#31 Paul Can Fly! Paul Can Fly! Paul Can Fly! Paul Flew . . .

#31 Paul Can Fly! Paul Can Fly! Paul Can Fly! Paul Flew . . .

A Chapter by Rhi

by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 2:58 pm

okay, this is for when everyone gets back...
Jen: "Paul, hang on a second and I'll find it for ya."
*flips through book* "Uh, the purple one will allow a person to fly..."
Paul: *runs and gets his worn-out-from-the-deserted-island- cape*, grabs a purple stone,
and runs off before Sharon can tell him to act like an adult.
Sharon:*rolls eyes* and asks Jen:"What else do we need to know about them?"
Keith:"Yeah, like can i have a green/blue one?"
Jen:"Light or dark?"
Keith:"What's it matter?"
Jen:"Well, if you choose a light one you can breathe under water, which is what i'm assuming you want to do.
But if you choose a dark one, you'll summon a messenger fairy to show you where food is."
Rhi:"Uh, Jen?"
Rhi:"This isn't workin for my foot... am i doin something wrong?"
Jen:"Oh i forgot!!! Sry Rhi, Blow on it!"
Rhi: *gives quizzical look to Jen* and then gently blows on the stone. Then she puts it back on her foot.
A bright red/orange light flashes and then is gone.
Rhi:"Hey! My foot feels better!"
Jen:"I knew i was missing somethin... OH no!"
Everyone:"Whats the matter?!"
Just then Paul comes runnin up the beach.
Paul:"Hey this thing ain't workin! I've been trying for 20 min!"
Sharon:"That's what you get for running off like that without instructions."
*Paul looks at me*
Christy:"Jen said to blow on it and it will work!"
Rhi:"Well it did. Look!" *stands on her foot*
Paul: *blows on rock* with a quick flash of purple light, he starts to rise in the air.
Paul:"Whoa! Check this out!!!"
Ryan:"I WANNA DO IT!!!
Sharon rolls her eyes as Ryan grabs a rock and runs off after Paul.
Sharon:"Men..."and *sighs*
Pagan:" Tell me about it"... *rolls her eyes.*



by teenangel on Fri Jul 25, 2008 3:54 pm

ok this is getting freaky...we are stuck on an island with aleutian pixie stones that do weird things and Paul likes the stone that if removed wreaks havoc! lol


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:07 pm

well it doesnt have to get crazy, just remember to write sainly. . .


by teenangel on Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:09 pm

it would be cool if Declan Galbraith could show up on the island too...I'm listening to him sing Tears in Heaven, very sad


by teenangel on Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:16 pm

did Christy and Damian make up yet or not? cus I have something I could write but if they didn't I have to write that first


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:17 pm

not sure if they did or not. . . they clinged to eachother in the plane. . .

Keith- that’s so cool! I wanna do that!
Paul- AAH! *falls from sky* ow!!!!
Keith- never mind.
Me- how long do the stones last for?
Jen- *flipping pages* 10 minutes.
Keith- but Rhi your foot hasn’t started hurting yet has it?
Jen- the healing ones last for an hour.
Me- great so I have 6 healings left, and about 20 minutes of no pain left.
Keith- maybe I’ll make you a wheelbarrow!
Me- why not a wheelchair?
Keith- or that . . . I’ll start it after lunch. Right now I’m hungry. Can I have a dark blue/green stone please?
Jen gives him one, Keith blows on it and a fat toad/elf thing appears and runs off into the woods and Keith jogs after it. Ryan walks up to us, soaking wet.
Chloe- what happened to you?!
Ryan-well I was flying, and then suddenly I wasn’t.


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:17 pm

forgive me for cluelessness, but who is Declan Galbraith?
and what didja think of my part?
i already got teenangels


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:21 pm

thats good Rhi!!!
ya'll keep going and i'll pop in when i can.


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:21 pm

jenfromGA wrote:forgive me for cluelessness, but who is Declan Galbraith?
and what didja think of my part?
i already got teenangels

i liked it


by teenangel on Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:22 pm

Declan Galbraith is a singer from England that IrishRush told me about...see these youtube vids

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_j6IBdHW ... re=related Tell Me Why (he is really young but has such a good voice)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dn51LxzS ... re=related An Angel (not quite as old as he is now)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCxRslW8 ... re=related Tears in Heaven (same age as in An Angel)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCxRslW8 ... re=related You & Me (I think this is he as he is now on a German TV show)

and what did you mean I got them teenangels?


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:26 pm

how old is he????


by teenangel on Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:29 pm

Declan was born on December 19, 1991 in ENGLAND.
he is from Scottish AND Irish origin.
More info about him, and his songs, can be found on his official website:


this was on An Angel


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:32 pm

wow, i'm like 2 years older than him. . . weird. . .he sounded so young!


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:33 pm

so is anyone writing the next part of the story????


by teenangel on Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:34 pm

he has a rather high voice in all of them, you and me is probably the deepest.

If you like the song My Girl you will love him singing it..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yJ9nSf4 ... re=related


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:37 pm

i love that song he does a pretty good version of it!


by teenangel on Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:42 pm

just found this

Declan Galbraith (born December 19, 1991, in Hoo St Werburgh, Kent) is an English singer of Scottish and Irish origin. He and his family live in Hoo, a village near Rochester, Kent. His grandfather, who was known to Declan as "Poppy Ben," was in a band, played several instruments, took Declan to 'Fleadhs' (concerts) he was participating in and the explosive mix of Scottish and Irish musical traditions inspired Declan and became his early musical influence.[1] Declan is known for the control and range of his voice, as well as his ability to interpret and adapt material of differing genres.


by teenangel on Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:45 pm

Where Did Our Love Go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYJ9rW7J ... re=related

This sounds like an old song


by teenangel on Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:52 pm

Ok back to the story,


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:57 pm

Pagan- soo you were flying over the water then?
Ryan- yup. I saw keith run off, where is he going?
Me- he’s gonna get some food. Hopefully he brings back more for us and not just himself!
Chloe- well speak of the devil!
Keith comes tromping through the bushes w/ an armful of strange looking food and a bag of bread.
Me- so I get the whole strange fruit thing but where in the world did you get a bag of bread?
Keith- well that little creature asked me what I was hungry for and I said I wanted a sandwich and he brought me to a little outcropping and there was a bunch of weird fruit trees and some ofe then had these *lifts up the bread* growing off of it.
Chloe- so was there a money tree too???
Me- what would you do with money? We’re on an island w/ no stores.
Chloe- for when we get off the island.
Keith- *he has found a flat rock and started making his sandwich(he found some knives too)* you know that could come in handy but I didn’t see any anywhere.
Chloe- darn!
Me- so what fruit did you get?
Keith- dunno,just picked a few of each. I thought you could be the official taster.
Me- hmmm eat strange food from a magical island. . . no thanx. I vote paul to be the tester!
Paul- what do you want me to test
Me- that fruit
Paul- ok! *takes a slice of a gooey green fruit* yum! *takes a piece of a bright red one* eewww! Tastes like cherry medicine! *takes a slice of bright green fruit w/ red dots* oh gross! It tastes like dill pickles! *spits it out, eats a purple slice* that one is really good! It tastes like grape jelly! *takes a piece of brown fruit* mmmm! Petut butter! *licks fingers*
Keith- well I know which ones I’m gonna eat! Wow paul, whats wrong with you?
Paul- what?
Keith- youre turning a funky color. . .like green
Paul- cool! RAWRRR! I’m the hulk!!!! *starts running around the beach*
Keith- so which one did it?
Me- umm, I have no idea. Maybe the gooey green one?
Keith- why that one?
Me- cuz your fingers are turning green from where you touched it.

here is where yours can fit in

teenangel wrote:Damian, Christy and I have been watching paul withgreat amusement suddenly we look in horror! Paul leaping in after the red stone (it's like the ring to Frodo, it pulls him in). We all rush towards him and pull him out but have to tie him to a tree to get him to stop from going after it again.


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 7:37 pm

Jen:"Paul!!! You idiot! R U purposely trying to get us killed?!?! And you can't eat the skin of the gooey green fruit! Great, now I'll have to find some alcalca root to clear up those spots. Keith, please help me find some.
Keith:"My fingers itch."
Rhi:"What do you mean your fingers itch?"
Keith:"I mean they itch and i cant scratch 'em cause they're the ones itching!"
Teenangel:"I'll go with you Jen."
Jen:"Thank- you. Now no one touch anything while we're gone." *wades into pool of clear lake water and digs out 2 milky white stones.*
Ryan:"Ooooh I haven't seen that one! What's it do?
Jen:"I need a little wisdom right at the moment to find that alcalca root and Sharon will need some wisdom to keep us all sane."
*walks over to Sharon and hands her one of the stones*
Damian:" While their lookin 4 that root I'll go back to the plane and see if I can find any supplies. Or food that Paul can eat and not turn funky colors."
Christy:"I'll go with you!"
Jen and Teenangel walk off through the forest and Christy and Damian head towards the plane.
Meanwhile Pagan is still irritated with Ryan and is sitting on a big rock wishing that they still had cell phones.
Poor Ryan is feelin guilty so he goes and picks some neat lookin flowers 4 her.
Ryan:"Hey Pagan, I'm really sorry if... well i know i... what i'm tryin to say is...uugh, i'm no good at this! Will you just forgive me? Look I even brought you some pretty flowers!"*holds them out to Pagan*
Pagan:"Well I dont know... i guess...uh...AAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!"
*jumps up off the rock and runs behind George and Sharon*
Ryan:"Well geez what did i do this time?!" and then looks at the flowers.
Ryan:"YIKES!!!!" and drops e'm on the ground.
Sharon and George:"What is it?!"
Ryan: *jumping up and down like there's ants in his kilt* and then runs over to George shaking like a leaf.
*out of the flowers comes a big ole beetle the size of a tea bag and crawls over into the bushes*
George looks at Ryan:"You were scared of a beetle? Pagan I can understand, but you?!
Ryan:" It looked ALOT like Darth Vader".. and turns about this color
To everyones surprise, Pagan starts laughing.

(idk if i spelled DV right but fix it if i didnt.)


by pagan on Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:19 pm

Oh do I LOVE making that man suffer Keep me mad at Ryan for a while yet okay? Cos it this is fun.
Paul: Pagan what is so funny?
Pagan: A grown man afraid of a little bug. Heeheeheehee. Actually, I shouldn't laugh. He was trying to make up with me.
Ryan: I tried ya know.
Pagan: Buster you are still in big trouble. Next time try to find me flowers WITHOUT bugs will you? And leave those stones alone. Paul you behave. I feel like am trapped with a bunch of schoolboys.
Ryan: Hon come on we are just having fun and trying to make the best of a bad situation.
Pagan: One YOU created. When we finally get out of this I am going home and staying there. No more trips to Ireland for me. O r anywhere with you for that matter.
Pagan goes back to sit on her rock.



© 2008 Rhi

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Added on December 25, 2008

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