It snowed for about 12 hours straight, and now there's about three feet of snow on the ground, and it's a state of emergency, but it's a gorgeous state of emergency.
there's a sea, a great white sea, such a great sea, a sparkling, glimmering sea. so much has fallen, so many angels have fallen, it feels like the sky has fallen, it looks like the clouds have fallen. good grief, there's so much white, never before have I seen such white, it's like no other white, it's such a beautiful white. there's so many mountains, such big, big mountains, great, mountainous mountains, narrow valleys beside the mountains. the clouds still overcast, and the sun's not overcast, and the ground's overcast, and their plans are overcast. there's very little heat, some people have no heat, it's hard to find, this heat, but I'm warm, snug in some heat. the roads are cut off, most contact is cut off, but the weather isn't cut off, the ever-streamed news isn't cut off. they're stuck inside, there's nothing inside, they look outside, it's everywhere outside. but it's so pretty, just so very pretty, not even greenery is this pretty, not even the brightest star is this pretty. in short, there's so much snow, so, so much snow, it engulfs their knees, this snow, but I love this...this wonderful, horrible snow.
Very descritive and very fitting for this time of year. I love the last line....Horrid snow. Your writing has captured how many of us feel about snow. We love it, we hate it. We love it, we hate it! You utilize descriptive phrases that help the reader visualize what you are describing and makes you feel like you are in that situation!
Very descritive and very fitting for this time of year. I love the last line....Horrid snow. Your writing has captured how many of us feel about snow. We love it, we hate it. We love it, we hate it! You utilize descriptive phrases that help the reader visualize what you are describing and makes you feel like you are in that situation!
Lovely piece! I like how you used a lot of repetitive, it gives the poem a kind of playful personality while the whole imagine the poem creates is very beautiful. I love snow, and this pretty much sums up the reasons why :3 Great write!
i love how the snow looks, but i don't love how it feels. trust me, i would know. my dad pushed me into a 6 foot snow bank. nice isn't he? lol
I like the poem, though I can just imagine it. and remember y I don't live in Missouri anymore. lol
This is archive for the poetry I've written, spanning back from when I first started writing in 2007. I mostly write fiction now and don't post it on here. Enjoy if you'd like.
I'm Deepshikha. .. more..