the sun once shined so brightly for us, my darling
even now it may let a ray or two loose in between
but most of the time we are stuck at midnight,
grappling what used to be skylark,
sitting in the near shade,
losing our simplicity
through tangled bedlam ,and ill hearts. ......
And another thing - get yo' pretty 'under construction' butt to your about me, and edit out the bit about grammar and punctuation. You WILL get it. Because to make your road easier in writing, you HAVE to. Not optional. Because I said so. Even if I have to teach you the things you are uncertain of myself.
Now off you go! And capitalize those 'i's, too.
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
thank you sooooo much, I appriciate the constructive critisism more than you know.
I didn't understand 'I would like back your piece of me'? Could very much, possibly, most likely be me missing something, though. I understood it as you have fallen apart as 'he' has taken a piece of you away - perhaps it could be reworked a little? Even if the enjambment is reconsidered, so it makes more immediate sense.
I think the flow; which I find naturally or 'effortlessly' lyrical, shows you have a gift for writing; knowing how to be fluid with emotion and build the scenes to make a 'meaning', whilst also having an ear for what just sounds 'right'.
Your bio said you were into slam poetry - it certainly shows in your form. You don't over indulge and this seems to come from a narrative idea. So whilst it's still poetry, and abstract, it's not too greedy with unnecessary lines, and it delivers in its closing.
All promising for the future (and not many of us have a future in writing, let alone a promising one!) Keep going.
Wow, this is amazing, it's amazing how much I can relate to this...I actually appreciate the faulty punctuation and spelling, etc., because it's not about the format or being correct, it's just there to send a message.
Posted 12 Years Ago
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12 Years Ago
i agree and appriciate your input dearly, thank you!
This is a very deep well written Write. Your Format is interesting and your flow is excellent. Your rhythm is awesome and The driving force you maintain makes it a fast pace read
we have strained each other
me, dull and arid
you, artificially witty and derisive
us, not facing the havoc we have become
and even as were crumbling we crave the chaos
Hardcore writing at its best.
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
i am so happy you liked it, my format is a bit obscure but i am glad you enjoyed this poem. thank yo.. read morei am so happy you liked it, my format is a bit obscure but i am glad you enjoyed this poem. thank you ~ Cate
12 Years Ago
I think its more elusive then obscure. It drives the reader to concentrate more on whats being said
i actually learned to do that from a slam poet, they say it makes it sound more like a conversation... read morei actually learned to do that from a slam poet, they say it makes it sound more like a conversation. thank you again
12 Years Ago
Well it was something cool to learn, i just write chaotic lol
Hi. I'm Cate. I am a writer under construction, i would love any type of criticism. I am also young, hyper and strange so i worn you that some of my writing may be "silly" or "high-strung".I advise yo.. more..