![]() Superfulous ( inspired by and the cocreator chadvonswan)A Story by Naraly Godinez![]() Nails... The metal ones , the ones on our body and the last type![]()
"Who left this nail under the mat again?"
I push open the door and it slams against the desk to the right of the entrance and knocks the ash tray onto the floor. The living room is dark, it smells like burnt popcorn, and I can hear Megan crying in some room. Grandma is on the couch with a pipe in her mouth, puffing on tobacco and watching I Love Lucy. Her damn terrier is curled in her lap asleep and Grandma laughs out a cloud of smoke. She coughs and I knock on the wall since shes unaware that Im here. She laughs at f*****g Ricky Ricardo on the small television screen and I yell, "Grandma! Im back!" "Did you get my pills? And the skittles?" "Yeah, I got your s**t, Grandma. Why arent you watching Megan? I can hear her crying." "She was misbehaving, so I put her in the closet." She got up off the couch, the dog jumping lazily off of her, and she faced me and blew smoke in my face. "She called me a b***h old lady." "What? Shes five!" "Well she didnt exactly say that but she implied it." I made my waySalt-N-Pepasounds of my daughters painful crying and found the door. It was locked. "Open it." She pulled out a ring with about thirty keys on it and singled out a red key and stuck it in the knob and turned the key. She stepped away and I opened the door and found Megan blanketed in a coat or a robe and I she looked at me with those eyes, those big eyes thay questioned her trust for me, Why did you leave me here? Why did you leave me here with her? Her cheeks were tear stained and her eyes were red and I picked her up as gently as I could and held her tight against me. I carried her to the door and she buried her face in my shoulder. Grandma was back on the couch watching the black and white television show, blowing white smoke out of her black lungs. I didnt have to say goodbye. I opened the door and it slammed against the desk, knocking off a framed picture of Grandmas f*****g dead turtle. I whispered to Megan, Its okay baby. Were going home. I winced as I stepped out onto the mat and felt the sudden burning invasion of a rusty nail in the center of my foot. I was slapped by the piercing cold. And Megan nuzzled herself deeper into my chest, her warmth momentarily flooded through me, an exchange I had grown used to since I had claimed her as my own . I fumbled through my pocket searching for my car keys . "Shiiooot!" I pricked my finger, and managed to screen my words, worried Meagan might catch on and I'd eventually have to explain to the social worker where Megan had heard it from. That lady with crooked toe and thick glasses that would always push her number to me. It was another stupid nail. "How the hell did that get there !" I retrieved my keys and opened the back door trying to ease Megan in the back seat, to my surprise she was already asleep, dreaming of who knows what at that age. I pulled the car out of the driveway and rolled down the window, in attempt to remove an odd stench. Thats when i spotted someone running. Who the hell runs outside at three in the freaking morning. He looked like some guy that had just jumped out of That 70s Show, with his bellbottom pants and sideburns that grew out to his chin. He couldn't hear the roar of my engine .The damn b*****d didn't even notice me , how could he with Salt-N-Pepa blaring out his ears.
© 2013 Naraly GodinezAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on December 26, 2013 Last Updated on December 27, 2013 Author