Understanding you

Understanding you

A Story by Dani

Understanding you. The first thing you need to understand is yourself. Your wants, your needs, your opinions, beliefs and skills. Learning who you are, what you are and what you can learn from inside yourself to make an impact on what is going on around you. 
Everything is a choice. How you interpret situations, how you view the world around you is all a choice made by you. 
Every Stimulus is exposed to a receptor.  You yourself can act as a Stimuli. You can also be a receptor. A “choice” made turns almost simutainously into an action causing a vibration. Even the smallest of vibrations can be measured. By measuring something you are “creating reality” around yourself. (Measuring is observing to us.)

Every single day we wake up, get out of bed, and fulfill our assigned duties as human beings. Go to school, buy groceries, go to work, care for our families and form friendships. We are living, breathing, human beings. However, we are much more than just a physical body with pre destined roles and expectations. We have feelings, we have wants, desires and NEEDS. People often forget what other people want, and they forget what they want themselves. We are thrown into a world where there is a specific pattern to everything. If there were no pattern or structure, then we would not be in existance. 

We are all created from material floating around in the vast vacuum of space. Everything in the Universe is going in one direction. Earth is slowly revolving around the Sun at the same speed, same general path each time. It’s not just going to “stop”. It’s not just going to decide to start spinning the other direction or even separate itself from the orbit every other planet in our galaxy is in tune with. No, it’s going to keep going in one direction. That is, until the sun explodes or a giant meteor comes out of no where and knocks us out of orbit. 

When you really think about what happens here on Earth, you can see that we as people follow a specific pattern daily as well. We “learn” from what is around us and then we repeat the same type of actions daily until we make a choice to change a specific reoccurring action and slowly practice new ones. Because things are interpreted differently for different people, we did not all learn the same way. We are all our own person, our own brain and spirit. 

We are nature and we can’t control what is truly apart of us. We have learned to suppress and build up blocks, but in reality it’s always going to be there. It’s whether you accept it or not. It’s how you choose to deal with it is what defines your being. You can do it healthy, or unhealthy. You can suppress and ignore, or you can accept

© 2017 Dani

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Added on December 4, 2017
Last Updated on December 4, 2017
Tags: universe




I am a Massage therapist and I love my job more than anything! I started writing short stories based off of true events that happened in my life, and it turned out to be very healing. I then started w.. more..
