![]() chapter 10A Chapter by carlaFirst period was really weird to say the least. Everyone had apparently heard what I had done yesterday and now rumors were going around like wild fire. I walked in to class and for the first time in forever I was the center of attention. Great now I was going to be bombarded with questions about what is true or not. Oh well at least I won’t be bothered by the thought of Scott coming after me since now he was in jail and couldn’t touch me. “You have become a celebrity in less than 24 hours.” Jane said as she took the seat next to me. I smiled at the thought of Trish’s face when she saw that Jane had taken her seat. “It’s the magic of high school. News spreads quicker than HIV here, though I think that is the second fastest spreading.” Jane laughed and propped her knees against the table and began to text. She was tilting her chair back a bit and that suddenly gave me an idea. I smiled mischievously and turned slightly in my chair so I could stick my foot under her chair. With one quick motion I kicked the chair causing Jane to nearly tip over. She quickly grabbed the edge of the table and stopped herself from falling. I smiled as my day became suddenly more fun. Just one thing I should have remembered is that there is such a thing as retaliation. “Payback is a bit"” was all the warning I had before Jane took the side of my chair and tilted it. I tried to grab onto something but luck was not on my side so I inevitably fell. The chair came with me so the sound of it hitting the ground brought every pair of eyes in my direction. Now not only was I the center of attention because of yesterday but because I have just fallen on my butt in front of everyone. “Miss Peston, are you alright?” the teacher asked as I got up with whatever dignity I had at the moment. “Yes I’m fine” without another word I sat down and waited for everyone to get back to what they had been doing before I had fallen. Once class was in full swing again, I leaned towards Jane. “You do know that this means war?” The challenge was plain and by the look in Jane’s eyes I was going to get a run for my money. It was weird how I was being so carefree right now. I guess it was because I knew that I could be myself at school. Wow, how strange is that? “Hey Adel” Crissy called me as I was about to leave class once the bell rang. She was one of the members of the ‘in’ crowd. “Yeah” I was betting my money that she wanted the ‘juicy’ details of what happened yesterday. “I heard that you accused Scott of killing the priest” For some reason it sounded like she was accusing me of being wrong. What was her problem? “I had to do what was right and since it was Scott who killed him, I wasn’t going to keep quiet. I’m not afraid of him.” For some reason I didn’t like her and she reminded me of Candice. They could have been related and I would have believed it. “No you are only afraid of your dear old daddy” My head instantly swerved to look her straight in the face and from the shock on her face I knew I was furious. “Never mention that to me again. Do you hear me?” I grabbed her arm and I knew I was over doing it but she had pushed a very delicate button. My family was a subject no one touched while around me. “Okay, okay, let go” she pleaded with a hint of fear in her voice. Instantly I let go of her and walked away, not wanting to lash out again. I bet soon she would tell the whole school I had beaten her or something. It was funny how rumors were more dangerous than the truth. Since I had left before even starting any class, I was behind in all my classes. It wouldn’t be so hard if these teachers didn’t go so fast. I was sitting in the back of my second period class room scribbling down my work. The bell had yet to ring so I had a couple of minutes to do the work I missed yesterday. Then the chair next to me was pulled out and someone sat down next to me. But why would someone sit next to me if there was a whole classroom full of empty seats? I looked up and saw who it was and I was silently shocked. “Hey” Mathew Andrews greeted me timidly as he pulled out some papers from his book bag. “Hello” it was really awkward to say the least. He seemed like he wanted to say something to me but couldn’t find the right words. I just shrugged and turned back to finish my work. Would the teacher give me more time? Then out of nowhere a piece of paper slid on top of mine. This was the work that I was frantically trying to complete and it had come from the direction of Mathew. Looking at him, I tossed the paper back to him and went back to doing my work. I didn’t need any help because then I would have to owe him for helping me. That was just how things work around here. “You won’t be able to finish in less than two minutes. Why don’t you just copy?” He held out the piece of paper for me to take and I just looked at it skeptically and then looked at the clock. He was right, I wouldn’t finish in time and I couldn’t afford to have a bad grade. So reluctantly I took it and began copying hoping he wouldn’t make the payment too embarrassing. “Thanks” I gave the work back just as the math teacher entered and began to write on the board. He was a bald ex-military officer so he knew how to keep control over his classroom and so we actually learned something. “Um…I heard about what happened yesterday” he whispered to me as I was taking notes and I knew he wasn’t going to be quiet until he got this off his chest. “So…?” I whispered back, prompting him to hurry and spill. He played with his pencil in a nervous manner and I wondered why. Maybe he was going to ask me if Scott had really killed Father Charles. “Look I know you are hanging out with Jane and you saw me the other day at the pharmacy…” he blurted out and I was having a hard time keeping up. “Hold on, shh, slow down and keep your voice down.” I looked over to the teacher who was still yapping away about mathematics. Then I turned back to Mathew and saw fear in his eyes as if I held his life in my hands. It finally dawned on me that he was scared that I would blab about seeing him with Scott and what he did. But I wouldn’t snitch; I wasn’t that kind of person. “Please don’t tell my family I was involved with Scott. I don’t need to cause them more trouble than they already have.” He sounded so defeated when he pleaded for me not to tell. © 2012 carla |
Added on March 5, 2012 Last Updated on March 5, 2012 Sands of Time (complete)
chapter 10
By carla
chapter 11
By carla
chapter 12
By carla
chapter 13
By carla
chapter 14
By carla
chapter 15
By carla
chapter 16
By carla
chapter 17
By carla
chapter 18
By carla
chapter 19
By carla
chapter 20
By carla
chapter 21
By carla
chapter 22
By carla
chapter 23
By carla
chapter 24
By carla
chapter 25
By carla
chapter 26
By carla
chapter 27
By carla
chapter 28
By carla
chapter 29
By carlaAuthor