

A Poem by maya_online

I hate the roses, but I want to love.

(I HIGHLY recommend audio)
February 14th. 
I love roses,
the chocolate, I
love the love, which
stays stagnant in
the air like a puff
of tobacco
on a cold evening.

February 14th.
My mother calls
me every valentine,
every valentine she tells
me how much she wishes she
could see me.
Every valentine, I saw her smile
falter only for
a moment, the warmth leaving
but she would pick 
it right back up, as
if it was only the idea of
sadness that I'd imagined.
February 14th.
My mother missed a call,
which is strange,
and I'm so used to tradition and
ritual at a young age, but I
don't question it.
Because my mother has
always loved me
even if I haven't seen her
in person
since I was born,
I know she has,
because every valentine she
would call.
February 14th.
I was in the car,
I remember,
driving home
after a long day
with my family
my father's face
hung low
but he still managed
to ask about my day.
As I grew, I knew when
he was going to tell me
something bad,
but I was 10,
I couldn't read the words
he was about to tell me, 
until they fell from his lips,
until I felt my heart
fall, too.
February 14th.
My mother died, 
there was no funeral,
she was cremated, 
I'd never seen her in my life
and I would never
I cried, but what for?
Crying for something I
didn't know?
For moments which could have
For time we could have
I cried, and I remember looking
at the obituary,
and seeing the words
written in
dark black ink, as
if it knew how my heart
felt as it 
I read the date:

February 14th.
I f*****g hate roses,
I hate the red of the
petals, the
red they spared my mother
of as they burned
her sad corpse.
I f*****g hate chocolate,
the chocolate of her skin
the chocolate which was
sweet like her smile.
I f*****g hate love.
I wanted to be loved.
I wanted my mother
at my side, loving me
with all of her big
heart, but now
that heart has
been encased in 
a ceramic pot,
in the corner of some
room, as people continue to live
and breathe, as they celebrate 
love every year.
I will never f*****g forget, 
and if I do, I'll know to remember
it every time I see
a red heart balloon
floating in the air, the
air filled with love
love and my quiet, 

February 14th.
I still wait for her
calls, her smile,
large and warm
big and inviting.
I still wait for that
feeling in my heart,
which pools at the bottom
of my stomach.
That feeling when I get a
box of chocolate or
a card,
where I get roses, 
and a hug.
But it never comes,
it never comes,
yet year round,
Valentine does.
I want someone to fix
Make my heart whole
again, love fully,
understand completely.
But I know it's impossible,
because as it does every year,
and every year it still will,
the month will roll by,
so will the lovers, and my
calendar will always read,

February 14th.

© 2024 maya_online

Author's Note

I truly think reading this with the audio will be worthwhile.
I feel the death of my mother played a huge part in why I express how I feel in writing, I don't even write poems if I'm being honest, but she did, so sometimes makes me feel closer to the woman I never knew, but hope someday, as time passes, and as the February passes by, I will, even if it's not now.

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Featured Review

your contralto voice is jazzy and infectious. this poem is definitely one to perform on open-mic. it has rhythm, narrative, and surprising rhymes. the confessional piece, with the big reveal in the middle (my condolences; my mother died this year...) is raw and emotive. slam poetry doesn't get better than this.

Posted 3 Months Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


3 Months Ago

I always love hearing from you, Ern! Hearing you talk about my voice warms my heart, and condolences.. read more


Wow, your words sure leaves a mark in readers. I love how your writing is so simle but deep, so easy to understand but so hard to hear. Thank you for sharing:)

Warmely SilentTree

Posted 3 Months Ago

Hii ! So I've lost my account (cue like really sad music) but this is my new one, where all my updates will go !

Posted 3 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wow. I mean like...s**t. I've never lost my mother, and I'm sure I would die without her, so hearing your experience made my heart sink at the thought of my own mother, the way you weave your words together to portray such a image for your readers is...crazy.

Your voice, which I'm sure i've said before, is so crazy attractive, with you being a writer, reading it out makes it hit twice as hard, somehow you seem sorrowful and unapologetic all in the same. I'm beginning to notice how you use repeated phrases to really make your poems impact readers, and it can only work for you, simply put, you don't use big terms to describe how your feeling, and while usually I can't sit through long poems, whenever I read yours, I feel upset they don't keep going. Gorgeous work.

Posted 3 Months Ago

This just whacked me in the face...and then imploded my heart.

To never know a mother is such a tragedy.
And the mixed feelings of the speaker are brought to the forefront so well here.
Nice work,

Posted 3 Months Ago


3 Months Ago

Thank you so much! I'm glad I was able to produce such emotions !
WOW! You have a strong, and powerful voice! A rare attribute in any online poetry.! I am impressed!

Posted 3 Months Ago


3 Months Ago

I hope I'm saying it right... not the voice you sing with, but the voice you write with...
Wr.. read more

3 Months Ago

Ah! I understand what you're saying, I do think the more I begin to write poetry, my writing seems t.. read more

3 Months Ago

Voice is really the most important element of writing... Hemingway had his own voice, F.. read more
your contralto voice is jazzy and infectious. this poem is definitely one to perform on open-mic. it has rhythm, narrative, and surprising rhymes. the confessional piece, with the big reveal in the middle (my condolences; my mother died this year...) is raw and emotive. slam poetry doesn't get better than this.

Posted 3 Months Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


3 Months Ago

I always love hearing from you, Ern! Hearing you talk about my voice warms my heart, and condolences.. read more
Some pains heal with time, some don't. What is not said in so many words here is that the family was broken, so the speaker is dealing with that trauma as well as her mother's early death. The frank, spare delivery brings the pain right to us. I can only hope the wound closes some day.

Posted 3 Months Ago

Wow, I'm speechless. The hurt, I can feel it listening to your words put together ever so elegantly.
I do not know what it is to live without a mother but this poem put me in your shoes for just a second. Absolutely heartbreaking, I cried. My words to you at this point are, as the years go on, the older you grow, the more you will learn to live and cope with these feelings. having lost someone dear to me, I know this. It doesn't make the pain go away, but, it does get easier and I think your in the right direction to start healing.
Keep writing, write from the heart and everything else will fall into place.
Much love, -M

Posted 3 Months Ago


3 Months Ago

Your words mean so much to me, writing from the heart is all that I plan to do, and spoken word is r.. read more
I feel sorry for your loss.
The reader can really feel your pain.
A brilliant work in writing, as well as honest.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Take good care friend.
Bright blessings.

Posted 3 Months Ago


3 Months Ago

I appreciate your words, writing is one of the few ways we can show how we feeling, so this peace to.. read more

3 Months Ago

Thank you. Yes the best writers write about their feelings, emotions, raw passions, fears, love, wel.. read more
The pain of the sun refusing to rise and fall according to our loss. Calendar dates sting. My brother died on August 28th. It was not a holiday but became marked day forever and ever after. Much love. Thank you for reading my newest piece.

Posted 3 Months Ago


3 Months Ago

I hope your brother is resting happily ! I loved your most recent piece, and maybe the sun refusing .. read more
DaniElle LaPointe

3 Months Ago

Thank you, sweet friend.

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10 Reviews
Added on November 11, 2024
Last Updated on November 11, 2024
Tags: death, loss, sadness, poem, valentine, maya_online



here, GA

I'd like to leave my mark somewhere, and hope it matters, maybe my words reach someone, and if they do, then that someone will know I was here. ___________________ feel free to message me! I love ta.. more..


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