![]() then god is seven.A Poem by Sam PageBingey, bingey, your contingency to allude to the situation of the suffocation in the altercation allows my disinterest to wither time, and your petulant pestilent persistence smells of rotting fruit, and, dear, the situation of the sack, the sheet of blood and flowers, coats me with a semblance, a resemblance, a veneer which you have applied piously these past three years. Yet time, oh just pass please go on, if it’s less I’ll be happy, I swear, just one less. I assure you, darling, watch that you do not waneth unto the moon. By the time the stains started to reek I finally will be able to get out of the slackened rope which held the mighty and wise four inches above the floor. But we are sure that this is the life we want to live. As of late, now, if you'll excuse me, I must use the loo. This set up for the rented out space in the shadows allows my ennui to provide my veins with languor and indolence as I set my controls and allow my knots and fabricated aches to wilt wayward towards your generic organic unforeseen event, the situation of the damned. My pockets empty, the shop is shut, the powder is crushed and lined up, for you! With bedazzled pupils encompassing spastic neon, I made time to see the likes of thee, and oh! The smell, the smell! Why? I never had any luck with those dim back-lit brown pools, nor with the tourniquets the spoons the blades nor the pills, their resemblance was snappish and virulent. Let me, let you get me, just once more, in the solar plexus, and we can fly to the moon and whatever's there, I’ll throw it right back down to you. We’ll dance amongst the stars. I promise to lie to you forever, and ever, as you wish. Don’t you? We found a place on the wire. You are my arm, yet all I see is the shampoo bottle and the thick smell and the digits, subtract daily and burden. Trapped under a mat of hair grass, lessen the dull shatter of the throbbing behind my eyes, since I could still leave with a liking for the putrescence in your eyes. I flee to my own ignorant inconvenience, and I sit and construct our pendulum. This life’s modes swing and I sing, you cannot encompass my spectrum! I’ll rise above or squirm under, if only to feel you, your pressing weight, no weight. I lay down my head to rest, and I can’t help but wonder why I always wonder. As your bones slice down, in a grinding turn of the cog, why will you not allow yourself to slide into the rotting coagulation? The putrefaction is nearing completion, my dearest friend. And the rope is fraying along with my skin. Does the concrete not support you better than I? © 2010 Sam PageAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() Sam PageMentor, OHAbout17, girl. sometimes things are prettier smashed broken ripped and twisted. the world looks better withoutthespacesinbetween. I am a perfect mess of contradictions, and I'm [usually] alright wit.. more..Writing