

A Poem by James Paranormal

America, the cult of Baal

It's been four ages, philosophy is dead 
and people are out of their minds,
life is a book but ignorance rages, 
as dark magicians rewrite the pages of time.
In the passing of ages, hearts turn to rust,
and their rusty touch is contagious,
born enslaved, humans trade life for wages,
only few sages still walk this earth.

Dark magicians hunger and thirst
for full power and control over man,
and the kingdom of God is dying 
at the hands of degenerate imagination, 

but people are too blind to care,
the curse of Baal fills their lungs,
Satan is prince of their air.
Power to the people.

© 2022 James Paranormal

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intellect, thirst for knowledge, love...
those are so gone...Satan must be the prince...
and he is ruling...because violence is the norm now.
Power to the rich, power to the violent...
the meek might inherit the earth...but they are trailing now.

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

James Paranormal

1 Year Ago

thank you for the great insight, I like how you elaborated on the kept facts, so true


it seem as though all that encompasses philosophy, knowledge, intellect, the year to learn is gone... this is America now, a whole new culture based on the mundane and has been for may years....Americans don't have this hunger addition, it seems they don't have a desire to truly love either..."hearts turn to rust"; Satan is prince....wages reign above brains and only a few sages walk this earth.
Well done James.

Posted 1 Year Ago

intellect, thirst for knowledge, love...
those are so gone...Satan must be the prince...
and he is ruling...because violence is the norm now.
Power to the rich, power to the violent...
the meek might inherit the earth...but they are trailing now.

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

James Paranormal

1 Year Ago

thank you for the great insight, I like how you elaborated on the kept facts, so true

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2 Reviews
Added on November 29, 2022
Last Updated on November 29, 2022


James Paranormal
James Paranormal


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