The Last Chance

The Last Chance

A Story by kandi

Have you ever had one of those days where you can't escape your dreams?

Chapter 1: The Last Night 
"Mary! Come down here we gon' be late!" Mary heard as she awoke that morning. Oddly, she awoke later than usual, she was consistent of her time of six o'clock to seven. On this morning she was awaken at eleven-thrity-seven, which was extremely uncommon. 
"Mary! Where in the heavens have you been? Iv'e been calling for you for ten minutes!" exclaimed Mary's mother in the kitchen. 
"Your bacon is gonna' get cold!" She said while washing down a frying pan. 
"No thanks mom I should get going Jessie is probably wondering where I am." Said Mary running out the front door with her backpack on and her shoes untied. Mary was a 15 year old girl with long wavey blonde hair. She didn't have that many friedns becuase her parents just got a divorce so her and her mother moved to a new town. Jessie was Mary's bestfriend when she moved to this town. It was on the first day of school when Mary met Jessie and they have been great friends ever since. 
Mary ran down to the bus stop and sat down on a bench next to an older lady. The lady looked to be about eighty years old she was looking down at the floor, with a purple shall and a cane leaning up next to her. This lady seeming familiar to Mary but she didn't think much of it. Her bus pulled up and Mary got on, looking back at the lady from the bus window to notice her facing her. The lady mouthed something but Mary couldn't understand what she was saying. As the bus was pulling away from the stop the lady looked up to reveal that her eyes were completely black, like two empty souls. She didn't understand what she just saw but just decided that it was her imagination playing tricks on her. 
'Screeee' The bus pulled up to Mary's stop. Just as she was about to get up a large hand pulled her back down. 
"Hey, what's you problem?!" Yelled Mary turning around to see who was behind her. It was a large man, about seven feet tall wit ha muscular build and high cheekbones. 
"Look, sorry for pulling you down but I highly cation you to not get off here." Said the man studdering with his words. 
"And who just are you to tell me what to do?" Mary said sassily.
"Frankly, I'm know one important. But all I'm saying is that around this area there have been reports of, well, it's hard to explain but some paranormal sights."  
Suddenly Mary remembered the woman at the bus stop and her beady glass eyes. 
"Anyone getting off? Final chance for stop f-8, Fairveiw Street" The bus driver yelled as he closed the doors. Mary sat back down and was now sitting cross legged facing the man.
"Well before I continue let e introduce my self. My name is Mikey, I live in the next town over, Barnshire. I'm 23 and I enjoy long walks on the beach. Ha-ha I sound like I'm applying to a dating site" Said the man joking around. 
"Well my name is Mary. I live down the street with my mom. I just turned 15 three days ago." Said Mary a little uneasy of this new man. 
"Hey, there. Don't need to be so scared there. Ha-ha, look to sum it up a paranormal Apocalypse is starting and I know a place of refugee a few towns over. You can join us if you would like but if you choose not to, well. But I have about a hundred or hundred fifty people there already, boys, girls, of all ages. I came back to find more citizens to bring back with me. No one is sure what these creatures can do but it's better to be safe than sorry. Am I right?" Mikey was now sitting on the seat beside her and explaining to her what was going on. 
"B-but what about my mom back at home? Can't we go get her?" 
"We have a crew of men going door to door bringing back families so she should be safe" Said Mikey reassuring Mary. She was still trying to get a grasp on what was happening when the driver hit the breaks hard, causing her to slam her head on the seat. 
"Mary! Are you there? Stay with me! D****t why now?!" Were the last things Mary heard as she drifted noncontinuous.
"I've been waiting for this day to come" said a strange voice in the distance. Mary couldn't see anything but darkness as she shock herself up. 
"Wh-where am I?" she asked confused.
"Why, don't you recognize this place Mary?" It did seem familiar to her but she wasn't sure how. 
"Not really. What is this place? I feel, weird." 
"Ha-ha silly Mary, why this is your dream world! I am the ruler of this world. I decide what you will dream of each night."
"I-I don't understand..." 
"Well you see, i decided to tell you my identity becasue I need you to do me a little favor. Well, I'm going to give you this stuffed bear. You need to h

© 2014 kandi

Author's Note

under construction for now but any ideas? thx guys (:

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Could use some work, but it seems like a very interesting plot. Keep working at it! If you try to build some more character development and add a bit of story before she meets Mikey, I think it could be a good start!

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

thanks (: I'll try

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1 Review
Added on January 27, 2014
Last Updated on January 28, 2014
Tags: dreams, escape




hi I'm new here(: more..