A study of Russian literature in relation to society, history and philosophy - On the origins of the Russian Revolution, 1855-1917
A Book by Lukas
This is a monumental (32 pages) essay I wrote for my grade 11 English class. The title pretty much explains it: I read 'Notes from Underground' by Dostoevsky and 'Fathers and Sons' by Turgenev, and examined them in the context of the Russian Revolution. 
© 2008 Lukas
Author's Note
Keep in mind the format might not be so good, considering it was originally written on word and segmented properly. Sorry =)
Added on June 29, 2008
Last Updated on June 29, 2008
LukasSaint-Lazare-de-Vaudreuil, Québec, Canada, Canada
Yes, for those who have found this through facebook, I don't use my real name on this space. Try not to be too suprised =)
I am simply someone who enjoys literature and writing, and even though I am m.. more..