

A Chapter by carla

what is life but an endless cycle? a circle we are stuck in. how do we get out of this ever entangling routine of our world? what other possibilities are we eluding ourselves? have we left some essential part of us behind? can we ever find it again? what will humanity turn into when we leave too much of ourselves to recognize ourselves.
those were the questions that Naxmi asked herself as she looked down at her husbands grave. he had died in the war that had begun to consume the world, WWIII. its hard to believe that it had come to this. no one could believe that another world war had come about. but when they say 'world war' it means EVERY country was involved.
he had left saying the country needed him and yet now in the end where was his country? had he stayed he would have received the news they both had been waiting for so anxiously. she laid a hand on her abdomen as she thought of the life that was slowly growing inside her. how would her child grow to be someone great in this self destructing world? there were so many children out there who would just be set loose on their own in the same world. tears rimmed her eyes as she desperately wanted to get away from this so called society. but how could she? its not like she could take a space ship and go to another world, galaxy. but her husband had left her all his money, which had been a lot to her surprise. but she didn't want any of it. though it was from him she had no use for it. she was a simple women, always had been.
"miss it is starting to rain. we should leave." frank, her chofer, said as he held an umbrella over her. Naxmi clutched the folded up flag to her chest and made a promise to her husband then and there.
"I'll find someplace my love don't you worry. i didn't get this far in life just to give in to despair." turning, she looked to the cementary around her and the death there.
'no' she thought 'not death, opportunity' she held her head high as she walked towards a struggle she knew would not be easy.
*********** (months later)
"but miss it is unreasonable" frank desperately tried to convince his boss and friend to reconsider a ludicrous idea. she had come home after the master's death and sold everything and searched for some deserted island. then she found the island in the pacific that had once been called Hawaii. now after buying it she was planning on going there with the children of the street she so lovingly cared for. but why? that was the question he kept asking.though he would go with her to the ends of the earth just as he had swore to the master before he went off to the war.
"listen frank if you wish not to go then i will find a good job for you before i go so you can stay." Naxmi was getting everything together to leave the next day. this was what she wanted and she would not turn back for anyone.
"no miss i go with you" there was a determined and loyal tone in his voice and it warmed naxmi's heart. she had a friend by her side to help her get this mission completed.
"I'm glad frank my dear friend. don't worry everything will go buy great." lastly she picked up her bible and kissed the cover. this will be the foundation of her new home.
***********(years later)
children ran from one end of the field to the other as mothers watched over them while picking fruits and tending gardens. men were out hunting for the daily meat as was custom. Naxmi looked out at her beautiful peaceful home from her cottage on the highest hill. it had been hard work building this simple yet functional society. the children had not understood the ways she wanted to start living by but trusted her enough to do as they were told. first had been the cottages and then the beliefs and finally the purification of their bodies. she had made them cleanse themselves in the water of the ocean and as if being reborn they went on without clothing. just as Adam and eve had been when in the heavenly garden. it had taken them a while to get used to the idea but no more.
they were grown men and women with children and yet they wore nothing but some hand made jewelry they would not toss away. but she supported the making of those because it let them express themselves.
her own daughter had been born in this free world and she was teaching her the way of this world. it was not long now before she would pass on, she knew and so did her daughter. but death was looked as a passing to a more gracious paradise. sorrow was still felt and to keep the land pure the body is burned like in the times of old. in remembrance of the dead their name was carved into the bark of a mighty tree.
she had kept her promise and fulfilled her purpose so now she was ready to join her deceased husband in the promised land.

© 2011 carla

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i like the way you use questions personally it keeps me interseted because i want to know the answers to them so i keep on reading to find them.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I pass on the advice that my sophomore English teacher gave to me: there is no need to ask so many questions. A huge amount of questions cause the reader to stop and ponder them, thus slowing down the reading. Furthermore, it makes the narrator less believable. Character emerges primarily by how one answers questions in life. Most of us face the same questions sooner or later. So, the liberal use of them gives a cliche overtone to your writing and almost the feeling of talking down to your reader. I love the plot line though. ^_^

Posted 13 Years Ago

A very good prologue for the story. You open the doors to opportunity for a interesting story. I like the feel and discussion in the prologue. I hope to read more of the story. A excellent beginning. You got my attention.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on February 18, 2011
Last Updated on February 18, 2011




love to read and write and i also want to make new friends. more..

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A Chapter by carla

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