Chapter 11: The truth

Chapter 11: The truth

A Chapter by Zarah

Chapter 11: The truth

Mrs. Cameron nods and looks away avoiding her daughter's gaze. She waited for the question that was coming next and was worried about what Alyssa would think of her. She must of think of her as a horrid parent and this only adds to it. Mrs. Cameron was determined to change though, she wanted to change.

"But why? Why did you give her away? Why didn't you tell me about her?" Alyssa asked in disbelief.

"When I was pregnant, your father didn't want a child but he knew that he just couldn't drop you off at any random doorstep. When we find out that we were having twins-"

"Wait, you said twins?" Alyssa interrupted. Mrs. Cameron nodded.

"Anyways, your father of course was even more upset. I told him I wanted to keep both of you guys but he just kept saying no. I tried to negociate with him and eventually he said that we could only keep one." Mrs. Cameron frowned.

"And you chose me." Alyssa whispered. "What's her name?"

"Aly. Allison Cameron." She paused."Alyssa, I'm sorry for everything, really I am. You have to believe me, I don't want to go on like this anymore. I'm sorry." Mrs. Cameron looked into her daughters eyes hoping that she'd forgive her.

Alyssa looked at her mother and took in everything she had just said. Did she want the same thing? Did she want to forgive her? Does she trust her mom? Does she even want to trust her mom? Is she lying just to get sympathy? Countless amounts of questions ran through Alyssa's mind before making her decision.

Alyssa looked at Mrs. Cameron pausing for a moment. She let her hand fall over hers and looked her straight in the eyes. She squeezed her hand a little tighter, tears welling up in her eyes. She smiled softly hoping to relieve her mother's pain.

" It's okay, mom." She paused. " I forgive you."

Mrs. Cameron exhaled and a smile appeared on her face. She wondered how her daughter could be so forgiving. She knew that if it was her in Alyssa's position she would have been furious. She was lucky to have her as a daughter. She was lucky to get a second chance.

"But why?" Mrs. Cameron whispered.

"Because I believe you." Alyssa said blinking a few times trying to keep the tears from falling. Maybe her mom was right. Maybe things can change. Maybe things will finally get better.


Mrs. Cameron and Alyssa went home after their day around four o'clock. Alyssa was still trying to take it in. She still had a lot of questions.

 Questions like if Aly even knew about her and where did Aly even live? How did Aly feel about her parents? Did she think that they were horrid? Did she think they were the sweetest people? Did Aly even like them?

"Hey, Alyssa! I'm going out! I'll be home late! Don't wait up!" Mrs. Cameron yelled from downstairs.

"Alright! But Gavin's coming over!" Alyssa yelled back.

"That's fine!"


About fifteen minutes later Gavin knocked on the front door. Alyssa yelled a "Come in!" and watched as Gavin walked through the door. The moment she seen him, her heart jumped. She greeted him with a hug and smiled.

"Hey," He said hugging her tight. "How'd it go?"

"It was....not as I expected." Alyssa mumbled into his shirt." But then again, I didn't know what to expect."

"Do you want to elaborate on that?" Gavin asked laughing slightly.

"Well." Alyssa started but then stopped. She wasn't sure what she wanted to tell him.

"Well?" Gavin pressed slightly squeezing her hand to let her know that it would be okay.

"She basically told me that she was sorry. That she was trying to make up for it and that she never wanted it to be like this." Alyssa said quickly.

"What changed?" Gavin asked softly.

"You." Alyssa said slowly.

"Me?" Gavin asked shocked. He pulled away from Alyssa and looked into her eyes. "What do I have to do with this?"

"She said that she sees hope in you. That you have been the hope she's been waiting for. That you are the change she's been looking for." Alyssa explains.

"But how?" Gavin asked.

"I don't know," Alyssa lied. She knew exactly why. It was for the same reasons that she saw in Gavin. She didn't know how to explain it be she knew that Gavin was her saviour.

"Did she say anything else?" Gavin asked slowly.

"Just something. She said," Alyssa paused taking a deep breath. "She told me that I had a sister named Aly. A twin sister."

"You have a what?" Gavin gaped. "And you believe her?"

"Yes, I do actually." Alyssa paused. " I don't know how to explain it but I do. I could tell she wasn't lying. But after that she just kept saying that she was sorry for everything."

"And what did you do?" He asked.

"I told her I forgave her. That I believed her." Alyssa answered.

"And you're sure about that?" Gavin asked softly, stepping closer to Alyssa and taking her hands in his.

"I am," She whispered.


Alyssa woke up to a loud crash that sounded like glass hitting the floor. Her eyes flew open and she looked around seeing that it was still dark. She looked at the clock and seen that it was eleven at night. She saw her bedroom door crack open and the light peer in. She expected it to be her mother but saw her father walk through.

Alyssa squinted her eyes and watched her father edge closer. He stepped slowly towards her bed careful not to make noise. Alyssa tried to read the expression on his face, hoping to find an answer but to no avail. It was too dark for her to see anything.

"I know you're awake. Get up." He demanded.

"Where's mom?" Alyssa asked sitting up.

"She's not home. She's with a friend. And I said get up." Mr. Cameron hissed.

Alyssa got up and felt the cold floor beneath her feet. She took a small step near her night stand and held onto it for support. She groggily moved, still tired from waking up so abruptly. She looked at her father and waited for him to say something.

"What did your mother tell you?" He questioned.

"Nothing too important." Alyssa mumbled.

"She told you something, what was it?" Mr. Cameron asked growing impatient.

"She just said that you guys were sorry for how you treated me over the years and you were trying to make up for it." Alyssa said quickly, her words almost muffled.

"She said it was from both of us?" He asked.

"Yea," Alyssa answered. Mr. Cameron laughed a devious laugh and inched closer to Alyssa.

"She must have meant just her. Because I am NOT part of that category." Mr. Cameron cocked his head to the side. " What else did she say?" Alyssa stayed silently for a moment.

"What did she say!" Mr. Cameron yelled.

"Nothing. That was all." Alyssa said bringing her hands to her face and rubbing her eyes.

Alyssa felt two cold hands touching her and throwing her to the wall. Her eyes immediately flew open and she seen her father pressed against her, pinning her against the wall behind her. Alyssa felt the back of her head throb as she struggled to keep her focus. Mr. Cameron brings his arm around and hits alyssa in her stomach knocking all the air out of her body. He stepped back and watched as Alyssa hunched over and held her stomach.

Alyssa tried to cry but couldn't. She couldn't speak, she couldn't breath. All she could do was clutch her stomach and gasp for air. It hurt so much and Alyssa desperately tried to take in air but the air wouldn't come. Alyssa's eyes watered and tears slowly streamed down her face. As she caught her breath, Alyssa let out a small yelp. She breathed deeply, panting and taking all the air in as quickly as she could.

"You better not be lying to me," Mr. Cameron said venomously as he walked out of her room slamming the door.

Tears slowly streaked down Alyssa's face as she was still struggling to catch her breath. She sat on her knees hunched over and clutching her stomach. She burried her face into the ground and cried into it. Her head was spinning and she didn't know what to do. She just cried. She couldn't believe her father. For the slightest moment, she hoped he had changed too. But she was wrong, he hasn't and never will.

Alyssa seen the door inch open and she held her breath. She didn't want her father to catch her crying. He'd only hurt her more. When she seen her mother walk in she looked back to the ground. Mrs. Cameron ran over to her and wrapped her arms around her.

"Alyssa, what happened?" Mrs. Cameron said. Alyssa didn't answer. "Was it him?" Alyssa nodded.

"It's okay, Alyssa. It'll be okay." Mrs. Cameron comforted. "Shh...." Alyssa cried and to her mothers shoulder and held onto her tightly. She didn't want to be here, she didn't want to stay here anymore. She was going to go insane. She cried into her mother's shoulder until she fell asleep. Mrs.Cameron rested her back against Alyssa's bed and put her head on top of hers. She was exhausted, but this time she wasn't leaving her side.

© 2011 Zarah

Author's Note

At any time, feel free to ask for updates, I will gladly leave a comment on your profile and tell you when I update! Thanks so much!

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Added on March 8, 2011
Last Updated on March 8, 2011



Naples, FL

Those eyes You walked up to me looking so devilishly handsome. You smiled at me and the next thing I knew, you were kissing my lips. You slowly parted away from me and started to speak. "Do you .. more..
