Cassandra's Story. Chapter six

Cassandra's Story. Chapter six

A Chapter by Kat

 I walked out of the house, reading the text over and over in my head. I couldn't believe it. Aria had to now go to some all girls boarding school and she had to stay there for a year. I walked over to the park and was making my way over to the swings, when I tripped over something. I stumbled over and twisted so I my arms were pretty much supporting me from eating mulch. I looked down and did a double-take. She looked almost like a beaten angel, but when I looked again, I saw that she was just Aria's weird foster sister who never spoke. I really don't know why I hated her so, she just was... there, you know?

        I stood up blushing slightly. I looked down and saw that she hadn't moved. I knelt down to her and cautiously checked her pulse. It was low. Almost too low. In fact, I could barely feel it. Her wrist also felt cold and wet. I brought out my cell phone and shined it on her wrist and saw it wet with blood. I picked her up bridal style, running and bringing her to my house. I don't know why I did this but it seemed like the right thing to do. I felt like that if I left her, I would never feel the same.

        "Mom! I need some bandages! Maybe you should call an ambulance. Just in case." I shouted, causing her to come running. I love my mom. She was the best person ever. She never judged me and never questioned. She came into the living room where I had set... What was her name? Kitty? Katty? Cassie? Yeah Cassie. It was short for something too I think... Cassandra maybe. It fitted her. It was unique but quiet at the same time.

        "What happened?" My mom breathed. She was so kind. She grabbed the phone and called an ambulance and began to bandage Cassie's wounds. The paramedic rang the door bell and stormed in.

        "What happened? Are you her mother?" He asked worridly.

        "Is she okay?" I asked, surprised at the way that came out of my mouth. I sounded like I was talking about Aria. Not Cassie. He looked at me sorrowfully.

        "I don't know sir. Are you her boyfriend?" He asked. I shook my head.

        "I barely even know her. I'm just her...." I trailed off. What could I say? That I was the person who made her get stitches? That I was the person that hurt her each day? No.

        "I understand. Would you like to call someone who knows her better?" He asked gently putting her on thegurney. I nodded and pulled out my phone. I pressed Ross's number and waited impatiently for him to pick up.

        "Dude do you know what time it is?" A groggy Ross asked.

        "Call Mai. Cassie's going to the hospital." I said and hung up before he could ask any questions.

        I followed the gurney into the ambulance and sat by her.I subconsciously grabbed her and began to rub circles on the back of her hand with my thumb. As soon as I realized what I was doing, I dropped her hand. Suddenly, I felt, cold and empty. It was strange to explain.

© 2009 Kat

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Added on March 26, 2009




Meh, so I'm gonna write some random stuffage about me I guess. I'm Kat, I love to write, listen to music, and hang out with my friends. I really shouldn't have caffine but I do anyway. I mean, it's ju.. more..
