#33 The Pink Ones Are For Wishing

#33 The Pink Ones Are For Wishing

A Chapter by Rhi

by Rhi. on Sat Jul 26, 2008 11:58 am

Ah, poor paul. . . . so while paul is out cold, chloe, Christy and damian come back with food! They have crackers, honey, crackers, peanut butter, oh and did I mention crackers?!
Me- where in the world did all those crackers come from?!
Chloe- I have no idea.
Damian- what does it matter? Its food and it wont turn you green!
Chirsty- but it tastes horrible!
Damian- but it wont turn you green!
Christy- but it tastes horrible!
Damian- but it w-
Pagan- hey hey hey! Stop it you 2!
damian- yeah Christy stop it!
Christy- well you started it!
Damian- no you sta-
George- that’s enough! Now Christy go sit there and damian you sit there! And you stay there until I say you can move got it!
So we begin opening the crackers and we start munching on them, keith comes out from his bushes
Keith-*sniff sniff* I smell *sniff* PEANUT BUTTER! *He rushes toward us and steals one of the jars, and jumps back into his bushes, we can soon hear him singing a little song* hehe I have peanut butter, I love my delicious wonderful peanut butter! He he I love my- hey. . . *rustling in bushes and he comes back out with his arm outstretched w/ the peanut butter*
Me- what wrong?
Keith- *setting it down and walking back to the bushes* it’s the chunky kind. . . I don’t like the chunky kind . . .


by jenfromGA on Sat Jul 26, 2008 12:55 pm

*Jen overhears what Keith said*
Jen:"Oh spare me please Keith! Lets not get picky here!"
*sits down by Rhi and everyone else, but looks over at Christy and Damian*
Jen:"Well it looks like you found food!"
*Christy and Damian nod but immediately turn to look in opposite directions*
Jen: *whispers in Rhi's ear* "Whats goin on with them?"
Rhi:"They decided to start fighting again" *whispers*
Jen:"Oh please, not them too."
Rhi:"And Keith made me a wheelchair with the hatchet he wished from the pink stone an-"
Jen:"The WHAT?"
Rhi:"The pink stone, ya know the aleutian pixie ones?"
Jen:"Rhi, they're r no such things as pink aleutian pixie stones."
Rhi:"Well there r now, cause he used one."
Jen:"But that can't possibly be true! Pink is the only color they can't make."
*gets up and runs over to the pool of water and peers in...*
* Keith comes out from his bushes again and gives Jen a quizzical look*
Keith: *mutters* "And she calls me weird... What in the world is she doing?"
Rhi:"She said the stone you used wasn't a aleutian pixie one."
Keith:" Well then what was it?" *lookin slightly alarmed*
Jen:"Oh my gosh!"
Jen:"Sorry, didn't mean to scare everyone. It's just that Rhi's right! Some of them r pink!"
Rhi:"What did i tell ya?"
Keith:"So have we like discovered a new stone or somethin?"
Keith: *uses one of my favorite expressions* "Cool Beans!"



by Kerry W on Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:29 pm

Well, I'm back!!! My dad blocked the CT site ,so that's why I haven't been on here for a while... And right now, I'm in Las Vegas, using the computer at the hotel... So my max time is prob like an hour...



by Kerry W on Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:52 pm

Jen and Christy, can I join the GWTMIATOOH? I was actually part of this before I was forced to go MIA...

Hi Chloe! Nice to meet you! And friends of Rhi (that's also a fan of CT) is def. welcome here...


"Huh!" So the pink ones have a wishing power?" George asked. (BTW, is Sharon still in this?)

"Looks like it!" Jen said. "Cool!" Keith said.

"Does that mean we can wish to get off of this dang island?" Pagan asked, exasperated. Rhi, Jen, and Christy looked at each other.

"I guess so." Jen said, uncertain. "Yes!" Ryan yelled. "Let's go see if it works!"

"Everyone grab a pink stone, but I'll try it first. I don't know how much power these'll have since they're new." Jen said. "I'm wishing that everyone here was off this island, and back at the lake house in Ireland." She then blew on the stone and waited.


Okay, I've gotta go now, Whoever writes the next segment, please add me back in at the lake house! (If not, I'll do it when I next get a chance.)

Hey, why didn't Keith sing "The Island" to Rhi while they were on the islands??? That would have been so romantic! (And blushworthy b/c of the chorus. )


by teenangel on Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:10 pm

ok this is hilarious!!!!! someone on here must be inside my head because all of the things you have me saying are actually things I would say!!!!


by jenfromGA on Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:30 pm

Keith:"I can still see you."
Jen:"Well that takes care of that. That wish won't wor-" *POOF!!!!*
*then everyone hears a vioce screaming* "HELP!" *and splashing of water*
Keith, Damian, and Ryan all run to the ocean's edge and see Jen struggling through the rough waves.
Keith jumps in and starts swimming towards her, while everyone else has caught up with Ryan and Damian and are cheering Keith on. Keith reaches Jen who is desperately trying to keep her head above water and they both swim back to shore.
Once on the shore everyone starts asking questions and Ryan bends down to see if Jen is okay. (at this point Pagan doesn't care if Ryan's paying a little attention to someone else... he needs a shower anyway. )
Ryan:"What in the world happened?"
Keith:"I dont know but nobody wish to go swimming, it's rough out there!"
Jen: *gets breath and says* "What happened was, i wished to get off the island, but i didnt say WHERE i wanted to end up. So i was just thrown in the air and dropped into the ocean."
*thunder rumbles in the distance*
George:"Wheres Paul?"
*everyone looks around*
Sharon:"Oh thank goodness!"
Rhi:"We thought you might have touched that stone."
Paul:"Oh thanks for all the faith in me guys!"
Jen:"Actually, this looks like a normal storm so we need to find cover quick!"
*everyone runs for cover as a torrent of rain comes down.*



by jenfromGA on Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:35 pm

teenangel wrote:ok this is hilarious!!!!! someone on here must be inside my head because all of the things you have me saying are actually things I would say!!!!

so far teenangel, i think i'm the only one making you say stuff in the story... glad i could help if its me!


by teenangel on Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:38 pm

so now we are on an Island with magical Aleutian pixie stones, the food is running out, the only food on the island turns you colors, Paul is acting like a 5 yr old, Ryan & Pagan, Damian & Christy are once again fighting, and on top of that it's raining? Ok lemme see here...gimme a sec to post something


by jenfromGA on Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:40 pm

Kerry W wrote:Jen and Christy, can I join the GWTMIATOOH? I was actually part of this before I was forced to go MIA...

Hi Chloe! Nice to meet you! And friends of Rhi (that's also a fan of CT) is def. welcome here...


"Huh!" So the pink ones have a wishing power?" George asked. (BTW, is Sharon still in this?)

"Looks like it!" Jen said. "Cool!" Keith said.

"Does that mean we can wish to get off of this dang island?" Pagan asked, exasperated. Rhi, Jen, and Christy looked at each other.

"I guess so." Jen said, uncertain. "Yes!" Ryan yelled. "Let's go see if it works!"

"Everyone grab a pink stone, but I'll try it first. I don't know how much power these'll have since they're new." Jen said. "I'm wishing that everyone here was off this island, and back at the lake house in Ireland." She then blew on the stone and waited.


Okay, I've gotta go now, Whoever writes the next segment, please add me back in at the lake house! (If not, I'll do it when I next get a chance.)

Hey, why didn't Keith sing "The Island" to Rhi while they were on the islands??? That would have been so romantic! (And blushworthy b/c of the chorus. )

i dont mind if christy and Rhi dont mind!
and the reason is because Rhi didnt want to be on the island in the first place, and because keith has been to caught up in surfing, not singing!


by teenangel on Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:43 pm

when the rain finally stops I decide to try getting off the island myself, so everyone gathers around and I wish to be back at the cabin (I thought it was in New Jersey or something) and I disappear. Everyone goes beserk and a few minutes later I reappear.
Jen: You're back!
Everyone at once: What happened?
me: I got back to the cabin, everyone get a stone and hold hands and wish to be back at the cabin.


by jenfromGA on Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:44 pm

everyone grabs a stone and does exactly what teenangel tells them to do, which is wish to go back to the cabin.*POOF!!!!*


by teenangel on Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:56 pm

Once we're back at the cabin we throw the stones out into the middle of the lake so no one can ever use them again (Paul is very reluctant to give his up) we walk into the cabin and realize that all of our prank messes are still there (shaving cream, whipped cream, shoes on ceiling, 43F room, doors off, food all over). We immediately start cleaning up.

not the most fun but we never did actually clean up



© 2008 Rhi

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