will) unleash you &/or kill you. 14- Perfection? ..Boring!...the Road to Perfection however..... 15- Becoming the first to/at something suddenly seems ridiculous when you can be the best at anything you put your mind into. 16- Life becomes much easier when you start referring to a critical situation as "Party”. 17- Every great thing does not come as easy. 18- Ismists are too focused on labelling everything to appreciate anything; Ismism being the Condition which stems from the attribution of an"-ism" to every concept. 19- Being rich is something, being classy is something else. you may be rich in person, but poor in class…humph… 20- People don’t change…they become more of what they actually are. 21- It’s hard being both a Romantic & a Misanthrope. 22- We spend more time talking & thinking than we do feeling. 23- We should probably apply half of the quotes we’re sharing on Facebook in our daily lives, 24- Fact we should all get off of Facebook & disconnect a bit more often. 25- Opposites attract..but not for long…Complementaries attract for lifetimes ahead. 26- I back up any oppressed against their oppressor, Regardless of race, sex, ethnicity, ideology, creed or religion; So if you happen to be a friendly & you notice that i'm antagonizing you, don't be surprised. 27- It is important that you do not kill that child in you. 28- You CANNOT escape Karma..YOU! CANNOT! ESCAPE! KARMA! (ask Joan Rivers.) 29- Live & Let Live....& in very very..very rare cases...Live & Let Die. 30- i will be changing my profile pic sometime between this year & the next one..promise. (-_-) 31- Navel Piercings & Ankle bracelets turn me on. 32- All i can do is be me, whoever that is. (Bob Dylan) 33- I share a birthday with Johnny Depp, Natalie Portman, Les Paul & Michael J. Fox. (^^)v thanks again everyone. --Neo © 2016 Desert RoseAuthor's Note
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