I __ cry out to God
A __ heartfelt prayer
M __ y son is a all that I have
A __ child in my old age
M __ y heart breaks within my chest
A __ break that will never mend
N __ o matter how long may I live
I __ n the day of judgment you’ll know I obeyed
N __ ot withholding my only son
L __ ist all my obedience to your word
O __ verturn your decree, Oh Lord
V __ ictorious Messiah intercede
E __ ternal reprieve for Isaac
W __ ith your Almighty Hand send your Bright Morning Star
I __ n this my hour of turmoil
T __ he Star that shines brighter than all stars above
H __ e will set my mind at ease
T __ he stars in the sky are my inheritance
H __ eap on me Your Light
E __ verlasting light of Your Messiah
S __ end down this reprieve by Your holy angel
E __ nter my heart and shine within me
T __ o You dear Lord I pray
T __ o You dear Lord I seek refuge
I __ n the twinkling of Your stars
N __ othing can harm my son
G __ rieve me not oh Lord
S __ tanding in the light of Your day star
T __ o seek the life of my only son
A __ nd in the fullness of time
R __ emember this day and spare not Your Son
S __ tars fill the sky like my descendents, Your decree