What's The Point Of Living Forever If I Don't Have You? Chapter One

What's The Point Of Living Forever If I Don't Have You? Chapter One

A Chapter by Kat

more of an intro than a chapter. Oh and I also don't know if the pictures will show up so... I'll add a description of them, okay?


 Stella Esmeralda McEwen

         Age: 16

         Label: Emo/Scene

         Occupation: Maid/Slave

Personality: Won’t take your crap. Quite loyal to her friends and   loves kids. Hates the royal family, but won’t do anything about it. Is grateful to be alive, her family home was bombed during the war. She was sneaking in after curfew[[government inforced]] after a party and her home was bombed. She was thrown into a parked car and broke her legs and right arm. She had to get stitches on the left side of her forehead in the shape of a lightning bolt.

Appearance: She has blonde, blue and black hair. Is about five foot five inches and has grey eyes.

Friends: Cassidy Hope and Gabrielle Tiny

Interesting Facts: Takes care of an orphan girl named Giselle.  

Jayson Des Tiny

         Age: 616 [[appears 18]]

         Label: Scene/Prep/Emo

Occupation: Prince of Vampires, Demons, Werewolves, and pretty much the whole world.

Personality: Flirty, official. When he walks in the room his presence is immediately noticed. Cocky, fun to be around, perverted.

Friends: Jacob Cullen[[prince of werewolves]], Edward Black[[prince of demons]], Aliera Van Allen[[princess of sirens]]

Appearance: Has long, layered platinum blonde hair. Dark eyes and is six foot six inches

Interesting Facts: Hates the whole royal thing. Wishes he could be normal. Goes by Jay. 

© 2009 Kat

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Added on March 28, 2009




Meh, so I'm gonna write some random stuffage about me I guess. I'm Kat, I love to write, listen to music, and hang out with my friends. I really shouldn't have caffine but I do anyway. I mean, it's ju.. more..
