Shadows of a Leukrokottas
A Book by Navara-Desen
It was them who made me what I am, it was them who I was running from, and it will be them who I will hunt after (teen to be safe) (collection of short stories though it is close to being a story) 
© 2013 Navara-Desen
Author's Note
This short little story i am unsure of where it came from. I hope that it isn't that cliche or bad, but please let me know what you think. At this point i am trying to make it as story though i dont have a good plot. At the moment a collection of short stories of a girl running away. Thanks for reading.
Added on March 6, 2013
Last Updated on March 6, 2013
Tags: leukrokottas, demon, girl, not, human, running, shadows, government, experiment, hunted, chased, of, a, about, mythical, creature, night, forest, escape, short, story, jumping, death, dogs, officals, river, travel
Hi! My name is Erica, though writing wise i love using the name Navara-Desen. So you can call me either Erica or Navara i really don't mind either. Now a little about me? hmm...where shall i begin.
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