I love this piece. That ending thought of your biggest thought being that nobody will hear me… please rest assured that this was seen and heard and felt here.
Actually, this is a piece i absolutely liked. This is so real, and every writer, i repeat, every single writer must have gone through these feelings so many times in their lives. And you've portrayed them so beautifully. Thank you so much for the read request. I really enjoyed and resonate with it on a high level as i've been feeling lost most of the time in my life recently. And reading ur poem made me realise a few of the reasons for this numbness. And i loved the words you've used.
"I am the forest tree, my biggest fear is that no one will hear me"
I gasped at this line. Its lovely. Thank you.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
What kind words! I am so glad you liked it and it resonated with you, thank you :)
I find words a fascinating subject... Do you know they did an experiment by putting sterile distilled water in sterile bottles, then labeling them with emotional words. The later analysis showed the alignment of atoms in the samples changed, and they were all different... Check out the movie "What the Bleep do WE know?"... there is a scene which describes the experiment (based, I think on a Duke University study). Additionally, the movie explains how a simple change in speech can change personality. It is very interesting. The concept is even Biblical, as in "whatsoever a man speaketh, so is he."
I could go on and on about the power words carry that make them "more than the sum of their parts, "but...
Each verse of your poem is a valid question that requires thought, and begs an answer. Are our lives relevant, do we have meaning, are we pointless? Are we absurd? Are we the meaning of everything... Is Michaelangelo's Peita more important than the Mona Lisa? Or The Iliad? Or my poor attempts to capture some element of life in a poem? I have no idea that matters...
But! I choose personal meaning to be as valid, and important as the whole rest of the universe... Who can argue Reality with any kind of finality at all?
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Thank you for your thoughtful words :)
1 Year Ago
Sometimes they think so much, they give themselves a headache...