#29 Reality TV Really Bites

#29 Reality TV Really Bites

A Chapter by Rhi

by pagan on Thu Jul 24, 2008 10:11 pm

It's Keith.
Rhi: What do you want?
Keith: Dont you know morse code?
Rhi: Never heard of him.
Keith: I am trying to tell you the scoop and all you do is smart off.
Rhi: I don't have a clue as to what you are talking about.
Keith: Sharon set this up as reality tv and Ryan was the one who got us here. So that is what the camera is about that I found.
Rhi: Hmmm. I am going to tell Pagan cos she'll know what to do.
Keith: But don't let the him know I ratted him out.
Rhi goes in the hut and tells Pagan.
Pagan: Listen up ladies. I need to talk to Ryan. Now we must pretend something is seriously wrong to get all of the guys to come to our aid. When they come running, I tell Ryan I need to talk to him. Now on the count of three everyone scream very loud. One, two three
All the gals scream at the top of their lungs and the guys come running.
Pagan :Ryan Kelly I want to talk to you. Right now this min.
Ryan: You screamed bloody murder for THAT?
Pagan goes to Ryan and grabs him by the ear. "I mean now Buster"
Ryan: Owowowow.
They go off and "talk". The others hear Pagan yelling...


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:59 am

k what happens next?


by christyboo on Fri Jul 25, 2008 6:24 am

Where am I in all of this?


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 6:26 am

celticsusan wrote:

Rhi. wrote:Ok so our huts are separated by a wall. . .hmmm this could get interesting. . . .

A few minutes later the guys try again (oh the wall is really thick so we cant hear them and vice versa, yes we are awesome hut makers!) and this time I get to do the voice, but I opt for a very girly voice.
me- *high and squeeky* hello?
Keith- Hi is there a Haywood U. Cuddleme there?
Me-nope but I’m pretty sure there is a Eura Snotball over there! *hang up*

Rhi, shades of Bart Simpson there???? George would love this! Carry on!

bart simpson? I do not know this bart simpson of which you speak. . . *cough cough*


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 6:28 am

christyboo wrote:Where am I in all of this?



by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 6:38 am

So all the guys are pretty pis- umm, mad at this point. They were having pretty good dreams and they were awakened to screams that were for nothing. Paul even put his towel cape on for this! And now he is walking around looking for something to save. . . .he has saved an ant from a tree (it bit him) he has saved a grasshopper from a wave (it peed on him) and he saved keith from giving me a hug, he said i had coodies (keith slapped him). So all this while we hear pagan yelling at ryan
Pagan- YOU FREAKING BROUGHT US HERE AND SCARED THE S*** OUT OF US FOR YOUR OWN AMUSEMENT!!!! ICANT BELIEVE YOU! WE THOUGHT KEITH AND DAMIAN WERE GOINING TO DIE !!!! I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO- *deep breath* you know what it doesn’t matter anymore, just get me off of this thing, I want to go home.
Ryan- but it was- pagan don’t-
Pagan- ryan get me off of this island now! And everyone else!
Ryan- but I just-
Pagan- NOW! Ryan! Now!



by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 7:28 am

aww now, lets not end up on a bad note...
just have everybody kiss and make up... or actually just forget the kissin and just make up.
cause i can literally hear the apology in poor ole Ryan's voice.
well what happens next


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 7:33 am

thats up to whoever writes the next part, i dont want to be it. . .


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 7:39 am

awright, christyboo...
i dont know where pagan is but i'm hanging here by a nail and i cant write anything cause i dont want anybody being the "bad guy/girl". plus im not even in the story so it wouldnt make any difference. you write somethin... please


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 7:40 am

jenfromGA wrote:awright, christyboo...
i dont know where pagan is but i'm hanging here by a nail and i cant write anything cause i dont want anybody being the "bad guy/girl". plus im not even in the story so it wouldnt make any difference. you write somethin... please

by the way Rhi, you write really good parts!


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 7:43 am

Suddenly a shrill scream Chloe comes running out from behind one of the bushes
Chloe- omg they are everywhere!
Me- would you stop using that bush!
Chloe- no not the scorpions! The cameras! I was using the bush and there was a camera, I went to another bush and there was a camera, look! There is one right there!!!!
A guy w/ a camera in his hand can now bee seen filming us. He walks up to pagan and asks
Camera guy- so how do you feel about all of this?
Pagan- how do i- how do I feel about all of this? Oh I’ll tell you how I feel about all of this! I. . . .


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 7:45 am

jenfromGA wrote:by the way Rhi, you write really good parts!

thanx! i added more. . .



by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 7:58 am

Rhi. wrote:

jenfromGA wrote:by the way Rhi, you write really good parts!

thanx! i added more. . .


your welcome Rhi... i finshed reading what you added.
just thought i'd help...


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 7:59 am

lol lets "yell" together! ready 1. . .2. . .3!


by christyboo on Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:03 am

Christy gathers everyone around when no cameras are near.

Christy: Ok guys, listen up. As you all know, we are being filmed on a reality tv show. I know a lot of you just want to go home, but normally you don't have a chance to be on tv and show off your acting skills. Why don't we just have some fun with this?
Chloe: Ok, I'll do it.
Keith: Yeah, me too. What does the camera love?
Pagan: They love when people that like eachother fight, that's for sure.
Damian: Yeah, well, Christy and I aren't acting.
Angel: Just make up and get over it you two. You haven't talked to eachother for days.
Christy: I'll think about it. So let's go show the world how well we can act!

Sorry guys! Every time I try to post something, it doesn't work. Sorry, but I'm going out of town for the weekend. I'll be back Sunday and will post something the second I walk in the door. See Ya!


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:03 am

ya think it's workin


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:04 am

oh good...


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:08 am

jenfromGA wrote:oh good...

well it worked for a minute anyway...
have fun christy!


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:09 am

so i'm *sniff* a-alone now *sniffsniff, wail!* no dont leave me christy! dont leave me!

ok Jen ur in!

christy i hope you have a great time wherever your going!


by christyboo on Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:10 am

jen fill in for me


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:13 am

i got something in mind. . . hold on like 10min. . . .


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:34 am

YAY i'm in ... 4 what? trouble?
and fill in 4 christy? works 4 me!!!
i've always wondered what it would be like to argue with Damian and Keith...


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:37 am

So now we have to fight? Well keith and I are excellent at that (there will be no stealing of men! I know we love to watch it on TV but that’s just wrong! And no love Triangles!)

So after a few hours, everything has kinda blown over, Christy still isn’t talking to damian so he asked keith to teach him to surf again, this just made Christy madder, so she stormed off in a huff and went for a walk. . . so I’m sitting by myself watching keith teach damian. Damian is doing better, he is getting closer to standing up and eventually he does! Soon damian gets too tried and he comes back to the beach.
Me- damian you did really well out there!
Damian- *sitting down next to me* thanx! Hey do you know where Christy went?
Me- well she walked down that way but she seemed like she needed some time alone, so I wouldn’t follow her.
Damian- I just don’t know what to do! I like her and all but she is just so sensitive! And we are always fighting or arguing!
Me- your young! And you have to remember we girls are sensitive. You wont find a girl who isn’t, so deal with it! *smile* why don’t you start walking down that way, and eventually you and christy will have to cross paths so then you 2 can talk then, and if she doesn’t want to talk then let her be. But make sure she doenst think that your ignoring her too. Remember the one thing we girls are always dreaming of is our knight in shining armor! And we love it when the guy runs after us when we storm out. But sometimes we actually do need to be alone.
Damain- I didn’t understand any of that.
Me- yeah well welcome to the wonders of the female mind. Just walk that way, meet up w/ Christy and see what happens. *damian gets up and walks off, I call to him* Just remember Knight in shining armor!
- what about shining armor?
Me- *jump* man keith you scared me!
Keith- sry. That’s like what the umpteenth time I’ve done that?*sits next to me, his skin is glistening no wait shining w/ water, and his hair is a dripping mess.* so what about a knight in shining armor.
Me- I was just telling damian to think knight in shining armor while he tries to get back on Christy’s good side.
Keih-ah, and you think that that is going to help him? To pretend he is incased in a metal can? He is Closter phobic you know.
Me- of great! He is goin to be thinking that and he is going to start hyperventilating! I better go stop him. *I start to get up but keith pulls me back*
Keith- no you don’t!
Me- but then he’s gonna-
Keith- he’s not going to start hyperventilating. He will probably just faint.
Me- what!? *begin to get up again, but keith stops me again*
Keith- it was a joke! He will be fine! He is a big boy! He can take care of himself.
Me- *sigh* ok well if he hyperventilates or faints I’m blaming you!
Keith- me?! But you told him to do it! I just did let you run after him. But I have good reason for it
Me- oh and what would that be?
Keith- there aren’t any cameras here
Me- soo?
Keith- well that means we can talk about anything, or do anything and no one will know! *big grin*
Me- and what did you have in mind?
Keith- I don’t know, I didn’t get that far in the thinking yet.


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:38 am

forgive me if theres a pause from me. im watching my little bro's and their in the other room. got 2 keep eyes on 'em.


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:42 am

fine w/ me. i would rather u diaspear for a while than have your bro get hurt and you cant come back on for a long time. . .!


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:50 am

okay so am i picking up from here?


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:54 am

jenfromGA wrote:okay so am i picking up from here?

and by the way, where in the world are pagan, paul, ryan, and george? and anybody else i might be missing?


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:56 am



by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:16 am

sry! i was distracted!

everyone else is doing something else. . .dunno what. . . .the charactors are as follows

pagan, me, christy, paul, damian, keith, george ryan, pattum (i think she is still on here) angel, kerry, chloe and you


by christyboo on Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:16 am

I'm not leaving until 2:15, So I can write some more, but I don't know what to write.


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:17 am

when u and dmian meet up


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:20 am

awwright... christy this is hopefully a good piece for you.

so while Keith plays dumb and is irritating Rhi, Christy is off by herself in the forest.
Damian is somewhere on the other side cause the poor boy took a wrong turn.
Christy is contemplating on what she should do about Damian: "Why can't I ever knock sense into his darn head. he drives me nuts and makes me so mad cause he won't just listen and stop acting like Paul and Ryan!" *mutters to self*
All the while, she's not looking where she's going cause she's so wrapped up in Damian... so to speak and steps onto a loose piece of rock.
Christy: "AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!"
and grabs hold of the edge of a steep cliff with her fingertips.
(whats the first thing she yells?...)
DAMIAN!!!!! HELP!!!!!!
Christy: *thinking* "I cant hold on much longer! and i cant get a foothold! please God dont let me die on a reality tv show!
all of a sudden, a hand grabs hers! she looks up hoping and praying its Damian so she can apologize. but its a strange girl she's never seen before!
"hold on and dont let go of my hand!" says the girl calmly, as
she grabs hold of Christy's other hand and pulls with all her might.
finally reaching safety, Christy gasp's a thank-you to the girl. the girl smiles and gives her some kind of odd colored juice to drink.
Christy cautiously sniffs it but then decides to drink it.
after getting her breath, she asks the girla question.
Christy: "What's your name?".....
"Jen" said the strange girl.



by pagan on Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:21 am

Pagan grabs the camera from the cameraman's hand, opens it, takes the film out, and throws the whole thing into the ocean.
"That is what I think of this," she shouts and stomps off."Ryan Kelly if you don't get me off this hellhole so help me I am gonna break your guitars, I am going to trash your house, and when I am don there, I am gonna break every bone in your body. People can even use the bush without it being filmed. I'll swim if I have to.Now get me out of here cos this IN NOT my idea of fun."
Ryan looks crestfallen. "okay I'll call Sharon".
Pagan: You better. And while you are at it, you can tell her the other thing is off"
Ryan calls Sharon.......


by christyboo on Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:24 am

Christy is walking alone.

Me: Man, Damian is so stupid. He's such a jerk. I can't believe him!

Just then Christy bumps into someone.

Christy: Sorry. Wait, I'm totally not sorry.

Damian: Christy, we need to talk.

Christy: What is it now? Are you going to tell me that you are going to become a pro surfer just to bug me?

Damian: No, I just want us to get back together.

Christy: Damian, We can't agree on anything, you always do something that I don't want you to do, we can never be together.

Damian: But wait! What about the cruise, and the lake, and camping?

Christy: One of us must have been lying. I gotta go, bye.

Christy walks off, and Damian's eyes start to get all watery and he runs back to the hut.

Hey Rhi and Jen, How was that?


by christyboo on Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:25 am

Sorry Jen, I didn't know that you wrote something.



by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:25 am

pagan wrote:Pagan grabs the camera from the cameraman's hand, opens it, takes the film out, and throws the whole thing into the ocean.
"That is what I think of this," she shouts and stomps off."Ryan Kelly if you don't get me off this hellhole so help me I am gonna break your guitars, I am going to trash your house, and when I am don there, I am gonna break every bone in your body. People can even use the bush without it being filmed. I'll swim if I have to.Now get me out of here cos this IN NOT my idea of fun."
Ryan looks crestfallen. "okay I'll call Sharon".
Pagan: You better. And while you are at it, you can tell her the other thing is off"
Ryan calls Sharon.......

omg that is funny! i know it isnt spost 2 b but too bad! it is!!!!!!! what other thing is off?????


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:28 am

i can fix this!!!!!

christyboo wrote:

Christy is walking alone.

Me: Man, Damian is so stupid. He's such a jerk. I can't believe him!

Just then Christy bumps into someone.

Christy: Sorry. Wait, I'm totally not sorry.

Damian: Christy, we need to talk.

Christy: What is it now? Are you going to tell me that you are going to become a pro surfer just to bug me?

Damian: No, I just want us to get back together.

Christy: Damian, We can't agree on anything, you always do something that I don't want you to do, we can never be together.

Damian: But wait! What about the cruise, and the lake, and camping?

Christy: One of us must have been lying. I gotta go, bye.

Christy walks off, and Damian's eyes start to get all watery and he runs back to the hut.

so chirsty starts walking again and. . .

jenfromGA wrote:
she's not looking where she's going cause she's so wrapped up in what just happened and she steps onto a loose piece of rock.
Christy: "AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!"
and grabs hold of the edge of a steep cliff with her fingertips.
(whats the first thing she yells?...)
DAMIAN!!!!! HELP!!!!!!
Christy: *thinking* "I cant hold on much longer! and i cant get a foothold! please God dont let me die on a reality tv show!
all of a sudden, a hand grabs hers! she looks up hoping and praying its Damian so she can apologize. but its a strange girl she's never seen before!
"hold on and dont let go of my hand!" says the girl calmly, as
she grabs hold of Christy's other hand and pulls with all her might.
finally reaching safety, Christy gasp's a thank-you to the girl. the girl smiles and gives her some kind of odd colored juice to drink.
Christy cautiously sniffs it but then decides to drink it.
after getting her breath, she asks the girla question.
Christy: "What's your name?".....


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:29 am

its fine christy! not a problem. what do you think of mine?
hey Rhi, that works 4 me!!!


by abbysmom on Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:36 am

I love ya'lls story so cute...aw poor Damian, don't make him cry


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:37 am

did i do fine or what?


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:44 am

Me- omg keith did you hear that scream!? Do you think that was damin?! Maybe he did pass out and Christy screamed! What should we do?! *I jump up and begin to run in the direction damian went.*
Keith- Rhi would you wait up?! I’m still hooked to my board!
I ignore him and keep running, then a sudden searing pain fills my foot and I crash to the ground
Me- AHH!!
Keith- *runs to me and does a sliding stop* whats wrong? What happened? Was it a scorpion?! *look of concern/fear crosses his face*
Me-no! ow, I steped on a rock or something ow!
Keith starts looking around for whaever I stepped on and guess what? It was a camera! Buried in the sand.
Keith- *under breath*great. . . lets get you back to camp. Can you walk?
Me- I don’t know.*I stand up and try to walk and I fall. Keith catches me*
Keith- ok, lets see. . . ok *swoops me up into his arms* hold on tight, I have to get my surfboard.
So with one arm he holds me and with the other he carries his surfboard. (he’s a multitasker!) so we soon get back to camp and pagan wants to know what happened and we tell her. . .the camera men are asking us questions. . .

Here’s where pagan’s story fits in. . .

pagan wrote:Pagan grabs the camera from the cameraman's hand, opens it, takes the film out, and throws the whole thing into the ocean.
"That is what I think of this," she shouts and stomps off."Ryan Kelly if you don't get me off this hellhole so help me I am gonna break your guitars, I am going to trash your house, and when I am don there, I am gonna break every bone in your body. People can even use the bush without it being filmed. I'll swim if I have to.Now get me out of here cos this IN NOT my idea of fun."
Ryan looks crestfallen. "okay I'll call Sharon".
Pagan: You better. And while you are at it, you can tell her the other thing is off"
Ryan calls Sharon.......


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:44 am

did i do fine or what?

yes you did fine!!!!!

i was typing!!!!! lol


by pagan on Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:45 am

Rhi I leave that to greater minds than mine. Or we'll just wait awhile. Jen you are doing fine.
Ryan calls sharon and tells her what Pagan said. Sharon said she'll sent a boat out right away.
Ryan tells Pagan who tells him she'll believe it when the boat gets here. Then she stomps off in a huff.


by jenfromGA on Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:48 am

okay, im relievd now. one question though...
can the boat somehow get delayed?


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:50 am

soon the boat arrives and we all gEt on it and Sharon apologizes for this whole thing and takes us to a hotel where we rest and get pampered to our every need. . .next we get on a plane that Sharon promised will take us anywhere we want and that it also wont have any cameras! So we are flying and suddenly we drop in altitude, a few minutes later we drop farther and soon we are much too close to the ground. . . . and we are about to crash



© 2008 Rhi

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Do you feel you spend all of your time on the boards?