chapter 9

chapter 9

A Chapter by carla

Jane shook me awake and I could tell that the car was stopped. Looking out the window, I saw we were at the gas station just down the road from Rai and Belle’s apartment.

“Hey I’m happy to take you home and all but I kind of need to know where I’m going” she was drinking something and without thinking I put my hand out for it. It was funny, to say the least, when she looked at me like I was crazy and turned so the drink was out of my reach. I laughed then, it was one of the first real laughs I had had in a while.

“We are right across the street. You see that apartment building?” I pointed to it and contemplated just telling her to leave me here and I would just walk over there.

“Alright then” she put her drink in the cup holder and pulled out of the parking lot. A mischievous smirk spread across my face as I slowly reached my hand out to take her drink “just because I’m driving doesn’t mean I can’t see you” her voice was sarcastic and it made me laugh but I still took the drink. I am the kind of person who loves food and drinks; anything that is edible I love but when I took a drink of that drink I gagged making Jane laugh out loud.

“Ew gross what is it?” I put it back as if it was a poisonous snake and it only made her laugh harder.

“Its tea” I looked at her as if she were an alien from another planet and then at the drink.

“How can you drink that?” I looked around for something to get the taste out of my mouth. If there was one thing I didn’t like, it was tea.

“Drama queen” she muttered under her breath and I glared at her and stuck out my tongue only making her laugh. I composed myself once she pulled into a parking space and I saw Rai waiting at the entrance. Good God she looked pissed as hell, but why? She couldn’t have found out what had happened could she?

“Thanks for the ride. I would give you money for gas but I left my wallet at the police station. If you can get your mom to pick it up, you can take how much you need from my wallet to cover it.” I got out and was enveloped in the arms of Belle, who began to fuss over me and found the bump on my head.

“Oh God what happened? Are you ok?” the exact questions I knew she would be asking. I sighed and turned to close Jane’s car door and noticed she was out of the car and talking to Rai. Damn it now what excuse would I give Rai? There was no excuse to give, I could tell by the look she shot me over Jane’s shoulder.

“Adel” I cringed at her tone and knew I was in for the scolding of my life. Sighing in resignation, I walked over to where Rai and Jane stood.

“Yeah, what is it Rai?” I was looking down as if I was a small child being reprimanded for eating a cookie without asking. Rai lifted my chin with her hand and made me look at her concerned filled eyes. In that moment I couldn’t help it and I threw myself into her arms and buried my face in her chest.

“It’s alright now pumpkin, it’s all over, I’m here” she was always here and that was the reason I lost control of my emotions around her. Rai and I had been through so much together that she knew if I was hurt without even having to see a bruise or cut.

“It’s my fault” I whispered what I had been feeling deep inside my heart since I found Father Charles dead this morning. Was it really just this morning?

“Come on let’s go in before someone comes by and thinks we are raping you or something” Rai said in a teasing tone which made me chuckle “you too girly” she told Jane as we walked towards the building.

“Now since girly here told me only her version of what happened you are going to have to tell me the rest.” Since I wasn’t having a break down Rai got down to business.

I sighed but told her everything from when I got the note and on. By the time I was done Belle had set out a snack tray and Rai was pacing trying to contain her anger at what Scott had done to me. Belle was acting as professional as always and asking little questions. She was studying to be a criminal investigator and this was really up her alley.

“I’m going to kill him once I get my hands on him” Rai clenched her fists and I could tell she needed time for Belle to calm her and think of what they could do for me. I got up and signaled for Jane to do the same as Belle walked over to Rai.

“Thanks again for all you did for me” I told her as I walked her to the door; it wasn’t being rude right? I mean she probably had more important things to do than hang with me, like work maybe. Damn it I had totally forgotten about work and so I smacked my forehead with my hand; Jane just raised a brow at me.

“Something wrong?” she was suppressing a smile, I could tell.

“I forgot all about work, Mr. Smith is not going to be happy about me being late” I said and she looked at me like I was crazy and then looked at her phone, checking the time probably.

“You are not going to work” Rai said coming up behind me and Jane who was nodding in agreement with Rai.

“Why not” I turned to her and held my head high to challenge her and like always she took the challenge head on.

“You have a concussion and you want to go to work? Oh and not just one short shift but two shifts that will probably keep you all night.”

I sighed and rubbed my hands over my face in frustration.

"I don't have any other choice Rai. How else am I supposed to support myself, mother andJjohn?" that was probably not the best thing to say to Rai right now with all that had happened.

"You are still thinking of supporting that son of a b-" belle took Rai's arm and looked at her sternly.

"Calm yourself Rai. Don’t take out your anger at her. She has done nothing" instantly Rai looked saddened and apologetically at me. I smiled and shook my head so she knew I wasn't mad.

"You can't go to work anyway" Jane spoke up and I was ready to argue with her but she handed me a piece a paper before I could.

"What's this?" it looked like a medical document and I was afraid of what it would say as I read it.

-the patient 'Adel p.' has sustained an injury to the head and as a result has a minor concussion. Therefore she is to remain under close observation and must not exert any unnecessary energy.-

Rai snatched it from me as I was done reading. As she read it a triumphant smile spread across her face. She passed the paper to Belle as she looked at me with her smile still plastered on her face.

"Well it looks like you aren't going anywhere pumpkin" she said with a smug tone and I stuck out my tongue at her and unconsciously took Jane by the hand.

"Come on I want to talk to you" without another word I pulled her to the guest room I would be staying in tonight. Once the door was closed I began to pace the length of the room. Suddenly, an idea popped into my head and I went to look out the window and stared down at the long way to the bottom. A small curse fell from my mouth as I paced back to the bed and flopped down on my back. Tiny tapping sounds filled the silence I looked to Jane who was texting away with a small smile playing on her lips.

“Who is the fortunate one at the receiving end of those messages?” I asked with humor in my voice. She looked up at me surprised as if just realizing I was there.

“Oh it is my girlfriend; she is staying with me for a while.” There was a hint of some wistfulness in her voice and it caught my curiosity.

“Have you two been together long?” I sat up and patted the space next to me because I really didn’t like being the only one sitting. She came to sit next to me and we began the longest talk of our lives. Though I didn’t reveal the torture I lived every day, I did tell her of our misfortune of falling from riches to rags. She was in a different situation than me because her parents came here willingly. Her father quit his job as an important successful doctor after not being able to help one of his patients. Now he had decided to start somewhere small and make a big difference to help his guilt.

By the time I checked the time, I was shocked to see it was 11:45.

“Wow time flies don’t it? Maybe you should stay the night since it’s so late and being out this time of night in this town really isn’t safe.” I knew firsthand how bad it could get out there.

“No its ok I’ll be fine and my parents don’t let me sleep out of the house really so I need to go.” I shrugged and walked with her to her car. We started an interesting game of 20 questions.

“Alright I guess I’ll see you at school tomorrow.” There was laughter in my voice and it surprised me.

The next day I got dropped off at school by Rai on her way to work. It was strange to not be walking and I think Rai liked the company. There weren’t many cars in the school parking lot when I got there. It felt weird to be here so early and I didn’t know what to do with my time. Someone honked their horn and I instinctively turned to see who it was. Jane was pulling into the parking lot and there was someone in the car with her; my guess was that that was her girlfriend.

I walked over to her car as she was parking and smiled. Jane stepped out of the car and walked over to the other side of the car as her girlfriend was getting out. I was struck speechless as I watched her get out of the car. Her short sun kissed hair framed her heart shaped face perfectly. Flawless peach colored skin covered her tall body as well as accenting her curves smoothly. Blue stunning eyes shone with a bright personality waiting for expression and to top it off she had a beautiful smile.

“Wow” I shook my head and scolded myself for staring. Jane’s girlfriend giggled and I looked up to see her holding out her hand.

“My name is Sara; it’s a pleasure to meet you” I took her hand and found that she had a stronger grip than would be expected from how fragile she looked.

“I’m Adel; it’s nice to meet you too” she went to stand next to Jane and I noticed that she only came up to Jane’s chin. Yet to me they were both huge or maybe I was just small.

“You enrolled here now?” I asked as I leaned against the trunk of Jane’s car.

“No, I’m just on vacation for a while” there was an underlying sadness in her voice but I didn’t want to ask about it. Some things were best left alone until the right time.

© 2012 carla

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Added on March 5, 2012
Last Updated on March 5, 2012




love to read and write and i also want to make new friends. more..

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