As the worn out mother threw yet another toy into the bulging cart, the little child at her side screeched in rage as the Bratz dolls were fading from sight. Quickly ruining the small chances she had of getting the doll, the child stopped in the middle of the over-crowded supermarket. Afraid her daughter would be trampled, the worried mom jerked her child from the floor and plopped her into the seat at the top of the buggy.
Kicking and screaming at the top of her tiny lungs the whole way to the Clothes section, the amazingly loud child continued her howling fit. Her mother couldn’t take this much longer. Jerking her from the seat, the mom whispered, “If you don’t stop this, Santa is definitely not coming.” She set the girl down ever so gently. The child quickly responded to the mother’s threat.
A frightened look swept across the girl’s face. She was determined for Santa to come. As their day dwindled, the girl kept quiet and hoped her mother would forget this ever happened.