![]() PhasingA Chapter by Shrestha Aman![]() Aaron has to deal with his phasing ability that allows him and objects or people with which he is in contact to become intangible.![]() Max with big smile on his face. Max,“ Thank god. It was terrible to be the only freak alive. But now , Ron, welcome aboard. I am so relieved” Aaron,” Shut up!” “You’re a freak! I ain’t ! I wanna get rid of this .. so help me out” Max, “ Okay! Just do what you told me to do. Just breathe and concentrate” Aaron, “It ain’t happening Max. I tried” Max laughing loudly. Max,” Ok! Hahahahaha ! Just try to concentrate on this Coffee Mug and grab it” When Aaron tries to have a hold of it, Max floats the mug away from him. Max, “Ok Ron! Hehehe ! No jokes now . ” “ I am going to release this mug, you have to catch it. If you don’t, you would buy me new one” Aaron, “Yeah ! Whatever” Max drops it from some depth and Aaron manages to catch it. Max, “ Ron. You got one of heck of ability”. Aaron, “ Yeah! Ability you say ! To not getting to touch anything is worse than a curse. “ Max, “ Wow ! Calm Down dude. You will get to control your gift in time. And yeah, I am no pro, so we will deal with it together” Aaron is unimpressed. 0700 Max,” Are you going to the Studio? We have lots of pending tracks. “ Aaron, “I'm taking off from Work. I will let you know when I’ll be back” “ I wanna be in Solitude for a few days” Max, “ Hey ! Take it easy. Even it was hard for me. Let me come help you in the evening” Aaron, “ Thanks Max. But I will be fine. I will going to my Farmhouse” Max, “ You’re wish. But lemme give you a ride ! “ Aaron, “ Sure. But which one”. Max carries Aaron and flies to Aaron’s apartment.
© 2015 Shrestha Aman |
Added on August 4, 2015 Last Updated on August 6, 2015 Tags: Superhero, adult, friends, girlfriend, musicstudio Author