This hot honey on my grave makes death feel so sweet, to the point I notice my blood sugar spiking and cavities forming on my teeth, yes it’s that deep. Along with the honey being sweet, it also brings the heat; so hot that it burns my grave but also melts all my pain away. In this grave I’m being buried in the ground, when it’s all said and done my soul may never be found; a voice that’s mute but somehow manages to be loud along with all my thoughts that have been lost in the clouds. In this coffin it’s just me and everything that I’ve sought in and now the coughing gets louder and louder as I’m gasping for air; but eventually stop fighting because it’s taking away my despair. Who would have thought that honey wasn’t just sweet, but also hot because it makes everything stop. I can skip steps like hop-scotch because the honey on this grave will bring me to the top.