People, i guess.

People, i guess.

A Story by There's A Point To All Of This.

it’s kind of weird. lately i’ve been paying more attention to how i see and figure out people.

i’ve realized i do this with every single person i meet, some more than others though. i see them one way, and i build up this this image and judgement and how i see them in my head. it’s like, my own image of how i see them. my own views, it’s almost like i view them completely different than who they really are it’s almost like. i don’t know how to explain it. but sometimes i sit there and my mind just randomly comes back to reality and all of a sudden i see them for a like a minute, as just a completely different person. i see them visually differently, and it changes how i saw them before. but then if i look away or something, i see them again, as the person i’ve built up in my head, i see them as that person, and not the one i saw like 10 seconds ago. it’s really weird and hard to explain. it’s not even really a bad thing. i still know people for how they are, it’s just so weird how based on how they treat me, talk to me, my first impression, everything, i build up this person in my head that i see completely differently than who they really are. i wish i could explain but it’s literally impossible. it’s strange though.

© 2013 There's A Point To All Of This.

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Added on July 3, 2013
Last Updated on July 3, 2013
Tags: death, scars, depression, mental illness, poem, poetry, story, sad, feelings, thoughts