chapter 6

chapter 6

A Chapter by carla

It had been a tiring process when the police arrived at the church. I was taken aside and questioned over and over the same questions. They were suspicious as to why I had known something had happened to the Father and of course I told them about Scott. I was not about to let him go home free for this horrible crime and so I told them everything and even showed them the letter he had sent to me. Of course I hadn’t said who had delivered it to me; I wasn’t that stupid.

Then after all that I still needed to go to the police department. I was so tired I actually fell asleep in the back of a cop car. The only thing that was missing was for them to have put cuffs on me. Funny how you never believe that something might happen to you until it does.

“Wait here, someone will be in to talk to you in a minute.” The room I was put in was not like in the movies. It was more of a meeting room with water bottles in the center. While wondering what was going to happen next I take a water bottle and drink. Then I put the bottle down on the table and notice it is stained red, but why? That’s when I look down at my hands and see all the blood and it might be the stress or just real fear but whatever the reason I screamed. You would think a killed had come in and had tried to hurt me.

People suddenly came running in and looking for some sort of danger. A woman noticed me and why I was screaming and took my hands away from my line of vision and just held me. My screams turned into sobs and then into muffled whimpers. The people had left quietly a while ago and now I was alone with this woman. She was smoothing my hair and whispering that everything would be ok and that it was all over. But I knew better than that and things were not over for me, things would get worse from here on out.

“I’m fine now” I said as I slowly pulled back from her and tried to wipe my face. But she took my hands and began to wipe them with a napkin that had been at the center of the table as well. Though I always said I was strong, I had to look away. If the very idea of the Father’s blood on my hands was a horror than the actual site of it would probably send me into another fit.

“It’s not easy for such small children to see something so horrendous.” Her voice was gentle but strong and confident it gave me a sense of peace and safety. I didn’t want to know who this woman was. If I did I would want to get close to her and nothing good would come of that. It just wasn’t in me to allow anyone close enough to change my life not even Rai and Belle knew much about who I really was.

“I’m not a child and I’m fine. This kind of thing happens around here all the, you should get used to it.” I put my hands in my lap once she was done; I didn’t want to see them right now.

“I just moved here” she stayed crouched in front of me until I finally looked at her. I was shocked beyond belief at who sat in front of me, it was Mathew’s mother. She had honey blond hair that would have most likely fallen in waves down her back but was pulled into a tight bun at the base of her neck. Her eyes were a dazzling turquoise with long lashes framing them. To top it all off her skin was a flawless smooth cream.

“Oh” was all I could say.

“Think you’re up to answer a few questions?” though her smile was nice and friendly, I knew she wanted to hurry and get this over with.

“I have to do it eventually. Why put it off any longer?” I sighed and rose with her and followed her out of the room. There was a commotion outside the office as apparently some was being arrested but was putting up a fight. Shouts and the sound of things falling over grew louder as the fight got closer. Then out of the mob of bodies emerged Scott. My blood ran cold as he laid eyes on me. I was the reason he was being arrested and now he knew it.

“You!” he was enraged to say the least. Suddenly the will to live kicked in and I ran like hell in the opposite direction. God only knew what he would do if he caught me. The fact that I was in a police station didn’t make a difference to me. I screamed when he grabbed my wrist and yanked me back and threw me against a nearby desk. My head crashed against it with a loud thud and I could feel my resounding heartbeat where I was hit.

“You’re going to regret this” there was violence in his eyes that went past anything humane; he was out to kill me. His arm shot out to cause me some harm I knew but for some reason it never hit. My eyes had closed and I had thrown my arms over my face without really thinking about it.

I heard a grunt and a thud and then silence that lasted quite some time. What had happened? Slowly, I let my arms fall and opened my eyes; there on the ground knocked out was Scott. Who the hell had been man enough to do that? Looking up at the person standing over Scott, I saw it wasn’t a man but a woman. The lady who had the turquoise eyes was standing there almost as shocked as everyone else. There was some object in her hands which she had probably used to hit Scott upside the head with. As if just seeing the object in her hands she quickly dropped it and whipped her hands on her pants.

“Get him out of here” she sounded wobbly but was quickly recovering her calm demeanor.  I was still sitting there and watched as two cops came and lifted Scott’s limp body away. The only indication he was alive was his breathing which was hard to see anyway. Good God that woman had an arm.

“Come on let’s get you looked at” she helped me up and led me to an office door while everyone else began to clean up the mess left over.

“I’m fine this isn’t the first time I have taken a hit like that.” She looked shocked at my confession but honestly was it so hard to see the truth of the cruel world we live in?

“None the less you should have it looked at” she was no longer the friendly sort of chipper woman, now she was agitated. Guess the fact that she had to use violence to contradict violence was not making her happy. Well what did she expect when she came down to this ghetto? This wasn’t a rich place so low lives lived here.

“Look can we just get to the questions so I can go home?” her sudden bad mood was now making mine get even worse and Scott’s little visit didn’t help at all.

She opened her mouth to say something but was stopped when someone burst through the door. Huffing and with a worried expression on her face, there stood Jane.

© 2012 carla

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Added on March 5, 2012
Last Updated on March 5, 2012




love to read and write and i also want to make new friends. more..

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