#39 Breakfast

#39 Breakfast

A Chapter by Rhi

by teenangel on Fri Aug 01, 2008 6:31 pm

So the next morning we all go down to the hotel lobby for breakfast and find Pagan and Rhi with red eyes & bed heads. THey tell us the story from last night and we realize about half way through the meal that Keith and Paul aren't there...we go up to their room and as we are about to knock on their door hear a really loud

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by Rhi. on Fri Aug 01, 2008 6:34 pm

ha ha haha ha . . . ha hahaha ha . . . . . . . ha


by Rhi. on Fri Aug 01, 2008 6:52 pm

Chloe- wow I came all the way backup here to hear that. . . I’m going back to finish my food. . . *walks back down stairs and most follow her. . .*
Me- so should we wake them up?
Angel- *shrugs shoulders*
Me- *knock on the door. . .nothing. . . . I knock again. . . . nothing* you know they may kill me for this but I have a key to their room. . . .
Angel- how in the world did you get that?!
Me- the desk clerk told me to give it to Paul . . . I didn’t . . .
So I open the door and we walk in. I head for the bathroom first and Paul is fully clothed in the tub of now melted ice . . . he has some traces of pink powder on his face. . . and he has pink highlights. . .
Angel- wow Rhi you gotta see this!
I hurry out of the bathroom and on one of the beds is Keith laying diagonally across the unmade bed w/ one leg hanging off the side and various make up products cover his face. And he was wearing a headband w/ a large bow on top . . .
Angel- where did they get the make up?
Me- probably kept it from when they stole all our stuff (did we ever get that stuff back????)
Angel- well should we wake them up?
Me- uuuuh, sure you get up Paul I’ll get up Keith. . .*angel goes into the bathroom. . .i poke Keith w/ my foot . . . snore. . . I nudge him harder. . . groan. . . I practically kick him. . . he rolls off bed. . . . thunk!*
Keith- ow! What the- hey what are you doing in here!
Me- I have a- *laughter from the bathroom from the bathroom followed by a scream* what in the world?!
Keith- *laughing* he must have just found the highlights!


by teenangel on Fri Aug 01, 2008 7:01 pm

Hey no fair! lol, jk...I would have gotten my camera again!

Paul *rushes out of the bathroom*: I think the cotton candy we ate when we were jumping on the bed last night turned my hair pink!!!!!!
Keith *stiffling laughter* :Really? O my gosh it did! Poor Paul, now you won't be able to go with us on our trip, I'm gonna be so lonely!
Paul: Who said anything about not going anywhere?
Me: Oh boy, this is good.
Rhi: Tell me about it!
Paul *spins around and sees us rolling on the floor laughing*: Hey! When'd you get here?
Keith: They're the ones that woke us up.
Paul: you woke me up?
Keith: Oh boy,
Paul:you woke me up?
Keith: You really shouldn't have done that
Paul: You woke me up?
Keith: now he's starting to get angry!
Paul: You woke me up?
Keith: Now you're in for it!
Paul: YOU WOKE ME UP?????????????
Keith: I'm outta here! *dives under bed then finds out there are boards under it*
Paul: Thanks girls! I was having a nightmare!!!!!!!!!


by Rhi. on Fri Aug 01, 2008 7:27 pm

Me-ok well we’re all having breakfast so you guys wanna come down? And uuuh Paul you’re making a puddle on the carpet.
Paul-oh! *Rushes in to the bathroom and we hear the bathtub drain and the shower turn on.*
Angel- well we’ll leave you to get ready *hurries out of room*
Me- yeah so you may want to also look in the mirror before you leave. . . *funny look from Keith, and I soon follow Angel*
When we get back to the breakfast table everyone is finished and are just chatting. . .
Me- my food is cold . . .
Angel-mine isn’t! *continues to eat*
Soon the guys come down Paul is wearing a hat. . . I get up to go to the bathroom and when I come back my plate is clean
Me- where did my food go?
Keith- it was cold
Me- well I know that but that doesn’t ex- did you eat it?


by pagan on Fri Aug 01, 2008 9:58 pm

Sorry for my absence but I've been having computer problems.What I thought was the modem turned out to be a dead computer I ended up buying a new one. I just played catchup. Hilarious as usual. Keep up the good work.
If you think black and white pudding is gross, google headcheese. Altho the stuff IS quite good.


by Rhi. on Sat Aug 02, 2008 12:49 am

we've missed you pagan!!!! glad to see youre back but i'm sry about your computer!
headcheese???? i'm afraid to know!!!!! *sutters*


by teenangel on Sat Aug 02, 2008 6:29 am

Rhi, just incase you're really curious...headcheese http://en.wikipedia.org/?title=Head_cheese

I prefer it to black and white pudding though....



by pagan on Sat Aug 02, 2008 6:36 am

Actually Rhi headcheese is delicious. My grandmother made it and we put it on bread. Yummy.(Pagan smacks her lips)


by Rhi. on Sat Aug 02, 2008 8:03 am

did you know what it was be4 you ate it??? *shutters*


by Rhi. on Sat Aug 02, 2008 8:30 am

Keith- yes
Me- ok . . . why?
Keith- I was hungry.
Me- Then why didn’t you order your own food?
Keith- I did.
Me- so you ate my food and ordered your own food?
Keith- yup
Me- fine then, I will just have to eat your food.
Keith- you don’t want my food
Me- why?
Keith- just trust me you don’t want it.
Me- *to Chloe* do you know what he ordered?
Chloe- yup and no you don’t want it!
Me- well what is it?!
Paul- is a conglomeration of meats gelled together and put into a mold.
Chloe-like I said you don’t want it. Oh Paul! That’s a really cool hat! Can I try it on?! *takes Paul’s hat off and puts it on her head, sees Paul’s highlights* wow Paul you have pink hair!
Paul- yeah I know that’s why I was wearing the hat *tries to grab it off of Chloe’s head*
Chloe- wow, well that sucks . . . *avoiding Paul’s grabby hand* I promise I wont tell! . . . . hey Christy guess what?!


by pagan on Sat Aug 02, 2008 9:07 am

Rhi. wrote:did you know what it was be4 you ate it??? *shutters*

Sure did Rhi. My grandmother always soaked it in brine the night before she cooked it. I've since seen it for sale in our local grocery stores but won't buy it cos I know it won't taste anything like hers. Ahhh nothing like good head cheese on a piece of ryebread(Pagan smacks her lips causing poor Rhi to head to the bathroom ) Yum delicious



by Rhi. on Sat Aug 02, 2008 9:21 am

when i followed the link you posted,i say thepictire and gaged. . . . just the picture made me gag! id be afraid to see it in real life!!!! i wouldnt think it would taste that bad considering whats in hot dogs and sausages and spam but still . . .


by teenangel on Sat Aug 02, 2008 1:02 pm

welll you asked! lol don't tell me Keith is ordering gross food again!

me: Oh boy, here we go again! I'm still hungry. why don't we girls go up to my room and get room service and let the guys eat their "food"?
Rhi: I'm all for that!
Christy: I'll come too.
Damian: I'm stuffed and the things Keith just ordered make me sick! Can I come with you girls?
me: Oh, I guess it's ok with me if it's ok with Christy *gives her a knowing look * It's her room too!
Christy: *acting like she really doesn't want him* Oh..................weeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllll, *sigh* ok.
On the way up Christy and I wouldn't fit in the elevator so we walk up.
Me: Nice show you put on down there....pretty obvious though



© 2008 Rhi

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