

A Chapter by carla

My schedule sort of goes like this:

          First period: chemistry- Mr. Crowns

            Second period: math-Mrs. Lesley

            Third period: Spanish-Mrs. Rodriguez

            Forth period: art- Mr. Richard


            Fifth period: literature- Mrs. Jones

            Sixth period: American History-Mr. Hues

Class was still a couple of minutes from starting but like always I didn’t have anyone to ‘hangout’ with so I went straight to class. Taking my seat in the back of the classroom I pulled out my iPod and my black journal. This journal has been with me for some time. I started to lose control too often, like with crystal and needed a way to vent, get everything off my chest and I found this to be the best way. In my journal I write what I feel like. If it’s good, if it’s bad I don’t really care, I just let my hand express my heart’s desire. Sometimes I write a ‘dairy’ entry, sometimes it’s a poem, a saying or even a drawing. Whatever works to get the message through.

          Suddenly the bell rings and class starts. Putting my iPod away and closing journal I look up and meet a pair of forest green eyes. They took my breath away; I didn’t even know people had those colored eyes. Now those eyes belonged to a petite girl standing nervously in the front of the room. New girl, soon she would be trying to get into a group like crystal’s just to fit in. losing interest, I opened my journal again and start to draw her eyes. At least I could add another pair of eyes to my page of stunning eyes. On it I had already drawn Ulrich’s beautiful ocean blue eyes, this girl Rai’s midnight blue eyes and this other girl belle’s chocolate brown eyes. Some others were in here but of strangers I had seen. My own honey ones were also in there, though they were nothing special, they were my mother’s.

          “Class this is Zedekiah, she has just moved here from south Africa and I hope you will make her feel welcome” Mr. crowns gave her the speech of class rules, school rules, and the ‘glad to have you’ line, then sent her to find a seat. Many girls smiled and invitation to join and yet no, she didn’t. I was still drawing and too enthralled to notice she had come to my table. �"Chem. Lab had tables not desks-

          “Um…excuse me can I sit with you?” her voice was soft but you could tell that once she had confidence it would be strong. She had a sort-of accent and it made me smile. Why? I don’t know, it just did. Realizing I hadn’t said anything I nodded and could almost feel the relief emanating from her.

          Mr. Crowns told us what we were to do and that I was to help Ze…dekai…zee something. We had to identify different chemicals which were in beakers on our tables. It was easy really and I would have done it quickly but it just so happens zee…? needed help in this subject. Not her forte she told me.

          “Um…what’s your name?” her voice shock from the effort of trying to make a friend. But this girl couldn’t find a friend in me, she would end up either hurting me or getting hurt herself. I would keep our relationship to just class mates nothing more.

          “Adel…” I paused and took a look at a test tube deciding if I wanted to closely examine the blue liquid in a beaker. “Hey zee go and get one of those thermometers” normally I would go myself but maybe on the way to there and back she would talk to someone.

          “Um ok” she sheepishly walked up and came back as quickly as she could without drawing attention. This made me chuckle. How many times did I use to do that? I strangely liked this girl. Sitting down, she handed me the thermometer with shaky hands. Smirking I put it down and take a bottle out of my bag.

          “Here drink some; it’ll calm your nerves.” Some people looked over and something like ‘omg she’s giving her alcohol’ crossed their faces. It wasn’t alcohol; it was water with an herb to actually calm the nerves. I needed this constantly throughout the day. She took a quick sip and handed it back to me with a small ‘thanks’. “No problem.” After putting the bottle away, I began to finish the assignment directing zee in the right direction every now and then.

          “So…how long have you lived here?” zee asked

          “4 years I think” I didn’t look up from the microscope.

          “Oh wow …um so where you live?” she didn’t want to pry, I knew, she only wanted to make light conversation.

          “Off Rogers st. And you?” we were finally done so I turned to fully face her.

          “Oh no I live on Rand st.” I nodded and took a look at my watch, class was almost up. “Um…Adel?” looking back up at her I nod in acknowledgement. “Can you help me get to my next class?” normally I would say ‘sorry can’t’ and let the person figure it out on their own. But there was something I liked about this girl, so I found myself nodding. She quickly took out her schedule and my mouth nearly dropped.

First period: chemistry- Mr. Crowns

            Second period: math-Mrs. Lesley

            Third period: French-Madame Rocket

            Forth period: government-Mr. Poles


            Fifth period: literature- Mrs. Jones

            Sixth period: American History-Mr. Hues

We had every class together except 3rd and 4th period. Wow this was really weird smiled and handed her the paper back.

          “Just follow me” she looked relived and I was glad. She was going to be fun to be around no matter how short a time that was. Suddenly the bell rang and zee began to pack her things. I simply sat there and watched everyone leave, it was a habit of mine. Zee watched me curiously as I finally grabbed my things and headed for the door.

© 2010 carla

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Added on March 25, 2010
Last Updated on March 25, 2010




love to read and write and i also want to make new friends. more..

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