#35 More Pranks . . .

#35 More Pranks . . .

A Chapter by Rhi

by christyboo on Mon Jul 28, 2008 6:14 am

Kerry- We could go around and take pics with random people we don't know!
Christy- I get what Kerry is saying. I brought a camera, I think Rhi brought a camera, I know Chloe brought a camera, and Angel, you brought a camera, right?
Angel: I sure did.
Rhi- I brought one.
Christy: Ok, we will park the boat over there, split up in groups, and run off and take as many pics with random people as we can. The group with the most pics gets to do something to the others.
Keith: Great idea!!

Hey Ya'll, I'm back!! I have missed you all. I got back yesterday but was so tired that I watched half of a movie, then went to bed. I love the story so far!


by Rhi. on Mon Jul 28, 2008 7:24 am

wow yesterday i cameon and 3 pages. . . 2day? 3 posts. . . lol


by Rhi. on Mon Jul 28, 2008 7:58 am

Soooo we split into teams(do I have to give teams???? . . .probably. . . uuuh. . .
keith chloe and I,
angel, jen and kerry
pagan ryan and paul (I forget are pagan and ryan still fighting????)
Damian Christy and george
am I missing anyone???????

So we head off. . . (more like race off) keith starts using his celebrity charm to get pics,
chloe and I stick together.
Me- ok I see a group of people over there you get that half and I’ll get the other, sound good?
Chloe- lets do it!

Poor Pagan (your still mad at ryan) she is stuck w/someone she wants to beat and another that just ate 4 warheads and is trying not to give off a sour face. . . guess who is who????
Pagan-omg I cant believe- never mind, anyway so i’ll be over there in that café, ryan go to that dinner and paul- paul spit those out!
Paul- n-n-never! *cringe*
Pagan- now paul!
Paul- runs over to the nearest trash can then sees some pretty ladies and get distracted and doesn’t take any pictures. . .

Angel jen and kerry are all using strategy and already have tons of pics. . .
Damian Christy and george are doing the same as above. . . .

Back w/my group keith has found a huge group of girls that think he is the cats meow and he gets a bunch of pictures. . . chloe and I on the other hand cant seem to get anyone to let us take their picture!
Chloe- what does everyone think were going to do w/ their picture?! put it in a photo version of a hit list?!
Me- probably
Chloe- great! we are gonna loose!
Me-no we aren’t! I just found our savior! Come on!
A group of artists had assembled farther down the road and they were all showing off their art, so what do we do? We ask if we can get a pic of each one w/ their piece. And does it work? Yes it does! We get around 30photos! Oh yeah! About a half hour later we reassemble at our meeting place (a restaurant) and we count our pics

My group- 70 photos
Angel’s group- 67
Pagan’s group- 34
Damian’s group- 97

Jen- wow how did you get so many pics Christy?!
Christy- I walked through a line of people waiting for an audition.
Mutters of why they didn’t see it or that’s not fair. . . .
Me- uh pagan how-
Pagan- zip it! I don’t want to talk about it.
George- I saw paul running down the street w/ a sandwich, what was that?
Ryan-it was mine
Paul- was not!
Ryan- was 2!
Paul -was not!
Pagan- would you 2 just shut up!!!
Pagan- thank you
Kerry- so Christy what are you going to do to us, now that your group won?
Christy-oh we have something in mind. . .


by pagan on Mon Jul 28, 2008 8:08 am

Ryan and I have patched things up. But we can still have some fun. I like the way this is going. Keep it going.Just cos Ryan and I have patched things up doesn't mean I can't roll my eyes or give him the business when he does something stupid.


by teenangel on Mon Jul 28, 2008 8:10 am

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE PRANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE PRANKS


by Rhi. on Mon Jul 28, 2008 8:17 am

Kerry W wrote:By the way, WHERE ARE WE ACTUALLY LOCATED???!!! I know we're somewhere along the east coast...

ok soooo a hundred miles from a dock in New York where there is a lake. . .no idea. . . someone can lookit upif they would like. . .


by Rhi. on Mon Jul 28, 2008 8:19 am

pagan wrote:Ryan and I have patched things up. But we can still have some fun. I like the way this is going. Keep it going.Just cos Ryan and I have patched things up doesn't mean I can't roll my eyes or give him the business when he does something stupid.

lol ok got it!


by teenangel on Mon Jul 28, 2008 8:46 am

So Christy and Damian send George to the store and he comes back after an hour or so with three huge grocery bags and I mean HUGE! They go and lock themselves into christy and my room (I think we were sharing). We all are in great suspense but since we agreed to it we aren't going to spy. We decide to watch Prince Caspian (not sure if it's on video or not yet) and I have to go up to our room to get it...


by Rhi. on Mon Jul 28, 2008 9:40 am

So angel goes up and tries to open the door but its locked to she yells through
Angel- this is my room too you know!
Christy- *unlocks door and peeks out* what?
Angel- I need to get a movie
Christy- which one
Angel- prince Caspian(it isn’t out yet)
Chisty-*closes door locks it then she comes back in a minute* here you go now bye! *closes door*
Angel comes down stairs.
Paul- anything?
Angel- no. . .
We put in the movie and start watching. . .
Keith-I am so bored . . .
Me- good for you
Keith- you’re not very nice
Me- well neither are you
Keith- well youre-
Chloe- SHHH!
Silence . . . .keith gets up and goes and makes more popcorn then runs upstairs w/ his popcorn then comes back down in a few minutes, by that time I have stretched out on the sofa (love seat just big enough for 2 and just the right length for my legs) keith comes over to the sofa to sit down then sees that I have taken over his place, he looks at my feet then at me then my feet, turns around and sits.
Me- ow! Get off your heavy.
Keith- shouldn’t have put your legs in my spot *eats handful of popcorn w/ a gummy work hanging out of it*
Me-get off! *I get one leg free and kick him with it*
Keith- you know that wasn’t very nice you need to learns some manners
Me- you need to get off
Keith- I don’t feel like it
Me- *muttering* oh I’ll make you feel like it!
Ryan- shush!!! And keith get off of Rhi and Rhi let keith sit on the couch.
Keith/me- fine. . . .
Keith gets off of me, I move my legs, and just when keith sits down he swings his legs on top of me, his feet go over the arm of the couch, and he just smiles, like what you gonna do about this? Hu??
Ryan- Keith I’m warning you.
Keith- what are you going to do about it?
Ryan- Keith just go outside and play your guitar or something. We’re trying to watch the movie!
Keith all in a huff just goes outside and when he opens the door a big buket of syrup lands on his head.
The prank has begun. . .


by teenangel on Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:03 am

SYRUP!! poor Keith!

Rhi: what now?
Keith: I just got syrup dumped on my head!
me: Oh, our room convieniently overlooks the front door.....now I know why they chose that one


by Rhi. on Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:23 am

Me- sweet!
Keith- no its not!
Me- yes it is, its syrup! Its not sour!
Keith- *evil look*
Me- your dipping on the freshly cleaned floor.
Keith- I’m drip- you’re going to be dripping soon! *runs after me, I sprint out the back door and SPLASH honey. . . *
Christy- *cracking up* hi sweety how was your day?
Me- Christy I am going to kill you! *thunk* ow! Keith what was that for?!
Keith- sorry I couldn’t stop! *he slides around in a puddle of syrup forming at his feet*
Me- great so where are the feathers?
Keith- what?


by teenangel on Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:31 am


me: ok that's it! No one go outside or open any doors or windows now! *raising voice* Let's go plan our retaliation.
Rhi: where do we do that? they have probably booby trapped all of the rooms.
me: well if they have then they've done it through the windows because that door has not opened.
So we all go upstairs into Keith and Paul's room and when we open the door we find

Nothing unusual
I gotta go...back soon


by teenangel on Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:49 pm

aw come on...I'm gone for 2 hrs and you guys haven't written anything else? lol jk


by mad_about_ct on Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:52 pm

well i really ment for just us girls to do something cuz everyone else was in their own little world . . .

while everyone is running around the house pulling pranks im still watching the movie cuz im a movie junkie and nothing will tear me from a good movie.
me- *mutters to self* they all need to find something more productive to do like - OMG!! that was so funny! guys! your missing a really good movie!
someone- *don't have time to figure out who it is* well your missing a good prank fest
me- meh *continue to watch the movie and about twenty min later it ends and the credits start to scroll, i hear the slight sound of someone creeping up on me* don't even dare
someone- how could you hear me
me- *turn around to see paul holding a big bucket over my head* cuz im amasing
paul- well miss amasing, what are going to do about this *dumps bucket on my head and flour falls out all over me*
me- *starts to fake cry* w-w-w-why d-d-did you h-have to d-d-d-d-d-do THAT!!! *start to wail*
paul- *look of concern crosses his face* oh, im soo sorry, i didn't mean to hurt your feelings, i was just pulling a prank
me- well it did hurt my feelings!! *wail*
paul- oh please stop crying . . . how can i make it up to you?
me- *calms down a bit* well a glass of juice might help
Paul- ok juice, any thing else?
me- i would also like a whole box of cerial, lucky charms, and some ice cream might help
Pual- ok ill be right back *runs into the kitchen and then quickly returns with the stuff* here you go
me- thanks *i open the new box of cerial and pour in the juice, then i open the icecream and realise i have no spoon* you didn't get me a SPOON!! *wail*
paul- calm down, ill get one *runs into kitchen then returns holding the spoon wich i quickly snatch from his hand*
me- how do expect me to eat icecream with out a spoon? *starts to spoon icecream into bag of cerial and juice *
paul- umm . . .*looks at my wierd concoction* what are you doing?
me- your making fun of the way i eat *starts to fake cry again*
paul- oh no! sorry, keep doing what your doing
me- ok *i then mush the bag, mixing up all the ingrediants, i then take the bag and dump the mixture on pauls head*
paul- hey!! thats cold!!!!


by teenangel on Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:57 pm



by christyboo on Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:00 pm

I'm gonna get off for a bit and watch the DC games.


by teenangel on Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:20 pm

By this we all have something on us....

HECK I CAN'T DO THIS....I'm listening to Declan singing You and Me and I'm just not in the mood to write more pranks...someone else do this


by christyboo on Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:50 pm

Christy: Damian, why don't you go downstairs and tell the others that you are going to mess up Keith's room. Then when they come up we'll have a suprise for them.
George: OK, but what will the suprise be?
Christy: Ok, here's the plan........


Keith: Let's play charades.
Ryan: Uuhhhhhhhhhhhh, ok.
Chloe: I go first! *stands up and trots around the room*

Just then, Damian runs downstairs.

Damian: I'm going to mess up your room Keith! *runs back upstairs*
Keith: No you won't !!!

Keith runs upstairs followed by the others. Then they all enter Keith's room.

Christy is holding Ryan's puppy in one hand and a Sharpie in the other. Damian is holding Keith's laminated page from Rhi's diary and scissors in the other. And George is holding Rhi's camera in one hand and a hammer in the other. The others all yell "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!"


by teenangel on Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:53 pm

ok you're going to have to finish that one...they must want something! that's just a little more than a prank that's more like a do-this-or-else...lol


by christyboo on Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:57 pm

Ryan: Drop the Puppy!
Christy: I will, and the others wil, if you guys do one thing.
Rhi: What, anything! That's my new camera!
Damian: Ok, you all have to.......


by teenangel on Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:00 pm

oh come on be nice...what do they have to do? I'm to excited to think of something....wait a minute....get me upstairs before they have to do anything and I have a really good idea!


by christyboo on Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:05 pm

Could you write it cuz I'm kinda tired.


by teenangel on Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:25 pm

never mind it wouldn't work....it was a really funny version of I'm a little teapot but you almost need to hear it


by christyboo on Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:29 pm

So, what should ya'll have to do? (please excuse my southern accent)


by christyboo on Mon Jul 28, 2008 4:25 pm

OK, I don't like the prank type thing that I wrote. So I'm going to try again.

Christy, Damian, and George are upstairs while the others are downstairs hanging out.

George: What should we prank should we pull on them?
Christy: I think that when they all fall asleep, we should cover their faces with honey, shaving cream, whipped cream, chocolate syrup, and things like that.
Damian: I knew I picked the right girl.
George: Oh be quiet!
Damian: Sheesh!
Christy: What do ya'll think?
George: Perfect!
Damian: I agree, it's the best idea.
Christy: Ok, George, will you run to Publix and get the supplies?
George: Sure!
Damian: Christy, let's go downstairs.
Christy: Ok!

So Christy and Damian go downstairs to the others while George goes to Publix.


by christyboo on Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:02 pm

Jen hasn't been on for a while. I miss her stories.

Jen, come back!!!


by Rhi. on Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:02 pm

what in the world is publix?????


by christyboo on Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:03 pm

Are you kidding me???? You don't know what Publix is? It's a grocery store that is all over the country!


by Rhi. on Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:23 pm

So after awhile we begin to get tired of all the running around and chasing each other from the little pranks we began pulling on each other, and slowly one by one we go to bed. . . in the middle of the night I wake up and hear some rustling but I don’t think much of it. . . in the morning I wake to a scream.
- what did you do?! How could you do such a thing?! I cant believe it!
What could that be I ask myself. . . I rase my hand to wipe the sleep from my eyes and instead I get a handful of melted whip cream
Me-oh great. . .
I pull off my covers and swing my feet over the side of the bed
Me- oh gross! What is that?!
Pagan- its honey (pagan and I were roomng right?) *shes cleaning off her feet and putting on sneakers*
Me- well i guess they got us last night!
I get up and squish my way over to the door and try to open it but it wont budge
Me- hu that’s- *floom! A bucket of jelly comes over my head* great. . .
Suddenly someone bursts out of the room next door and runs straight for the bathroom but falls backward when he hits something in the door way.
Keith- ow! What was that?
Me- clear tape over the door way. Its some strong stuff.
Keith- *rubbing his head* yeah I know!
I take a step forward and trip.
Keith- the old dental floss trick! Hats a classic
Me-grummble. . . .
I pick myself up and head downstairs. . . it is a mess. . . toilet paper, fake spills, silly string, anything and everything! Its everywhere! And just as I step from the last step *woosh* a pie to the face. . .


by teenangel on Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:44 pm

sheesh that sounds like a food fight!


by Rhi. on Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:45 pm

lol it does doesnt it!


by pagan on Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:47 pm

Well now I have had about enough of the nonsense so I climb out the window and head to the cabin I've rented. When I get there I lock all the doors and the windows so noone can get in. I've also boobytrapped both back porches with cans on a string so I'll know when someone tries to enter . I call Ryan and tell him to get his butt over by me.
"I can't," he says" I am all tied up."
"What do you mean, 'you'r all tied up'" I ask.
"I mean they have literally tied me to a chair. George has my phone," he says.
I hang up. Oh brother! Grown men actiling like little kids. What next.
I lay down on my couch and go to sleep.
All of a sudden my phone rings. It's Rhi in a panic.
"Pagan, help there are bears all over the place," Rhi says.
"Well gee what did those guys expect with all that honey and syrup," i say."I'll call the DNR so see if they can help. I'll get back to you later." I hang up and go back to sleep.


by Rhi. on Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:51 pm

now youre going to come back to ablood bath, w/ the bears winning! . . . or maybe it'll be katchup or strawberry jelly. . . lol


by teenangel on Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:58 pm

ok so back at the "crazy" cabin, we lock all the doors and windows, undo all the prank strings, tape, etc. and all take showers and wash everything while we wait for pagan to get those people out here to take care of the bears. All of us girls are hudled up next to the guys because we are terrified that they will get in the windows or the door...


by christyboo on Mon Jul 28, 2008 6:01 pm

Paul: I'm going to get them!

Paul runs into Christy's room, then Damian's.

Paul: Boy those kids are smart.
Pagan: What do you mean?
Paul: They're not in their rooms.

Just then, Keith runs upstairs.

Keith: The kids took the boat out. I just went to check on the boat cuz I thought we could go out today, and it wasn't there



© 2008 Rhi

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