#30 Aleution Pixie Stones

#30 Aleution Pixie Stones

A Chapter by Rhi

by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:51 am

what did you do? take the strange girl with you?
and where are ya crashing? another deserted island?


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:55 am

yes we are taking you w/ us

we crash wherever the next person says we do


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:56 am

Rhi. wrote:yes we are taking you w/ us

we crash wherever the next person says we do

now wait jes a sec! r you calling me strange or did that just backfire on me?!


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:02 am


arnt you the strange girl???? i thought you were introducing yourself there!

did you read the big red message on page 37???


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:08 am

yeah i read it.
never mind. personal joke... i called myself strange.

in the story though, just call me jen... not jenfromGA.


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:14 am

ok will do! are you gonna write somthing? or do i have to continue?


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:16 am

i can if ya want me to! (*mental note* boy that was dumb...)
hold on jes a sec. let me think...


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:18 am

ok i'll hold. . . .wait what am i holding?!my breath???? okdeep breath and


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:23 am

Rhi, who's driving the plane?
then i'll think of somethin...


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:24 am

omg your cracking me up!!!! i cant think!


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:27 am

a pilot. . .he doesnt make it. . . .


by christyboo on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:32 am

So everyone is screaming. Here is the seating arrangements:

Keith and Rhi
Angel and Jen
Chloe and Pagan
Pattum and Whimsey
Paul and George
Ryan and Damian
Christy and Sharon

AHHHHHHHH! Is all that can be heard, Christy is passed out, Rhi's foot aches even more, and Damian is silent. Then suddenly the plane stops.

Keith: Hey, I think we landed!
Sharon: Let's get out of this plane!
Ryan: I'll get Christy.
Keith: Rhi, you can lean on me.
Rhi: Thanks.

So everyone gets out on a beautiful island.


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:34 am

sooo is the plane intact? if it is does the pilot leave??? maybe jen is the pilot. . .


by christyboo on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:35 am

Hey Jen, Rhi,I think us three girls should make a name for us. Like, the Dream Team or something. Then we could all make it our sigs. What do you think?


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:36 am

okay... breathe... awright thats better.
the pilot of the plane (whoever that is... hopefully not Keith... )
landed the crashing plane "asahc"... or as safely as he could. but it was a rough landing and Christy grabbed Damian who looked at her in surprise but grabbed her back. Everyone else on the other hand is trying to stay in their seats and not fly all over the plane. once on the ground Ryan looked out the window to see if he could figure out where we were.
Ryan:"Oh my gosh!!!"
Everybody else:"WHAT?!"
Ryan:"There's a spider on the window!" *starts slapping at himself and it.*
Eveybody else: "RYAN!!!"


by christyboo on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:36 am

The pilot is some camera man that Sharon hired randomly, no wonder we crashed! He is dead, and Jen was sitting next to Angel.


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:37 am

how about the girls w/ too much imagination and time on our hands? sooo that could be GWTMIATOOH. . .


by christyboo on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:38 am

That's perfect! Jen, is it alright with you? I'm going to add it to my sig.


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:39 am

ya cant grab Damian if yer sittin by Sharon!


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:39 am

jenfromGA wrote:Ryan:"There's a spider on the window!" *starts slapping at himself and it.*


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:40 am

Rhi. wrote:how about the girls w/ too much imagination and time on our hands? sooo that could be GWTMIATOOH. . .

awesome sounds good to me!!!


by christyboo on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:41 am

Great! I changed my sig, like it?


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:42 am

christyboo wrote:That's perfect! Jen, is it alright with you? I'm going to add it to my sig.

ahem i RHI> came up w/that!



by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:43 am

the last part looks like tooth. . .lol

ok i got a story in mind! hold on!


by christyboo on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:44 am

Let's get back to the story, shall we girls? I thought me and Damian were mad at eachother.


by christyboo on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:44 am

I'll be right back, gotta get changed!


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:46 am

oh gosh,
you made with each other or else he's giving me the googoo eyes


by christyboo on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:46 am

gotta go! I'll be back Sunday!


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:47 am

Rhi. wrote:

christyboo wrote:That's perfect! Jen, is it alright with you? I'm going to add it to my sig.

ahem i RHI> came up w/that!

i think she was just asking me if i liked it too...


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:56 am

christyboo wrote:Keith and Rhi
Angel and Jen
Ryan and Pagan
Pattum and Whimsey
Paul and George
Christy and Damian
Chloe and Sharon

Quick question. . .sooo is Sharon joining us now????

jenfromGA wrote:okay... breathe... awright thats better.
the pilot of the plane landed the crashing plane "asahc"... or as safely as he could. but it was a rough landing and Christy grabbed Damian who looked at her in surprise but grabbed her back. Everyone else on the other hand is trying to stay in their seats and not fly all over the plane. once on the ground Ryan looked out the window to see if he could figure out where we were.
Ryan:"Oh my gosh!!!"
Everybody else:"WHAT?!"
Ryan:"There's a spider on the window!" *starts slapping at himself and it.*
Eveybody else: "RYAN!!!"


christyboo wrote:Sharon: Let's get out of this plane!
Keith: Rhi, you can lean on me.
Rhi: Thanks.

So we all get out of the plane and look around,
Paul- this is pretty, pretty don’t you all think?
Pagan- look there is a waterfall over there!
So then we all go exploring! But since I cant go very far on my own I decide to tke a seat on a really pretty boulder.
Keith- you sure you don’t want to look around? I’ll carry you.
Me- tempting but I think I’ll sit here for a while, and take in what I can see from here. But you should go look around! I don’t want to hold you up.
Keith- nah, I’ll stay here.*He sits next to me and leans back* ah this is the life. . .
Suddenly a shriek fills the air and some raised voices, chloe runs out from behind a bush (she seems to like bushes. . .)
Me- not more scorpions!
Chloe- no! this is a good thing! Look what I found!!!!. . . .


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:59 am

christyboo wrote:gotta go! I'll be back Sunday!

bye christy! have fun! and we'll try not to write you out or anything. . . . lol jk


by christyboo on Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:06 am

Well, I will miss you all. I'll be constantly thinking about what to write about while I watch those little boys. If Damian or Keith gets on, which they might, tell them that I say hi and that I am Damian's #1 fan! See ya!


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:07 am

gotta run for a minute!!! gotta rock baby bro 2 sleep.
be back asap!!!!!!


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:08 am

i'm writing more. . . .


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:15 am

Me- what?! Keith go look for me.
Keith- *under breath and he walks over* Keith do this Keith do that, bossy bossy. . . . wow that is so cool!
Me- *yelling to them* what is it?!
Keith- hold on *he bends over and does something behind the bush and then runs over to me* look!
Me- wow, its beautiful! But what is it?
Keith- I don’t know, it looks kinda like a shell. . . there are a bunch over there, here *grabs my arm and pulls me up over his shoulder and carries me over behind the bush then sets/drops me on the ground*
Me- wow, that is so cool
The shell like things are all around the sand by the waterfall, and there are even more in the water.
Chloe- look! In the center of the pool there is a red one! It looks huge!
Paul- I want to touch it!
Jen- but who/what could have made them? And what are they?!


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:28 am

k, im back! sounds awesome Rhi
lets see what else we can think up... hmmm funky/pretty stones/eggs/shells.
and lets make 'em all sorts of colors.


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:30 am

sure now someone write something!


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:32 am

Rhi. wrote:sure now someone write something!

k, did we leave george behind or has he just not said anything yet?


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:41 am

everyone is here, i just dont always use everyone in every one of my continuations


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:44 am

Jen bent down and carefully picked a mint green/light blue one up and exclaimed "I think I know what this is!!!"

give me a sec and i'll try to remember what im gonna call em...


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:51 am

Keith:"Well what are they?"
Jen:"Their magic Aleution pixie stones!"
Keith:"Their magic aleuey-dooey what?!"
Jen: " magic Aleution Pixie stones. I read it in a book once about these stones that look like shells, but are much heavier than an actual shell."
Keith, not looking interested any more goes and sits down by Rhi again who is still holding the one that was handed to her a minute ago.
Christy:"Well what do we do with them?"
Jen:"Well let me check my book..."
Rhi:"You had a book on that deserted island?!"
Pagan:"Don't remind me... *glares at Ryan*"
Jen: *Looks in book...*
well hows that so far?


by teenangel on Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:53 am

so we leave on deserted Island to crash land on another with a bunch of little colored things...can I join GWTMIATOOH?


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:54 am

yes we did! lol

and i have no idea ask Jen or Christy when she gets back,i really dont care who joins. . .


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:58 am

jenfromGA wrote:Keith:"Well what are they?"
Jen:"Their magic Aleution pixie stones!"

give just a sec. my bro is calling me!!!

sooo what do the do?


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 12:01 pm

well give her a darn sec... she's lookin in the book!


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 12:03 pm

teenangel wrote:so we leave on deserted Island to crash land on another with a bunch of little colored things...can I join GWTMIATOOH?

yep! and i dont mind... although i'd ask Christy.
(i dont think she'll mind though... )


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 12:12 pm

Jen:"They do all different sorts of things. Like here... it says the red/orange colored ones
heal minor injuries."
Rhi sticks the stone to her injured foot.
Jen:"And the one im holding will let you breathe under water."
Keith goes to grab the one Jen is holding but right before he grabs it away from her, she snatches it back.
Jen:"BUT, there are limitations. After you use it 7 times, the light fades and the stone dies."
Damian:"The stone... DIES? C'mon are you serious?"
Christy:"Poor stone..."



by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 12:14 pm

me- well there are a lot of them so thats good but what does it say about red ones? like the ones in the center of the pool?


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 12:23 pm

Jen:"Well... let's see here... uh... ah! Here it is. The red stone usually found in the center is the Mother stone. It holds all the powers of the other stones and creates new ones. If the Mother stone is ever removed, chaos will wreak havoc in the location of the Aleution Pixie stones and all around it. The stones are found on small islands around the globe."
Ryan:"Gee whiz!"
Pagan:"So ya better not touch it."


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 12:27 pm

me- Paul! Stop it! Get out of the water! Don’t touch the stones!!!!
Paul- but its so pretty!
Ryan- Paul do you want havoc?
Paul-no. . .
Ryan- then get out of the water!
Paul- *sigh, turns back to us, the turns and looks longingly at the red stone* ok . . .*climbs out of the pool* OO! A purple one! What do they do?!


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 12:28 pm

i'm gonna leave, i have laundery and stuff to do, so I'll be back either later today or tomarrow. . .


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 12:30 pm

thats fine Rhi!
i have to run too.
In the mean time i'll figure out what the purple ones do!



© 2008 Rhi

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