chapter 2

chapter 2

A Chapter by carla

It was Sunday and that meant mother and I would be at church with no john for the day. Church seemed to be the only place I was able to find any peace. When I was younger, I would pray and hope that God would make all the bad things go away but now I prayed for the strength to make it through every day.

Though I knew it was wrong of me to think it, sometimes I hoped John would get drop dead drunk and stay at whatever house he was gambling at.

Normally i wore a worn button up shirt that was too big on me with loose, torn and patched jeans. But for church i had a dress hidden away so I would be presentable. It was a dark blue that hugged me with thin straps and it skimmed a little past my knees. My hair was dark that had a tint of red that was only noticeable in certain light and was long enough to brush my waist. I wore it down today when i usually wore it in a bun at the base of my neck. If you saw me at church and then at some other place you would think it was two different people.

"Should we go today?" mother was always nervous of what would happen if john saw us outside without his permission. I honestly couldn't care less because this was the only thing that gave me a sense of hope and freedom.

"Come on let’s not think about that now" for as long as i can remember i have always buried my fears and insecurities in my religion. I have observed that throughout time, faith and hope have kept people strong and helped them face tougher lives than i was facing. So if i had faith and hope i should be able to gather enough strength to face another day. At least that was what i was always praying for.

"Father Charles" the only other man i have ever called that besides john is priest Charles of our church. He was an elderly man with a thin layer of white hair but the eyes of one who had seen much and knew much more. I liked him much better than our first priest and i admired him for staying so long in this place. With a slow smile he greeted us and blessed us. It was strange to feel so connected to father Charles but I guess it was because he was my confessor. Once you tell someone your secrets you are connected to that person. He also gave me advice and protected me whenever he could from either Scott or John. It wasn’t something that happened very often that that happened but it did make my life just a little bit easier.

“Hello Adel, how are you today?” Father Charles asked as we walked into the church with him.

“Like every other day of my life” I answered him then made a small pause to cross myself once inside the chapel.

“All things change at one point. If you want something to change, you have to work for it to change because God does not do for someone what they can do for themselves.” He said before allowing a fond smile to stretch across his face then turned and walked down the aisle to the alter

His advice didn’t always make sense to me at first but at least he cared enough to give me some. We sat in the middle pews because mother didn't like to sit up front where she felt the whole church was watching her and I didn't like the back because I couldn't hear a thing. Just as we sat down i watched as the Andrews family took a seat in the pew across the aisle from ours. Carlson seemed like a man who respected and worshiped Sundays and his wife looked like she was just there because it was routine. There was another person on the other side of Mrs. Andrews but I couldn’t see who it was so I didn’t pay much attention to that person. Then I turned to the other side of Mr. Andrews and saw Mathew, who seemed a bit antsy as he crossed himself and took his seat. If i had to guess why he was so nervous I would think it had to do with what he had done yesterday at the pharmacy. I think anyone who had just stolen from their own family would feel remorse when they went to church the next day.

He then looked around the church and the people coming in when he set eyes on me. It took him a while to realize who I was and then it seemed as if the color drained from his face, bingo. It seemed this boy had some conscience after all. A real shame Scott would soon beat that out of him and use him as a puppet. Shrugging, I decided to let him worry about his fate and turned to face forward.

During the whole service I could feel him watching me as if trying to figure out what to do about me. What could he do? Yeah I had seen what he did but if I had cared I would have told his father the instant it happened. So why worry so much? It’s his fault for taking to the wrong crowd. But apparently not even Charles would let the business be because the whole service was about helping others and stuff like that. Why did that have to strike a chord in me?

If I let him be then I know that once his parents realize what their son is up to it will be a blow that I could have prevented. Hadn’t I promised father Charles to put others before myself so I would never lose my sense of humanism? Sighing, I decided I would try to talk to the kid but if he didn't want to listen then it won't be my problem.

After the service I talked my mother into talking to father Charles about the baby. If she had his blessings and advice I was sure she would get through this pregnancy okay. But as I turned to sit on the benches just in the front courtyard, I bumped into none other than Scott. What in the world was he doing on holy ground?

"Well, well, well if it isn’t my lovely next conquest. Your looking lovely today my pet. Why don't you wear things like this more often." he ran a finger over my strap but i slapped his hand away and glared so hard it could have killed.

"Get out of here Scott, you and your gang of misfits don't belong here" my voice was as ice as a glacier and i was glad for it.

"Come on pet don't be like that. i came by 'cause I know you come every Sunday and wanted to see you in your Sunday best and i got to admit it was worth it." he looked me up and down like a vulture eyeing its next carcass. I shot him a disgusted look and turned to walk away but he grabbed my upper arm.

"Let go of me" i kept my voice cool but inside a short spark of fear sprang up to clutch my heart. A grip like that only meant one thing and i had lived with it most of my life but that didn't mean i wasn't still afraid of getting beaten.

"Come on i just want some sugar" he pulled me against him even as my arms pushed against his chest. His free hand went to my chin and he forced me to face him.

"Let go you b*****d!" a sneer came in his face and i knew it so well and it made my blood run cold.

"i like a girl with a little fight in her makes the reward so much sweeter." his vile breath was on my cheek it made me want to plead for my life but i only struggled, no way in hell would i plead to any man.

"What is going on here?" i almost wept with relief when i heard father Charles' voice ring out through the court yard. Instantly Scott let me go, i quickly scurried to father Charles. Honestly, i couldn't really care less if i looked scared or pathetic.

"Nothing father, just talking to Adel over there." Scott was mellow now but i could tell he was furious the father had interfered. More than once had father Charles stopped Scott from getting something he wanted and it seemed to heighten Scott’s hate each time.

"I suggest you move along Scott. I will not have trouble in my church." Scott nodded stiffly and turned to leave. I knew this wouldn't be the end of Scott’s pursuits of me and it sent a cold seeping into my very bones.

"Are you alright?" my mother lightly touched my arm and i could see she was shaken. It was time to take her home before she had a nervous breakdown.

"Yeah, thank you father" father Charles only smiled and blessed me before I turned and lead my mother away. From the corner of my eye I saw Mathew and it looked as though he was surprised to see what Scott had done to me. This isn’t Disney world kid, I thought.
“Come on back into the chapel” Father Charles said in a soft voice

“I wish I could father but I have to hurry and get to work.” I told him as I looked around to try and find my mother.

“Very well, but come and see me soon. There is still so much that we need to talk about.” he said and smiled softly before turning around and going back into the church.

“Mom” I turned around and found her talking animatedly with Mrs. Andrews. I was really confused as to where they knew each other from because my mother didn’t talk to anyone who she didn’t know. My mother had a fake smile plastered on her face while Mrs. Andrews look at mother with a worried expression. But through the whole conversation Mrs. Andrews looked at my mother’s stomach and a twinkle came into her eyes as if she was looking at a marvelous piece of art work.

“Adel” mother said in a small voice

“I need to go to work” I said in an emotionless tone when I came to stand next to my mother.

“Oh, well don’t let us keep you. Why don’t you let me take your mother home and you can head to work?” Mrs. Andrews offered with a kind smile

I wasn’t too comfortable with letting my mother go with her but I was going to be late for work and my mother seemed to know her. Then I felt a tug on my arm and I looked down at my mom and she nodded her head to indicate that it was okay and she wanted to go. So I nodded and turned away to walk to work. Though I loved my mother I hardly showed her any affection and I was starting to notice that. I wondered at times if it hurt her when I didn’t show her any love.
Those thoughts were soon tossed out of my mind as I neared the convenient store where I worked.

The owner was a man named Mr. Smith but he had no resemblance to Brad Pitt. Instead he reminded me of Mr. Gibbs from Pirates of the Caribbean. He was nice enough but was really strict when it came to his business.

“You’re late” Mr. Smith bellowed as I walked into the store and began greeting customers with a friendly smile.

“I was at church” I answered and he let the topic go. He could be strict but he respected and encouraged the fact that I went to church without fault.

“Hello, can you help me?” A woman came up to me as I was putting on my uniform and showed me an item.

“Yes of course” I answered and took the item from her.
“It doesn’t have a price and it seems to be the last one on the shelf” she explained as I led her to a register.

“Well it shouldn’t be too hard to help you with this” I looked at the canned vegetables for a moment. Mr. Smith didn’t believe in bar codes so everything was hand priced.

“This is the first time I have seen a store not use bar codes” the girl said as I looked through store inventory list to find the right price.

“I bet it is; you aren’t from around here are you?” I asked her in an attempt to make conversation since it would take a while for me to find the price. It was strange for me to talk so much but it was my job to be polite to the customers. People of this town knew me because I was so nice to them but they felt sorry because of the home life I had and that didn’t make me feel quite comfortable. I wasn’t one to accept or tolerate pity.

“I just came to visit my girlfriend” she said this as if it was something that you tell someone every day.

“Cool, has she been living here long?” I answered and took the news that she had a girlfriend in stride. It wasn’t weird for me to accept this because I had practically grown up with Rai and she was with Belle.

“No, she just moved here” The girl looked at me with interest like I was a unique type of creature and it made me feel a little strange.

“I found it. It is two dollars with 56 cents” I told her and handed her back the can.

“Thank you” She said and then turned and walked away

I was left a little perplexed and with a sense that said I would see that girl again.

© 2012 carla

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Added on March 5, 2012
Last Updated on March 5, 2012




love to read and write and i also want to make new friends. more..

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