#42 Keith's Little Island

#42 Keith's Little Island

A Chapter by Rhi

by Rhi. on Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:41 am

mad_about_ct wrote:when ever my fam played marco polo we never blindfolded people, we just had them close their eyes . . . i never heard of blindfolding people in marco polo . . .

its how you make sure that they arent cheating.

Keith- *as I’m sitting back down on the floor* How come angel keep telling you things that you cant tell me? What’s w/ all the secrets?
Me- *sarcastic* your one to talk!
Keith- *acting shocked* me? Keeping secrets?! That doesn’t sound a bit like me! *smile*
Me- *trying to act serious* weirdo . . .
Ryan- SHH! Trying to watch the TV!
Keith- *rolls eyes, whispers in my ear* If I’m weird then what does that make you?
Me- that makes me . . . crazy.
Keith- *under breath* crazy . . . I’d say more like psychotic . . . like when you put our shoes on the ceiling . . .


by Rhi. on Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:44 am

mad_about_ct wrote:

teenangel wrote:I would NOT be on the bottom of a chicken fight! lol

don't worry, i wouldn't be on the top. last time i was in the pool (last week) my uncle put me on his shoulders and i about freaked out. i never spent much time on my family members shoulders so i never got used to it . . . my sister did though, she's kinda a monkey, she could get on your shoulders while your standing up

i wouldnt even play, but you have to remember that this is a fantasy


by mad_about_ct on Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:45 am

Rhi. wrote:

mad_about_ct wrote:when ever my fam played marco polo we never blindfolded people, we just had them close their eyes . . . i never heard of blindfolding people in marco polo . . .

its how you make sure that they arent cheating.

im just saying that my family has played many a game of marco polo and we have never blindfolded anybody. but we are playing with paul . . .


by Rhi. on Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:01 am

we kinda need to get back to the story!!!


by mad_about_ct on Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:08 am

i kinda don't know whats going on! someone else needs to pick it up!


by Rhi. on Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:09 am

i did the last one and no one else is on


by mad_about_ct on Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:14 am

then we wait, young padawan (sp?) learner

i know, too much starwars. . . and it came out of no where . . .


by Rhi. on Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:19 am

wow and it didnt have anything to do w/ yoda talking to you! i'm surprised!!!!

think of something soon i will. here will you wait, 10 min. you give me.


by Rhi. on Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:27 am

Chloe- *who has been eavesdropping* you’re still worked up about that?!
Keith- no I just still cant figure out how you did it! (yeah I know we told them but ignore that fact)
Ryan- *flipping channels* oh! Look Star Wars is on!!! Watch it can we please?! The best one it is! soon will Darth meet his-
Pagan- ok Ryan stop it!!!
Keith- what is he doing? *to me* why is he talking like that?!
Me- did you not pay any attention when we watched the movies?!
Angel gets up and heads for the door Christy soon follows . . . they motion for me to come too.
Me- well I‘ll be back in a bit don’t take my spot!


by teenangel on Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:45 pm

In our room
RHi: Ok, so what are we going to do?
ME: we are going to rig up a little morning surprise for Keith, and maybe Damian!
Christy: I'm all for that!
Rhi: I'm not sure.....
Me: Rhi we are not going to do anything more than what Keith did to you today.
Rhi: Welllllllllll,
Christy: Aw come on Rhi, it'll be fun!
Rhi: Ok! So, what do we do?
me: We go and put this in their room *I hold up a walkie talkie* and tape down the talk button. You still have that key don't you Rhi?
Rhi: yep.
me: good. well right now, we'll just go and slip sleeping pills into their sodas. They'll wear off in about 3 hours. then we put them on the two cots that I requested earlier and somehow carry them down to the pool. When they start to wake up, we shove them in! What do ya think?


by Rhi. on Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:06 pm

ah man this would have been perfect if we were still on the lake!!!! why did we never think of it?! you know the parent trap (remake) where you take an air matress while someone is sleeping and put it in the water and when they wake up they are suddenly in the middle of a lake!


by teenangel on Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:11 pm

tell me about it....so...is that good enough?


by teenangel on Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:18 pm

Christy: That will be so good, and of course we'll be fully equipped with video cameras!
me: you betcha!
rhi: Ok so what do we tell them we were doing when we go back?
Me: *pull out a box of Kit Kats*
Rhi & Christy: YOU ARE SO GOOD!


by Rhi. on Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:51 pm

Ok angel I’m gonna tweak the prank just a bit! But they are still ending up in that pool!

Ok so we plan everything out but we are then informed that our cots wont be available so we decide to go to the nearest Wal-Mart and buy 2 air mattresses (queen size) w/ the gift card Keith and I won! Lol and we go back to the room where most have filtered back to their rooms but Keith Paul Damian and Chloe are still left.
Chloe- where have you been?! You left me here with 3 crazy people!
Me- sry!! We decided to take a walk and then we lost track of time!
Chloe- *evil glare*
Keith- what’s in the bags?
Angel-I’m glad you asked! We just bought 2 air mattresses so we girls can all sleep in the same room tonight! But they don’t have a motor so could you big strong manly men blow it up for us??? *big smiles from us girls*
Paul- hmm big manly men . . . I like the sound of that! *takes one mattress and begins blowing*
Keith- *eyeing is suspiciously* since when do you girls have any problems with sleeping in the same beds?
Me- eww how do you know that?!
Keith-I do have a little sister!
Christy- well we decided that we all want our own bed from now on. So will you help us blow it up or not?! *looks expectantly at Damian*
Damian- o . . k. . . I’ll do it.
So soon Paul gets light headed and Keith takes over for a bit then Damian runs out of strength and Paul starts again . . . this goes on for about an hour and finally they are fully filled w/ air! And the guys have passed out on the bed. So we bring the mattresses down to the pool and we set them in we then rush back up and take Keith down first. Thank goodness for elevators! And we lay him on one of the mattresses (oh and note that this pool is huge!) and we then go back up for Paul who talks in his sleep all the way down . . . next is Damian, he’s the hardest. He is a light sleeper and continues to wake up just enough that he’ll ask what we are doing but then fall right back to sleep. We lay him next to Paul (Keith’s mattress floated away) and we then arrange some pillows and blankets on the lounge chairs and wait. We soon fall asleep but we are awakened by the sun and the guys are still sleeping in various positions on their mattresses . . .

After a bit we girls begin chatting and some time passes and we soon see ryan comeing out of the hotel. He sees us and he starts walking in our direction and he doesn’t look happy.
Ryan- Have you seen Paul?! He never came back to the- well I found him. Did you do this?
We girls shake our heads yes
Ryan- wow, how did you get them out here?!
Me- carried them
Ryan- wow that must have been-
Pagan- *rushing towards us* Damian and keith are gone too, where do you- woh how’d they- *sees us* not another prank
Angel- well you have to admit that it’s a pretty good one!
Pagan- ya I guess I do but they aren’t gonna be happy when the wake up. Does paull not know that his whole left leg is in the water?!
Christy- he’s been in that position for about a half hour or so now.
Ryan- how are you going to wake them up?
Me- we thought we’d let them get as much sleep as they wanted. Let them wake up on their own accord . . .
Pagan- well that’ll be a while!
Christy- that’s why we brought magazines and food with us
Soon ryan and pagan take a seat and wait . . . about 3 hours later we see Damian stretch, roll over and slip in, the weight of Paul on the other end tips the mattress and Paul is soon in the water as well
Damian- what the?! How did?! Hu?! Paul?
Paul- *coughing* I got water up my nose!!!
Damian soon sees us and rushes out of the pool and heads straight for us
Damian- I am so going to get you Christy! You’d better run! *Christy leaps up and heads straight for the hotel, probably running towards her room*
Paul just hops out of the pool and comes over to us and takes off his soaking shirt and wrings it out over our heads then takes a seat next to us.
Paul- I want to see what Blondie’s reaction is
So we sit for another hour and Keith shows no signs of waking up.
Angel- I think Rhi should go in after him and wake him up
Me- what’s that gonna do?! I’m not going to scare him! And he will defiantly not get wet that way!
Chloe- I’m really bored we gotta get him up some how!
So we start devising a plan and just as we are in the thick of our plot-
Keith- *still laying in the same position he has been in for about 2 hours* I’m awake. I can hear you


by teenangel on Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:55 pm

OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!

wait a sec, does that end that or do we still wait?


by Rhi. on Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:59 pm

i'm done w/ it


by teenangel on Tue Aug 05, 2008 2:00 pm

well we can't just leave Keith out on an air mattress so gimme a sec


by christyboo on Tue Aug 05, 2008 2:00 pm

I'm back from cheerleading! I'm going to a going away party for this dude in my class who's moving to Greenville, NC tonight from 6 to 9.

So Damian has gotten all of the way to Christy's floor and sees her door shut. He runs up to her door.

Damian: Christy! I can't believe you! Open up!! *starts slamming his fist against the door over and over again*
Christy: It was just a joke, chill!
Damian: I won't chill, I'm soaking wet and am freezing! I can't chill, I'm already chilled up enough!
Christy opens up the door.
Christy: Here, let me get you a towel, then you can take a nice warm shower in here.
Damian: Thank you very much!


by teenangel on Tue Aug 05, 2008 2:05 pm

Keith paddles over to the edge looking rather upset that we could do something like that to him.
me: I think I'll go check on Christy, Damian looked pretty mad!
I get up to our room and don't see Damian anywhere so I whisper through the door
me:Christy are you in there?
Christy:Yeah, is he gone?
me: well I can't see him, let me in!
Christy: Ok.

I gotta go...bye!


by Rhi. on Tue Aug 05, 2008 2:11 pm

ok gonna mold these 2 together

christyboo wrote:I'm back from cheerleading! I'm going to a going away party for this dude in my class who's moving to Greenville, NC tonight from 6 to 9.

So Damian has gotten all of the way to Christy's floor and sees her door shut. He runs up to her door.

Damian: Christy! I can't believe you! Open up!! *starts slamming his fist against the door over and over again*
Christy: It was just a joke, chill!
Damian: I won't chill, I'm soaking wet and am freezing! I can't chill, I'm already chilled up enough!
Christy opens up the door.
Christy: Here, let me get you a towel, then you can take a nice warm shower in here.
Damian: Thank you very much!

teenangel wrote:Keith paddles over to the edge looking rather upset that we could do something like that to him.
me: I think I'll go check on Christy, Damian looked pretty mad!
I get up to our room and don't see Damian anywhere so I whisper through the door
me:Christy are you in there?

Christy- yup
Angel- where is damian?
Christy- *opens door* he is taking a shower
Angel- well keith is awake and he looked mad so i ran up here.
Christy- i know! i can see it all through my window! lets go see what happens! *pull up chairs by the window*


by teenangel on Tue Aug 05, 2008 2:19 pm

sorry Christy! I didn't see that...normally it would tell me if someone else had posted so we must have hit it at nearly the same time....good job rhi!


by mad_about_ct on Tue Aug 05, 2008 2:28 pm

im about to post so wait!!


by Rhi. on Tue Aug 05, 2008 2:44 pm

waiting . . . . waiting . . . . . waiting . . . . . . waiting . . . . . .


by teenangel on Tue Aug 05, 2008 2:45 pm


and waiting

and waiting

and waiting


by mad_about_ct on Tue Aug 05, 2008 2:49 pm

so iam still down by the pool watching Keith attempt to paddle out of the pool. he seems to be having trouble and is paddling around the pool in circles.
Me- why don't you just give up and get out of the pool? you are in the shallow end anyway
keith because i refuse to get wet.
Pagan- well, this is boring, iam leaving you to you sillyness *she gets up and the rest follow her so its just me and keith*
Me- so you really aren't going to get in the pool?
keith- yup, i am not giving you girls the satisfication of seeing your plan unfold.
me- umm . . .im the only one here and i wasn't really part of the planning commitee, i just felt like watching
keith- well . . . i still refuse to give . . . you the satisfaction of geting wet while fully dressed!
me- i could always go up to your room to get your bathingsuite and bring it back down so that you can change into it.
keith- where would i change? on the mattress where you and anyone esle like Rhi could see?!?
me- . . . i didn't think about that . . . ok i did, but i didn't think that you would
keith- *gives me a quizical look*
me- i was hoping that when i came back down with the bathingsuite that you would get out of the pool to go change in the bathroom
keith- give me a breack, i am not that stupid.
me- well duh. you didn't fall for it
rhi comes back
keith- i thought that you left because i was boring
rhi- no, i thought that you might want to eat breackfast so i went to get you some *sees me looking sad* don't worry i got you some to, chloe
keith- sweet food! *he then jumps off the air mattress and into the pool, he then swims to the edge and gets out and snatches the food from rhi*
me- hey, thats not all yours! give me my food!
rhi- and some of that is mine as well!
keith is ignoring us and goes to sit down on the chair next to me and starts digging into the food
me- never mind i don't want it anymore
keith- what?
rhi- just keep devororing the food
keith- yes can do! *continues eating*
me- was that the plan to get him out of the pool?
rhi- yup. why, did you come up with one?
me- yeah . . .
rhi- care to explain?
me- nope


by teenangel on Tue Aug 05, 2008 2:53 pm

ok.....that kinda ruins mine...I was about to post it when I saw Chloe's post asking not to post.....oh well...maybe next time I can send everybody kit kats


by Rhi. on Tue Aug 05, 2008 2:54 pm

lol you no you want to explain that one to me!!!! lol


by Rhi. on Tue Aug 05, 2008 2:55 pm

holdoni got something good cookin!!!!


by Rhi. on Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:01 pm

So after Keith eats all of the food that I so kindly brought out he takes a running leap and belly flops on the mattress.
Keith- hzah I have my own little island! Haha and no one else is aloud on it!
Chloe- I don’t want to be on it
Me- me neither . . . Keith you do know that you just jumped back on the mattress w/ all of your clothes still on . . . right?
Keith-*floating back to the center of the pool* dang it! *tries paddling again but goes in circles, he then gets tired and sits in the middle of his island* . . . I’m still hungry . . .


by Rhi. on Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:04 pm

i'm thinking that this is a very small hotel with a huge pool and we are the only guests. . .


by mad_about_ct on Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:10 pm

nah! there are other guests that are watching what we had done we just choose to ignore them.


by Rhi. on Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:13 pm

lol that works too


by Rhi. on Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:21 pm

Chloe- gonna hop in now?
Keith- no
Me- so your just gonna sit there?
Keith- yup
Chloe- uh hu . . . well I’m gonna go get food, rhi watch him and call for me if he hops in the pool. I don’t want to miss anything!
Me- ok
Chloe hurries off and I lounge back in the chair . . .
Keith-*laying on his back, looking at his finger nails* this would be a good time to have my guitar . . . or a paddle . . .
Me- well you could use your guitar as a paddle
Keith- *evil look*
Me- or not. Or I have a better idea! You could just hop in the water and swim out! *big smile*
Keith- *now sitting cross legged in the center of his mattress* nope, not gonna happen
Me- *under breath* and you think I’m odd . . .



by tummom on Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:12 pm

I love following this story stuff you guys! Keep it up! It's great!


by christyboo on Tue Aug 05, 2008 6:44 pm

Christy: Damian, are you done yet?!?!
Damian: Just about, what clothes can I wear?
Christy: I put your wet clothes in the dryer.
Damian: Ok.

Meanwhile,everyone else is downstairs at the pool except for Chloe

Angel: Hey Rhi, I'm going upstairs.



© 2008 Rhi

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Added on December 25, 2008
Last Updated on December 25, 2008

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