#32 Paul Goes Green

#32 Paul Goes Green

A Chapter by Rhi

by jenfromGA on Sat Jul 26, 2008 8:45 am

That was good Pagan! Okay yer still mad at him, I'll remember that...

Back at the plane, Damian and Christy are searching for food that wont turn Paul green with magenta spots.
Rummaging through the tail end of it, Damian isnt finding anything except the oxygen masks that everyone used when we crashed and a couple of doggie bags that Paul had to use for somethin else...
Damian:"EEWWWWW, GROSS!!!"
Christy:"What is it now? Another spider or freaky bug? *sniffs the air* Uugh! Whats that smell?"
Damian:"Believe me, you DON"T want to know!"
Christy:"Is it gonna kill us or somethin?!"
Damian:"It will if i dont get it out of here soon!" *tosses "STUFF" out into the sand and buries it.*
Christy:"Well, some good news for a change..."
Damian:"What's that?"
Christy:"I found some food, not much though, its just a couple bags of beef and turkey jerky. And some crackers,honey, a jar of peanut butter, and a bag of pretzels. And i found some matches and cig. lighter... wonder who was usin that?"
Damian:"Probably just for a campfire or somethin.Before i found what i found i managed to discover some blankets. Although, im not sure how handy those will come in."
Christy:"We'll figure somethin. It may get cold out here at night."
Damian:"Well then, lets go back."
They head back to the waterfall/ lake...
Meanwhile, Jen and Teenangel have found some alcalca root and are digging it up as best they can.
Jen:"Geez, if only i had a knife!"
Teenangel:"Tell me about it! I should have taken some from Keith.."
Jen:"Oh well, lets just dig until we can't dig anymore."
Teenangel:"Oh gosh, can't we just get one of those stones to do it?!"
Jen:"Now why didnt i think of that?"
Teenangel:"I dont know."
Jen:"Wait, r u holding the stone?"
Teenangel:"Yeah, why?"
Jen:"Thats just it! Your holding the stone, so you got the wisdom."
Teenangel:"Then why didnt it flash a big ole light in my face?"
Jen:"I dont think those do. Anyway, we've actually almost got enough root to take back, so lets not waste a stone."
*Teenangel and Jen pick enough root to take back and Head towards the waterfall/ lake...*



by mad_about_ct on Sat Jul 26, 2008 8:48 am

fianally on! i hav limited access to the internet.

you guys write alot in a very small amount of time . . .

btw, i really do know the puppy love dance . . .i don't even own the dvd, i have to rely on rhi for that


by mad_about_ct on Sat Jul 26, 2008 9:04 am

me- hows your foot feeling?
rhi- not so bad . . . i lied, it hurts. just dont tell anyone
me- why?
rhi- because i dont people too worry about me
me- if your foot falls off bacause i didn't tell anyone that it was bothering you, don't blame me.
rhi- why would my foot fall off?
me- i don't know . . . if you pass out from the pain can i tell someone?
rhi- It doesn't hurt that bad! . . . but i guess that you probably should . . .only if its from the pain, if i pass out for anyother reason, DON'T tell anyone!
me- how do i know what caused you to pass out?
rhi- i will tell you
me- how? you passed out.
keith- You passed out! are you ok? does your foot still hurt? are you hungry? thirsty? are you dieing?!?
rhi- no. it was all hypothetical
keith- ok *walks away*
me- what do you see in him?
rhi- i dont know . . . i know what i see on him
me- well everyone can see that! . . .unless their blind. i just wanted to know which one of his personality traits you went for
rhi- he's sweet . . .sometimes. i don't really know what i like about him, i just do
me- well thats good, i just wanted to make sure that you weren't keeping him for looks *gets up* im going for a walk, be back in a bit
rhi- you are going to leave me all alone?!?!
me- your not alone, you have the rest of the girls and besides, unlike you, if i sit for too long, i just might explode *starts walking away*


by mad_about_ct on Sat Jul 26, 2008 9:18 am

me-*walking away from rhi and stumble into teenangel and jen* you guys find the stuff you need to cure paul and keith from their greenness?
teenangel- yes we did. do you know where they went.
me- not really . . . paul kinda is still doing his incredible hulk act somewhere and keith . . . i think keith is still at the waterfall . . .at leats thats where i left him, but he could be anywhere knowing keith
jen- well thanks anyway, we'll check the water fall then go on witch hunt if need be
me- cool, im going to go see if damian and christy need a hand at finding normal food *starts walking away with a wave, soon finds damian heading back to the waterfall*
me- you guys find any decent food?
damian- yeah, not much but some
me- then why aren't you holding anything? *christy then emeges with her arms full of food* so you made cristy carry it all?
damian- yeah . . .
christy- yeah you think that he would cary some of it, even most of it because he is the guy
damian- well you started carring it and i didn't see how i was needed because you could carry it all by yourself
me- um . . . it sounds like you two have some problems that need to be worked out *slips away unnoticed*



by Rhi. on Sat Jul 26, 2008 9:40 am

So while i’m sittin on my rock, keith walks past me and into some bushes. . . then a few minutes later he walks back the other way, through some bushes, then he does it again and again. . .i contemplated just watching him to see what he does, and whether he’s gonna do anything but it just continues for about 10 min.
Me- keith what in the world are you doing?
Keith- I’m looking for something
Me- uh hu, well what are you looking for?
Keith- a big tree, and an ax
Me- so you continued to look behind those 2 bushes *I point*
Keith- no, I’m looking for a stone
Me- which one?
Keith- dunno
Me- so you have no idea what your looking for?
Keith- nope!
Me-ok. . .well carry on. . .
So keith goes back to his back and forth stuff, chloe comes over, and before she even asks I tell her what keith is up to. Then just about when we are ready to stop him . . .
Keith- ah ha!
Me/chloe- what?!
Keith- I found it!
Me/chloe- what?! What did you find?!
Keith- a stone!
Me- what color?
Keith- pink
Chloe- do you know what it does?
Keith- nuh uh.
Me- *to chloe* should we get back
Chloe- probably. . .
Then when were are just about to hide behind the rock, keith blows on the stone and FLEUM! A bust of light rises in the air and it pops like a firework
Keith- well that was cool!
Me- was that its magical power
Chloe I think-
Suddenly the stone begins to shake in Keith’s hand, and then *poof* a minni hatchet is in Keith’s hand.
Me- wow it actually worked. . .
Keith- well duh! Why wouldn’t it? It’s a wishing stone!
Chloe- that’s so cool! I want one!
Me- me too, so Keith what are you going to do w/ the hatchet?
Keith- I am going to build your wheelchair! *walks through the bushes to find his big tree*
Chloe-*whispering in my ear* why didn’t he just wish for a wheel chair?
Me- *all I can to is shake my head. . . *

by Rhi. on Sat Jul 26, 2008 9:45 am

mad_about_ct wrote:btw, i really do know the puppy love dance . . .i don't even own the dvd, i have to rely on rhi for that

our friends have it on tape, to use as blackmail. . .


by mad_about_ct on Sat Jul 26, 2008 9:54 am

i decide that maybe keith might need some help, plus i don't want him to make rhi a shody wheelchair . . . she doesn't need any more injuries . . . i find keith with face turned toward the sky and slowly spinning in circles
me- um . . . what are you doing?
keith- i'm trying to judge how high this tree is
me-*points to tree on my left* this one would be better
keith- how do you know, im the expert woodsman here
me- no your not. this tree is better because its much wider
keith- oh. . . i guess wider would be better . . .
me- oh and i would hurry up because that hatchet thing is only going to last for a couple of minutes


by Rhi. on Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:07 am

So as I’m lounging on my rock, ryan walks past me stops, acts like he is going to say something, then walks away. In the distance I see Paul (still green) running away from some of the girls who I trying to capture him to take away his greenness. . . then ryan comes back.
Ryan- what do girls want?
Me- dunno
Ryan-but you’re a girl
Me- yes I am, well last time I check anyway. . .
Ryan *gives me funny look*
Me- it was a joke! Anyway we women, want you guys to know what we want but in reality we have no idea what we want sooooo, that would be what we want.
Ryan. . .*trying to figure out what I said* soooo, you want us to know what you yourself have no idea about?
Me- yup
Ryan- ok, I think i can do that. *walks off*
That’s when paul comes up behind me and says
Paul- HIDE ME!!!!
Me- well your kinda hard to miss. . .
Paul- they want to take away my new found power!
Me-you have a power now!?
Paul- yes. Now I can run faster!
Me-just faster? Or like really really fast?
Paul-just faster.
Me-ok, so how much faster is that?
Paul- I don’t know, just faster!
Me-ok well the girls are over there searching for you so you should be safe for a- Oh! They found you!
Paul darts away I think to myself “he actually looks like he is running slower. . . ”


by mad_about_ct on Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:24 am

back to me and keith

keith- oh yeah, forgot about that. i better get choppin then *starts hacking away on the tree and surprisingly he seems to be good at it*
me- hav you ever cut down a tree before?
keith- SHHHHHH!! im concentrating! *continues to cut down tree, about half way through it, the hatch disappears*
Keith- OH *****!!!!!!!
me- well not all is lost. maybe if we find a knife or a sharp rock we can slowly cut it down . . .
keith- no, that would take too long . . .*looks at the tree and starts thinking . . .i think . . .* ok, better idea. i'll push the tree over!
me- um . . . its a pretty thick tree . . . i don't think pushing it is going to do anything . . .
keith- it will work! plus your idea wasn't plausable anyway
me- *i just get up and walk back to rhi*
rhi- how is keith doing?
me- the hatchet disappeared so now he's trying to push the tree over *damian and christy enter* what took you two so long?
damian- well we had to "talk" about the "situation"and how i should carry the food
rhi- did you?
damain- yes . . .
me- where is it?

by Rhi. on Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:29 am

soo i was writing this before you posted. . . .

damian and christy say the food is over on the other side of the island to chloe goes with then to get it. . .After a while I get bored and hop over to pagan who is sunning herself on her rock. I take a seat on a rock next to her.
Me- so why would ryan ask me what women want?
Pagan- I don’t know, its ryan. What did you tell him?
Me- that we don’t know but we want them to know.
Pagan- and what did he say?
Me- he said that “he can do that” and then he left.
Pagan- what is he going to do?!
Me-I have no idea! But I hope its comical! I could use a good joke about now.
That when keith comes out from behind some bushes and looks around for me, he finally finds me and. . .
Keith- I have made you a device to get you around this island!
Me- otherwise known as a wheelchair?
Keith- to some yes!
He then rummages around behind a bush and the pulls out the wheelchair.
Keith- TA DA!!!!
Me-wow it actually looks like a wheelchair! That is so cool!
Keith brings it over to me and I hop in, and it actually holds me! And then keith tries to push me. . .
Keith- hu, I never thought about the sand. . .
I try moving the wheels manually but that just digs the chair in deeper.
Keith- well ok, I guess I have some thinking to do.
Me- thanks for trying keith! It is a really cool chair!
Keith smiles then goes back into the bushes.
Pagan- how does he know how to build a wheelchair?
Me- I have no idea. Probably the same way he knew what stone would give him a hatchet. A lucky guess probably.
Paul comes running by us(he is even greener now)
Paul- *screaming* you will never rid me of my true nature! RAWR! I am the incredible P!
Me- *to pagan* now is that spelled P or pea???

by jenfromGA on Sat Jul 26, 2008 11:30 am

Just then Jen and Teenangel burst through the bushes.
Jen:"Grab him Rhi!!!! Pagan!!!!"
Rhi and Pagan grab hold of him as best they can...
Teenangel:"Paul, c'mon we're trying to help you!!!!"
Jen:"Paul, that stuff might kill you if you dont eat this darn root!"
Paul: *pauses and looks at us in shock* and then all of a sudden drops to his knees and screams..."I DON'T WANNA DIE!!!! PLEASE DON'T LET ME DIE, PLEASE!!!! I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!!!!!!"
* please picture now, a green with magenta spots Paul, begging and screaming like a child on his knees in front of us girls*
Jen:"PAUL! Shut up and eat this! *hands him the root*
Paul *gobbles the alcalca root up like candy* then coughs and sputters.
Jen:"That means its working." as the others look in horror at Paul.

10 minutes later Paul turns his normal color again and decides he needs a nap.
Paul:"I have only one problem."
Rhi:"What now?!"
Paul:"I cant sleep!"
Jen:"Hold on i can fix that quick like."
*grabs a yellow stone and hands it to Paul who blows on it and immediately falls asleep*
Jen:"That oughta last for about 45 minutes."



© 2008 Rhi

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