#43 Brian

#43 Brian

A Chapter by Rhi

by Rhi. on Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:46 pm

So after a bit I begin to worry about Chloe, she hasn’t come back and my stomach is growling, but I don’t want to leave Keith if he decides to jump in the water. So I’m stuck. Keith is just sitting in the middle of his flotation device staring at something to my right . . . I have no idea what, I’ve tried to figure it out but I don’t see anything . . . after a few more minutes I hear shuffling behind me and assume its Chloe so I don’t pay much attention, thinking she’ll come right over and plop herself down . . . but she doesn’t, and the shuffling stops behind me and soon
Deep masculine voice- so is he going to move or he just going to sit there?
I snap my head around and all I see is a bright white smile and shining blue eyes . . .
Me- uuuh hi . . . ?
- *laughing* oh sorry my name is Brian, I work at the hotel, I’m the pool guy, (he is going to stay at the hotel ladies . . .) I’ve been watching you guys since you came in and now I’m wondering whether I can follow through with my job or not. *laughs again (I’m beginning to melt)*
Me- uuuh i-I don’t know if he is going to move o-or n-not. Uuum hold on *I turn back around and glance over at Keith, his island has turns around and his back is now to me* k-Keith? Uuh are you going to get out any time soon?! Brian needs to do his job
Keith- *at the sound of me saying brains name he spins around* who?!
Me- Brian he’s the pool boy
Keith- pool boy you say *squints against the sun, sees Brian and stiffens*
Brian- here I’ll get a pole for you to grab *hurries through a door and comes back out w/ a net on a pole* here grab this
Keith- *trying to be all manly* no I got it, *starts paddling but like every other time it doesn’t work, and this time he falls in, poor Keith*
He stiffly gets out of the pool and around this time chloe comes back out just in time to see this and she yells
Chloe- YEAH! He got out! Wahoo!
Keith shoots her an evil glare
Chloe- oh! Sry *plops down next to me w/ a big plate of food and we start eating just as Brian starts his work*
Chloe- wow he is looking fine!
Me- yes he is!
And this kind of chat goes on for a bit as we watch Brian do his job, Keith is sitting next to me and he begins to grumble. . . the sun starts really heating everything up and Brian takes his shirt off and oh goodness . . . this really sets Keith off (he is still soaking wet) and Keith soon follows suit and takes of his shirt but claims its because he needs to wring it out, which he does . . . and after a bit Christy and angel come out and they soon begin enjoying the eye candy which sends Keith even further into a mumble grumble fit . . .


by pagan on Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:53 pm

This is getting funnier by the post. Keith needs some competition cos he treats you my dear Rhi like dirt. So have Brian show him how it's done


by Rhi. on Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:59 pm

lol i think we treat eachother like dirt! lol i just thought of a great joke but . . . ihave to think g-rated! g-rated! rhi get your mind out of the gutter!!!!!


by christyboo on Wed Aug 06, 2008 4:42 am

So Angel walks into the hotel and up in the elevator where it is just her and this ADORABLE guy.

Angel: *thinks to herself* Boy, he looks my age and is SO cute!
Bradley: *thinks to himself* WOW! She is SO pretty!
Angel: *thinks to herself* I wonder if he's single.

Bradley: Um, hi! My name's Bradley, what's yours?


by teenangel on Wed Aug 06, 2008 5:59 am

ha ha very funny Christy! That's what you were planning for the restaurant huh? THis is just before CHristy, BRADLEY and I come back to the pool

me: Teenangel
Bradley: What are you doing in Ireland?
me: Just visiting with some friends...do you want to meet them? *I'm a little jittery at this point*
Bradley: Sure! But please call me Brad.
me: And you can call me Angel (heck I've watched too many love stories)
We go back down the elevator and see Christy.
me: Christy! This is Brad, Brad this is Christy
"hi nice to meet you" all that stuff
Me: I think all of the others are at the pool.
Christy: Yeah, Chloe was up here a little while ago getting food for her and RHi and said that Keith got off once to get food then jumped back on!
me: WOW! Let's get our suits and see if he's still there or not! Oh, Brad, If you want to come you can get your suit on too!
Brad: I already have my suit on. What are you talking about?
on the way up to our room where brad waits outside I tell him about the prank.
we get to hte pool and see what Rhi said we see


by Rhi. on Wed Aug 06, 2008 8:13 am

just making this clear so everyone gets it

all guys that com into this story stay at the hotel!
we have too many charactors as it is we dont need to bring them along when we go on our next adventure!

but lets have fun with it while it lasts! lol


by pagan on Wed Aug 06, 2008 8:20 am

Except for CT of course right Rhi? I can't wait for the next installment of the Keith and Rhi story. It keeps me laughing.


by Rhi. on Wed Aug 06, 2008 8:56 am

oh yeah, all the guys from the hotel story stay at the hotel . . . ct dude gotta stay!! wouldnt have a story w/out them!!!

So just as Brian is finishing up Angel and Christy come bouncing out of the hotel with a good looking guy and Damian- who that sounded mean! Sry!!! – a good lookin new guy, and Damian! And they all come over, see Brian and Christy and Angel freeze.
Bradley- hey Brian are you done cleaning?
Brian- yup its all yours Brad!
Bradley- awesome! *dives in*
Chloe- *whispering to me* are they brothers?
Me- how would I know?! I know just as much as you!
Bradley- *once he surfaces* hey Bro! When’s your break? Want to join us?!
Brian- *checks his watch* yeah I can take a bit of a break *starts for the pool but stops short and turns to me* are you comin in?
Me-uh, um i- uh. . . .
Chloe- yes she is! And so am I! *starts striping down to her suit (we had our suits on just in case something went wrong w/ our prank) soon Chloe is all ready and she looks expectantly at me* come on! Hurry up!
So I quickly strip down to my suit and we head for the pool, I glance back at Keith but he’s no longer in his seat and I see him walking into the hotel
Chloe- come on! What are you doing?!
Me- well Keith he-
Chloe- he is probably just changing now come on!
So we both hop in and join a game of volley ball Christy Angel and Bradley against Chloe Brian and me, Damian is the score keeper . . . and Brian keeps standing behind me so whenever I back up to bump the ball I run into him. Then after a bit we get tired of the game and some how we get into this huge water fight and we get lost in the fun then suddenly Brian hops out
Me- where are you going?!
Brian- I have a job I have to get back to! I didn’t realize how much time had passed! *flashes a dazzling smile and heads off* soon we begin getting tired and we decide to take a break and round everyone up and go to lunch at the hotel’s restaurant. So we all break apart and get showered and changed. When I reached my room I could hear music coming from Keith’s door
Me- *thinking to self* he sounds busy, I’ll get ready first, and then tell him about lunch . . .
So we all get ready, Chloe found Ryan and Pagan and reported that they have already eaten, Christy found Paul and George, George wasn’t hungry but Paul was going to get us a table. We all begin heading down the stairs but I then remember Keith! So I hurry back to his room (no more music) I knock, no answer . . . I knock again . . . nothing . . .
Me- Keith are you in there?! *knock* Keith?! Ok well we’re going to lunch downstairs so come and join us if you-
- what are you doing?
Me- *startled* oh, hi Keith! I was telling you that we were going-
Keith- to lunch yeah, but why are you talking to a door?
Me- well I thought that you were in there . . .
Keith- *gives me and odd look* ok . . . well sure I guess I’ll go, but is that Brian, pool guy going to be there?
Me- no idea. *Keith looks like he is going to decline* he wasn’t there when we said we wanted to go to lunch so I doubt it.
Keith- ok . . .yeah sure I’ll come, but I have to change really quick, wait here
He quickly changes and comes back out wearing a pair of really awesome jeans and a shirt that makes him look too good for words but the thing that really stands out . . .
Me- Keith?
Keith- ya?
Me- Did you brush your hair?


by teenangel on Wed Aug 06, 2008 9:49 am

whoa whoa whoa! When did George come back? I thought we sent him to have some family time?


by teenangel on Wed Aug 06, 2008 9:58 am

Ok, so now I have introduced my dazzling friend Brad to everyone. We go down to the restaurant and order PERFECTLY NORMAL FOOD! (no black and white pudding no headcheese, just cheeseburgers and french fries) . Afterwards Christy and I decide that we are tired of wearing the same clothes week after week (I mean we don't have an unlimited wardrobe) so we are going to go shopping for the rest of the afternoon.
me: Anyone else want to come?

I sure hope you girls write something quick cus I'm BORED


by Rhi. on Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:08 am

Im only on for like 20 min so here it goes

All us girls say we want to go so we head out! We go to the first clothing store we see and it is awesome it has everything we need! After trying on a bunch of clothes (a bunch rock!) we all find the dress section!
Me- we should all get a really awesome fancy dress we should go out to a fancy dinner tonight!
Angel- last time we did that we got gross food . . .
Christy- well this time we’ll order!
So we all pick out a dress
Christy- red baby doll dress
Pagan- elegant purple w/ deep blue accents
Chloe- light blue and flirty
Angel- deep green w/ silver accents
Kerry- a really cool red/orange/yellow dress it look like fall . . .
And I get a bright pink dress that does my figure wonders! Lol
So we finally finish up and pay for everything and head back to the hotel. The guys are all sitting out on the deck (hotels have decks sometimes right??? ) and we come out w/all our shopping bags
Ryan- wow what all did you buy?!
Keith- yeah and how did you fit it all in the car?!
Paul- they are magic duh!


by teenangel on Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:17 am

me: now, I'm going to go ask the clerk to see what good restaurants are here.
Keith: Why don't you just ask us.
Rhi: *chokes* after what happened last time!
Christy: Not a Chance!
Chloe: I'll come with you Angel
me: ok.

I come back 15 minutes later with the news that there is a storm coming in, rain, lightning, thunder, the hole deal, and that there is a restaurant within walking distance that is considered to be the best in town.
RHi: Well let's go get changed!
me: There is no way I'm walking to a restaurant in my new dress and shoes during a thunder storm! Sorry not gonna happen.
Christy: Well then what are we going to do?
Me: I saw a shop nearby that sells those cool rain slickers like the guys were wearing in Heartland, we could get some of those...umbrella's just don't work....
Brad: I'll go with you...how many do we need?
me: Well let's see, Christy, Damian, Rhi, Keith, Pattum, Paul, Pagan, Ryan, Chloe, Jen, You, me, that's12...oh heck!
Brad: Well then we better hope they have that many...let's hurry!


by Rhi. on Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:25 am

So they come back w/ our rain slickers and angel invites Brad to dinner w/ us and it turns out that he and brian are brothers so we have to invite brian too. Hehehe . . . . we girls go get gussied up and when we return the guys are waiting for us (nicely dresses as well) the guys oogle us and wehead off to the restaurant which is beautiful, high ceilings, deep colors and a great menu! We sit at a large table again and guess who our waitress is?! SUSAN!!! She takes our drink orders and heads back to the kitchen. (I have keith on one side and brian on the other. . . just to make things interesting!) soon susan is back w/ our drinks (paul is giving her puppy eyes . . .) and this time we girls do the ordering of food


by teenangel on Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:28 am

T-bone steaks and choice of potatoes for all!


by teenangel on Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:34 am

I'm not good with dinner conversations.....someone else do it!


by teenangel on Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:39 am

be back tomorrow! bye!


by mad_about_ct on Wed Aug 06, 2008 11:10 am

ok so im sitting across from rhi cuz i cant sit next to her and i am witnessing her flirting with the encredibly hot brian and watching poor Keith sulk.
me- I have to use the lady's room. Rhi, do you want to join me? *i give rhi a pointed look*
rhi- *seeing that she has no choice* sure . . .
As we get up from our seets we hear one of the guys mummble something about girls going everywhere to gether. we then find the bathroom and i turn to Rhi.
me- so whats up with you?
Rhi- what do you mean?
me- with those two guys out there
rhi- what about them?
me- well you cant have both soo you need to choose one
rhi- why? *whines*
me- because your practically killing keith. you need to choose, now!
rhi- well keith hasn't been the nicest to me . . . and brian is really nice . . .and hot
me- so are you choosing Brian?
rhi- no! keith is also really hot and we have history, i can count on him pulling through in the end. plus Brian is only temporary
me- so you pick Keith?
rhi- NO! YES! oh! i don't know!! why do you even care?
me- cuz here i am, in this fabulouse dress Single and there you are with two guys. plus its practically killing me seeing keith in so much pain.
rhi- Oh! now i get it, you want my leftovers.
me- well if you choose Brian, i will be keiths crying shoulder and if you choose keith, well brian will get over that really fast and i can turn my womanly charm to full blast . . . ugh! i sound so cruel . . . and despret
rhi- well-
Angel- um, rhi, i would get back out there.
rhi- why?
Angel- well the guys . . . you just have to see for your self


by christyboo on Wed Aug 06, 2008 1:07 pm

So Angel, Rhi, and Chloe walk out of the Ladies Room to see Brian and Keith fighting.

Rhi: Stop it! Stop it!

Brian and Keith freeze and look at Rhi.

Rhi: What are you doing?
Brian: We're fighting.
Chloe: Over what?
Both Guys: YOU!
Keith: Who do you want? I thought we were engaged.
Brian: Engaged? What?
Christy: You had to be there.
Rhi: OK, well just give me some time.
Damian: Oooooh, I love this song. Christy, are you up for a dance?
Christy: Sure.
Paul: *imitating Christy* Awwwww, how romantic!

Paul, Ryan, Pagan, and Angel all start laughing.

So everybody has gotten their delicious food and has headed home. Christy gets freezing and walks next to Damian with his arm around her. Rhi is walking in between Brian and Keith, and everyone else is walking in a group in the back. Finally, they reach the hotel and go into their rooms.

Christy and Angel

Christy: You and Brad look SO cute together.
Angel: Can I tell you a secret?
Christy: Uh, don't you always?
Angel: Ok, well, Brad said that I could be his girlfriend if I got Rhi to choose Brian.
Christy: If you want advice, here's the best. Say no! He's just using you, so tell him that a real relationship isn't based on bribing.
Angel: I know, but I REALLY like him.
Christy: I can hook you up with an even better boy than Brad. Trust me.
Angel: OK. I wish I was you. You don't have boyfriend troubles.
Christy: You never know. Now lets go to sleep.
Angel: Night!


by christyboo on Wed Aug 06, 2008 1:09 pm

If ya'll want to know where I got the name Bradley from, I have an ADORABLE cousin named Bradley who is going to college. But that's not the real one. The real one is my boyfriend, well, he sort of is, who I have been sort of dating this summer. We haven't seen eachother all summer and I'm starting not to like him.


by christyboo on Wed Aug 06, 2008 1:34 pm

Damian and Keith

Damian: Dude, I feel bad for you.
Keith: I can't believe Rhi! All she and I have done together, it just doesn't seem fair.
Damian: Take her out all day tomarrow and show her the city, without Brian knowing, and talk about all of the great times you two have had together, that should work.
Keith: You have the perfect life, the perfect girlfriend, and you are the smartest person I know.
Damian: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I do NOT have the perfect life, I am not smart, but you are right about the perfect girlfriend.
Keith: Alright, tomarrow I'll bring Rhi breakfast in bed, then we'll go. Tell the others where we went and to keep it a secret from Brian and Brad. Just tell those two that I went to go visit my parents and Rhi had to go visit some friends that live an hour away from here. That should work.
Damian: OK, now I'm tired. Let's go to bed.
Keith: Ok, goodnight.


by christyboo on Wed Aug 06, 2008 1:39 pm

Paul and Ryan

Ryan: Man, life is boring around here.
Paul: Let's make some trouble.
Ryan: Hey! Let's start a fight between Damian and Christy!
Paul: That should get things heated up. How about we get Christy and Brad to walk together or sit next to eachother or something, that would make a fight between Christy and Damian, Damian and Brad, Brad and Angel, and Angel and Christy!
Ryan: Dang you are smart! Let's do it tomarrow at lunch.
Paul: Ok, I'm going to dream of some more stuff.
Ryan: OK, goodnight.


by mad_about_ct on Wed Aug 06, 2008 2:55 pm

to escape all the boy drama between everyone i decided to go down to the pool while everyone is asleep. i lay down on one of the lounge chairs and start to read.
brian- hey
me- what do you want? *not looking up from my book*
brian- nothing. just wanted to talk to the best friend of rhi.
me- why?
brian- because she is going to choose me so i want to get in good with all her palls
me- i don't think that is going to work. *still havent looked at him*
brian- why not?
me- cuz that means that she will have to dump keith and believe me all of us girls will be to busy cheering him up . . . plus she's not going to chose you
brian- well then thats your opinion *stomps off like a two year old*
jen- hey, what are you doing up?
me- hey, *finally looks up from my book* long time no see . . . and thats weird cuz we are in the same traveling group . . .
jen- yes it is weird, but you still haven't answered my question
me- have you heard of rhi's boy problem?
jen- how can i not? the whole hotel is talking about it
me- really? hm, io wish the whole hotel would talk about my boy issues . . . if i had them . . . anyway, i'm out here to escape rhi's crazyness about choosing
jen- bummer for you *sits down next to me*
me- i say we do something
jen- like what?
me- something fun . . . go gather all the other single girls
jen- Yeah! make a single girls night out of it
me- sounds like a plan


by pagan on Wed Aug 06, 2008 9:46 pm

pagan overhears the plot Ryan and Paul have hatched to start a fight between Christy and Damian. She warns Christy who is ready. She and Pagan have devised a plot of their own. Cos Pagan is ready to shoot Ryan for his remark that he is bored. Is he saying she is boring? Hmmm..she'll fix him good fer sure.
So the next day at breakfast.....
Pagan: Hey Christy how did you sleep last night?
Christy: Like a log. You?
Pagan: Dreaming of that hot guy we saw shopping yesterday.
Christy: Oh yeah? You mean the one(whispers in Pagan's ear)/
Pagan grins: Yep that (whispers back)
Ryan has taken notice of the conversation and has a funny look on his face.
Rhi: Hey Pagan did he ask you out?
Pagan: Naw cos he knew I had a boyfriend.
Pat: So. that doesn't stop a lot of guys.
Pagan: Well, yeah but I think I DID mention Ryan would like the dress I bought. But then he was so busy saying how bored he was he didn't even notice. So I figured nerts to him and went to my room.
Christy: Gee what a lunkhead.
Pagan: Barely describes it.
Ryan: Now wait just a minute. I never said no such thing.
Pagan: Yes you did cos I overheard you talking to Paul last night. You were going to cause a fight between Damian and Christy cos you were so bored.
Ryan: Honey not with you. I just meant I am tired of this hotel. We've pretty much done everything here there is to do.
Pagan: So you figured you'd cause trouble between two young people who love each other? man, you are some chump. I think I'll just go back upstairs and pack my bags. I need to head home anyhow. Gotta make sure I still have a job and my house is okay.
Ryan: Now honey be reasonable.
Pagan heads upstairs.
George: Go after her you fool.
Ryan: I think I'll pack and go with her.

The next adventure takes place at Pagan's place. Off to the American equivalent of Sherwood Forest okay?


by teenangel on Thu Aug 07, 2008 7:58 am

we're leaving? but I wasn't done in Ireland yet!


by Rhi. on Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:27 am

ok what i'm thinking is that we continue this story until Pagan comes on and then she can set the scene and everything . . . i'mnot fully sure what the American equivalent of Sherwood Forest is . . .

dont get me wrong i know what Sherwood Forest is but does that mean Robin Hood and his gang are there?!??!!??!?! and are we going to start stealing from the rich to feed the poor?!??!!??! lol


by teenangel on Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:54 am

sounds good to me


by Rhi. on Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:04 am

I felt weird writing what you’re about to read . . .

Ok so Pagan and Ryan head up stairs and begin packing, most of us are kinda like whatever its just another adventure . . . and a few minutes later Keith comes down and he is looking all around, even does a 360 to find whatever he was searching for, then he spots me, he doesn’t smile or brighten up like he normally does, he just keeps a serious face on and heads straight for me, just as he is about to reach me Brian sets my plate of food in front of me, this stops Keith but he then notices his apron (remember Brian works at the hotel, he’s not just the pool boy) and the continues on his way.
Keith- *When he reaches me, whispering in my ear* I have something to ask you, can we talk outside?
Me- *seeing the seriousness on his face I begin to worry about what he is going to say, all I can do is nod my head*
So he helps me pull out my chair (he’s never done that before) and he even opens the door for me! But because he doesn’t normally act this way, it begins to scare me.
Me- *when we are out side* Keith what’s wrong?! Why are you acting this way?! *fearing the worst*
Keith- *looking at his feet which are picking at the ground* why am I- why am I acting this way?
Me- well ya you-
Keith- *looking over the top of my head* Rhi you- youre- never mind it doesn’t matter. *back to his feet*
Me- Keith look at me. look at me *eye contact, for a second, I sigh* (lol The Island just came on from my ipod! I could really turn this thing into a musical! lol) Keith what did you want to say to me?
Keith- *still picking at a rock, I wait . . . , he sighs, steps forward and takes my hands in his* Rhi, pick me . . . choose me . . . love me! (sry a little Grey’s Anatomy joke . . . so what he really says is. . .->) Rhi, do you really like Brian?
Me- as what?
Keith- oh common don’t make me say it! You know what I mean . . . *pleading look in his eyes*
Me- *sigh* yes Keith I do like Brian- *Keith’s face collapses and he drops my hands and begins to walk away* Keith wait, no, I’m not finished! *I grab his arm and say in a softer voice* Keith, just let me finish
He stands there with his back to me, my hand on his arm, for what seems like years and he finally turns around
Keith- *pleading look* Rhi, please don’t ask if we could just be friends, I couldn’t- I cant-
Me- Keith, let me finish. *deep breath* Yes Keith, I do like Brian, but (ready for it???) I love you.
Yeah, yeah, yeah you all know what comes next, all mushy gushy stuff . . . .



© 2008 Rhi

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Added on December 25, 2008

Do you feel you spend all of your time on the boards?