A story I read today
Made me think long and hard
A story about an old barn
Standing in an farmer’s yard
This barn seemed to lean
It had a weaker side
Just like us today
Things not done with pride
We tend to lean towards deception
Like that old barn leans with age
Lies roll off the tongue to easily
Sending others into a rage
One lie leads to another
So I’ve been told
We turn molehills into mountains
And we deceive so very bold
Leaning in all directions
Even more than that old structure
Towards hate and anger
Destroying our infrastructure
We need to bear up our weaker side
That exists in us all today
And do what the farmer did
Paint Jesus within our hearts and pray
Lord prop me up on my leaning side
Give me the strength to stand tall
Lead me with Your guiding hand
Prop up my leaning wall