Dreamscape Journal

Dreamscape Journal

A Story by Natasha Ashway

Book Writing.




September 26, 2011





Scenes from my fantasy story are even more vibrant than before -


Just now I saw the Lord Baen with his red sands deciphering the fate of the High Queen and her twin daughters.

What does this mean?


That a tale can be so crisp and boundlessly alive, thriving inside my mind and consciousness. It's such a promise, such a tease, actually, these flashing mirrors that slice through my reality, hinting strongly, nay compelling, the decision to dive completely into them and reemerge with a promised 'gloriousness'.


How do I impart these visions? With words, sketches, poetry, songs? Each character; every expression on their face, every thought and action...


How their surroundings, their clothing, pour out from the motions of their own thoughts within.

In my mind the story is moving constantly, it is rolling art, a sequence of paintings drawn by the characters themselves, murals etched on the fluid wall of my thoughts.


My mind is now like a museum hall filled with this fantasy book's paraphernalia - Princess Kadja's outfits and weaponry, artifacts from Ae'Anisia and the Vaene Citadel, a ring of statues depicting the Isles of Ornea, maps of the Southern and Western Worlds, a Quesian library, murals with the winged and fatastical creatures of the South; an endless visual banquet for readers to feast upon, myself filled to bursting!


I am left with the wild desire that this book manifests as elaborately on the outside as it plagues me within. But yet it is a huge, huge diadem of a vision!


Most fantasy authors contain these things between the pages of their books; these spacious universes, [crazy people] yet I wonder, and think it very likely, that their minds hold the bulk of these gigantic theme park palaces of thought they so skillfully, intricately replicate into the singular weave of dreams their books become. It is magic! Fantasy writers are magicians! All writers are magicians.


And, obviously, crazy people. 


Their heads are definitely filled with fantasies, mine most certainly, because now I have the strong desire to create these vibrant galleries any way I can, even beyond the pages of my book. I'm thinking a building, halls - I think I need actual rooms to spread this out on, outrageously.


I really must find physical spaces to pull out and place the sights and sounds of this inner reality now. It raises the tip of its head from the depths of my consciousness time and time again, like a loch ness monster I must take pictures of for some sort of onus of proof, almost, like it is my 'duty' now, to prove that these aspects of reality exist, like it is a prime life purpose.


Is it?


 photo great-scenic-oil-painting-fantasy-castle.jpg

© 2013 Natasha Ashway

Author's Note

Natasha Ashway
I'm rattling on about writing my book, an on and off but constant project that goes on. Time and experience continue to evolve everything I'm working on, thinking about, life changes et al, but the basic objective stays the same - write the bloody books!
So I wrote this on a random piece of paper, heard entertainment news about J.K. Rowling's new web space project for Harry Potter, and thought, ok, these mind museums are real. Heck, she created MOVIES and endless franchise, actually. Museum, you say? Pip-squeak :)
So much is evolving in the arts. Yesterday I was reading a Bjork interview in Vogue about songwriting with an iPad, something that obviously further inspired making an app for the new album. Cool. Amazing places this world is taking us. Well, hey, I'm saddled up :)
Cheers to exploring the possibilities. Cheers to staying inspired.
One Project Book Artifacts Space coming up.

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Added on September 29, 2011
Last Updated on February 14, 2013
Tags: dreamscape, journal, fantasy writing, museum


Natasha Ashway
Natasha Ashway

Here & Now, Canada


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