Chapter 1: The Day Gets Worse For Ray...and me.

Chapter 1: The Day Gets Worse For Ray...and me.

A Chapter by My Writing Obsession

Chapter 1 The Day Gets Worse for Ray…and me.




Good Life: Happy 24/7 Never sad(obviously) Good friends, good people, great personality

Bad life: Loner, doesn’t talk to anyone. Bad personality, gothhhhhhhhhh. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm emo, uhhhhh ~~~~~~~~la la la la la la la la la !!!!!! ``````


I scribbled it down in my notebook because “Mrs. Tardbar” decided that we needed to write about something to do with a Good Life and a Bad Life, then we need to make it into a report or a short story.

Yeah, because that’s what every 9th grader wants to do, write about it, how their life sucks and such. I would be annoyed if I were a loner and writing about myself, just saying. I know that’s mean.

“Tara, please pay attention and stop staring about the window.” Mrs. Tardbar said. I rolled my eyes and paid attention to the blank dry erase board.

“Now, this project is due after Christmas. It’s simple, just describe people with a good life, name off a few examples, and describe a bad life. No using names, either.” Tardbar eyed Kayla Simmons. She was on to make fun of people a lot. She considered herself “popular” even though she was a poser.

“What? I won’t, jeez.” Kayla mumbled.

The whole class laughed at her. She always said that, but ended up doing it anyway.

“I mean it Kayla, you’re going to fail English if you do.” Mrs. Tardbar said.

The bell finally rang and we all yelled excited. It was the final day and we’d have a week and a half off for Christmas.

A week and a half to write about Good and Bad, the perfect Christmas break story. Couldn’t it of been simple, like, What I got for Christmas, or, What I did for Christmas. But, Tardbar needs to make everything difficult and boring.

I felt something warm on my shoulder. It was my friend, Ray.

“Hi.” I laughed.

“Ready for break?” He questioned me.

I shook my head. “Kind of. I’m just afraid to see what I got from my Grandma. She doesn’t understand if I want money or little girl clothes.”

“Oh.” He said absentmindedly.

I laughed. “Wow, that was a great reply.” I said sternly.

He shrugged his shoulders. Wow, Ray never talks like this, he’s usually really really talkative. It’s creepy sometimes, but…whatever. I don’t feel much like talking anyway. I just want to go home lay down, and sleep.

I opened up my locker and opened my back pack and stuffed my Student Planner and my homework in. I quickly walked out the door without talking to Ray and went to the bus. He’d sit by me if he wanted to talk. The bus door opened, great I was the only one so far.

I walked to the way back and sat down.

“Tara you know the rules. Sit one seat up.” The driver said.

I grunted annoyed. Of course, today, still wasn’t going as planned.

“Thank you.” He muttered. I hated being the first person on the bus, he wouldn’t have noticed if I wasn’t.

Other kids began to walk into the bus, thank god for that. That bus driver reminds me of a stalker, he has creepy glasses and just the twinge in his face.

I saw Ray get on and he walked back by my seat and sat by me.

“Are you really going to talk to me this time, or are you just going to say random “oh’s” and “yeah’s?” I questioned him skeptically.

“Yeah.” He said.

I rolled my eyes. “Go move somewhere else then.” I said.

“I’m just kidding, Tara. Haha.” He laughed, actually looking at me this time.

“How come you weren’t talking before?” I asked, even though it didn’t matter.

“Jeez, will you just let it go? It doesn’t matter. God.” I widened my eyes at his wording, he sounded mean and grumpy.

“Shut up, Ray. Go sit somewhere else.” I sighed. We sounded like an old married couple and we weren’t even dating, not that I wanted to. I just liked him as a friend.

He literally punched the chair ahead of us and got up. What bit his cheeks? I tried to make myself look offended. He moved up all the way to the front. At least I was the first stop…but so was he. Ray’s my neighbor, ever since he moved here.

The bus finally starts up and our principal walks in.

“You can go.” He says and smiles at everyone on the bus. We don’t even really acknowledge Principal Claiborne. He’s not worth acknowledging because of the fact that he busts you for the most random things. You chew gum in school, detention. You’re holding hands with your boyfriend, detention. You don’t say thank you, detention…okay well, maybe that one was an exaggeration. That’s what it feels like though.

“I said good bye, kids!” I didn’t even hear him say that. I don’t say anything back to Principal Claiborne. I suppose if he noticed that though, I’d be in detention when I get back from break. Ahh…break, I can’t wait for it, we’re going to the Wisconsin Dells, I love that place. It’s so fun, especially the Kalahari. We don’t do fun things much, it’s kind of a good experience when we do, mom’s happy and so is dad.

I feel the bus drive off, my eyes are closed for some reason, I’m tired I guess.

Almost immediately, the bus comes to a stop. I was surprised, everything was going quick and wrong today.

I grabbed my bag and got off the seat.

“Bye, Tara. Have a good break.” My friend, Spitzer(nickname of course) says to me.

I smile at him and walk off the bus. Ray’s already across the street. Head hanging low.  I suppose I’d just let him blow off steam with whatever he’s going through.

I take the keys out of my backpack and unlocked the door.

“Hey. I’m home.” I yelled loud enough for the whole house to hear.

There’s no answer. I open the door back up and look to see mom’s car is still here.

“Moooooommmmmmm?” I yell up the stairs as I start walking up them.

Wow, mom really is deaf. She never answers me, maybe she’s listening to her iPod, what a crazy thought, but it’s true. She’s probably listening to her crappy Culture Club or Duran Duran.

I walk into her room and sure enough, she’s napping and listening to her iPod. The house wasn’t clean at all, so my best guess is she’s been lounging around all day.

I’m pretty tired myself; I have a week and a half of staying up late and walking up late. Plus, Christmas, we get more presents than just the Kalahari, it’s expensive too, so I’m surprised mom’s not calling us greedy, because getting all of that is pretty greedy.

The door bell rings, and I walk down the stairs. I don’t see anyone at the door through the glass, but I open it up anyway.

It’s Ray.

“Hi.” I mumble softly.

He grunts and nods his head. I suppose that’s his hi.

“What do you want?” I ask grumpily. He rolls his eyes and sighs.

“Ray, seriously, now. You haven’t been acting right at all today. Honestly…what’s wrong?” I question him.

He walks into the house without my telling him to. That’s a little rude but…whatever. Ray goes into the living room and plops down on the couch and puts his hand on his forehead. I roll my eyes now. He’s being way over-dramatic.

“Just tell me what’s wrong, ding-wad.” I said.

“I’ll tell you, just…just give me a minute, okay?” He begged. That’s the most he’s ever said to me today.

“Well okayyyy, you asked for it though.” I sit there and stare at him trying to make him laugh. But he doesn’t, he takes one look at me then looks away. He was about to speak, then he closed his mouth again.

“My dad’s…going to trial.” He spoke softly.

I cringed my eyebrows. “Really? Why!” I exclaimed, sounding a little too…charismatic.

He closed his eyes. “Murder. Of his boss.” Ray was so broken up, he didn’t even use complete sentences. “And a bunch of other people. Like…like his colleagues and people like that.” Ray said.

Ray’s dad was always the nicest guy, I guess eyes can be deceiving along with first instinct.

“Why’d he kill them?” I asked Ray, who was looking away from me.

“I don’t know. He doesn’t know either…that or he’s just not telling. He’s in custody right now. He has been for a week. Why do you think I’ve been so glum lately.” It wasn’t a question, he said it full-on straight forward.

“I…I don’t know. I thought it was just your boy hormones or something pathetic like that.” I said honestly.

He smiled at me in the weirdest way. “No…no boy hormones. Just a father who doesn’t know how to keep his anger inside.” Ray sighed. “You know, Tara…he beat me up a lot. Remember the time I got a cast on my arm?”

I did remember. It was in 6th grade, Ray was late for class, he walked in and there was a full cast on his right arm. He said it was a baseball accident. I asked some of his friends who usually play baseball with Ray, and they didn’t say anything. I was suspicious at first, but I decided to let it go, because I knew, just knew I wouldn’t get anywhere.

“Are you going to tell them that in court?” I asked coolly.

He shook his head. “No, I can’t.”

“You have to. When they put you up on the stand, they’re going to ask you to be honest, you know, do you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you god.” I quoted.

He shrugged his shoulders. “No, I’m not going to turn on him like that.”

“You have too. They have people who are honest readers’, you know. Ray, c’mon. You have to tell them the truth, prison might be good for your dad.” I said, regretting it.

He didn’t even acknowledge what I said. “Maybe they won’t even call me to the stand.” He said.

I laughed, even though it wasn’t a time for laughing. “Of course they will! They’re going to be doing back round checks on him from his close family.” He shook his head in disbelief.

“You’re not helping. And you’re not going to the trial, so you won’t give a crap.” He forbade.

“Why can’t I go? I’ve known your dad forever. Since Kindergarten.” I pleaded.

“Because I don’t want you to go. You’d mess up the whole thing with your big mouth.” He said angrily.

I walked away, hurt from what he said. I began to walk up the stairs and yelled. “Get out of my house.”

Maybe that was a little too dramatic; he needs a friend right now, even though his dad abuses him.

I hear the door open quickly then slam. I sigh silently. Poor kid.

Before I go into my room, I check on my mom. She’s up with her light on, reading her stupid Dean Koontz book, which looks totally uninteresting.

When she sees me, she takes off her headphones.

“Hey honey. When did you get home?” I look at her clock, it’s only 3:43.

“Like…40 minutes ago.” I say.

“Oh? How was school today?” She questions.

I don’t know if I should tell her about Ray’s dad, mom liked him an okay amount, but she’s over-protective. So, if she found out, she’d want to know why he wasn’t arrested earlier, and other things that are impossible. Then it’d wreck my relationship with Ray Danaway’s family. His sister and mom and him. Ray’s dad just going to trial made me lose relations.

“It was okay. We have a stupid assignment to do for English.” I roll my eyes about Tardbar.

“Oh yeah? What do you have to do?” Mom’s not even paying attention to me anymore. She’s still reading her book.

“It’s nothing. Whatever.” I spin around on my heel and walk out of her room and into mine. The first thing I see is my Avenged Sevenfold poster. Ahhh….I love you Matt Shadows. What can I say? I’m just a normal teenage girl with a normal teenage crush…but on a celebrity.

I grab my book, Evermore, the best book I’ve ever read so far. I open up the book and notice I’m still only on page 67. Wow, am I a really slow reader. I notice that my pocket is vibrating. I push view and read it.

U dint need to b mean 2 me Tara I need a friend rite now my dad going to jail is a pretty bad thing don’t u thnk?

I roll my eyes(Yes, I do that a lot) at what he wrote. Self-pityer. I just chuck my phone on my bed and sit on my love-chair.

I start to read one word, You….mean…, then I trail off, my eyes are so heavy all of the sudden.

I can’t keep them open anymore, so I just close them and fall asleep, QUICKLY.



“Tara!” Someone’s yelling in my dream. He’s running through a meadow, smiling through every step, I don’t know who he is. He’s unnamed. He smiles a big grin and runs up to me and kisses me on my lips. It’s a quick peck and I look at him for a while. “Tara!” someone screams again. The guy who kissed me looked all around. “Tara!” so it wasn’t him screaming my name, it was someone else. “Tara!!!!” it gets louder like a baby’s whine. “Tara!” I cover my ears. “Tara…I have found you, you can join me now and forever. You will gain everything you desire, including ownership and riches. You can rule the world with me, forever and again, I have lost you once, and don’t want to lose you again. It has brought me far too much grief. Now you are here, reincarnated. My love, oh my love, we can be together again.” The echoed voice whispered. The man whom I kissed screams in horror. “NO! Tara, do not fall into the man’s arms again! You do not belong. You belong here. To--” “Tara!” A voice screams again, only it’s not the creepy dude. It’s…out of my dream.

I open my eyes. What a scary dream, REALLY.

It’s Ray, standing over me.

I glance at my clock. 7:56. Omigod. Wow, long nap.

“What do you want?” I ask rudely.

“My dad escaped.” He said dryly.

“What do you mean, your dad escaped?” I questioned.

“He escaped, from custody. They just notified my mom, she’s terrified that he’s going to come after us, so we’re leaving right now. Running away from this town.” He said flat.

I frowned.

“What? You’re…you’re leaving?” I stuttered.

He nodded his head and shoved his hands in his pockets.

“Yes, we are leaving. We’re running away. We have to stay safe. I just wanted to try something before…before we left. Here it goes.” He takes a huge breath and closes his eyes, I do too. The next thing I know, his lips are meeting mine, C’mon, Ray, barbecue sauce, really? He kisses me deeply for what seems for an hour.

The next thing I know, the door is opened. I see my dad standing in the doorway.

“What on Earth is going on in here?!” he yells.

I take my lips away from Ray’s.

“Um, nothing, Mr. Arrance, I got...uh…dishes to do, I’ll…uh, see you around Tara.” Ray spoke softly and quickly ran out of my room.

“Like heck you’ll see that boy again!” my dad shouted.

I frowned at my dad. “Dad…don’t know you know about Ray’s dad?” I questioned.

“Yes, I’m well aware that his dad is in jail. But what does that have to do with anything?” He demands.

I sigh. “Dad, Mr. Danaway isn’t in jail. He escaped. Ray and his family are moving away from here because his mom is terrified of the man now. Ray was say his goodbye to me, so you ruined it. It was my last chance to see him.” I said flatly.

Dad’s expression is blank. “I’m sorry Tara. But if you were a parent and in my position, you would understand seeing your daughter kissing a boy was a “big deal”” he sounded like a chick when he said that.

Tears streamed down my face. “Dad, I’m really going to miss him.” I said as I hugged him.

He brushed my hair like I was 5 again.  “Dinner’s on the table if you want it. Look on the bright side hon, Ray will be safe away from his dad now. You might not be able to keep in touch with him, but he just being safe is good. Look at it that way. And we’re leaving tomorrow for the Dells tomorrow, so I think you’ll be good.” I don’t think dad saw the big picture here, I was losing my best friend.

“I’m not hungry.” I mumbled.

Dad shrugged his shoulders. “It’s in the fridge then if you want it.” He said and walked out of my room.

My pocket vibrated immediately afterwards.

Hi. Thanks for that. I’m sorry we’re leaving you. I WILL find you someday, and you know I will. Please don’t be offended, but I can’t text you anymore, dad could be tracking my cellphone. Thank you, friend.

He didn’t even use text talk. Just full on sentences, I sat on my bed. Stupid headache.

You’re welcome, Ray Danaway. Please find me when you are on your own. I will miss you deeply. I will remember every day we had, ever since I’ve first known you. Please be safe. Keep safe.<3

Within a matter of seconds my phone vibrates.


That’s it?! Just a stupid smiley face?! That’s all I get even though I’m never seeing him again? The phone vibrates again.

Trust me, Tara Arrance, I will be okay. Don’t worry.

Better than what it was.

© 2011 My Writing Obsession

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1 Review
Added on January 2, 2011
Last Updated on January 2, 2011


My Writing Obsession
My Writing Obsession

Twin Lakes, WI

I write poetry and half of short stories. I usually go through writer's block. Enjoy reading what I put up, and I'll leave the rest to you for finishing. xx more..
