#28 Haywood U. Cuddleme?

#28 Haywood U. Cuddleme?

A Chapter by Rhi

by Rhi. on Wed Jul 23, 2008 5:33 pm

Me- so what are the guys doing?
Chloe- They have a bunch of sticks. . . that’s the extent of my knowledge.
Pagan-*calling to ryan* hey, what are you doing?!
Ryan- none of your business!
Pagan- well now I actually want to know what they’re doing! *she gets up, dusts herself off and then makes her way over to ryan.*
A few minutes later she comes back with a funny look on her face
Angel- did you get the info out of them?
Pagan- no, I didn’t *bewildered she sits back down on the sand* whatever they are doing is being heavily guarded! I turned on my womanly charm and I still got nothing!
Me- but that aways works on ryan! He cant resist you!! What did he do? Go blind?
Chloe- you go try it w/keith!
Me- whats the point in that?! I cant even get a straight answer out of him on what kind of sandwich he is eating!
Pagan- well its worth a try and we don’t have anything much better to do. . .
Me- so you want to be entertained by me asking for info that we all know I’m not going to get?!
Pagan-yup that about sums it up!
Me- *sarcastic* great! So I’ll be back in a jiffy! (wow. . . I just said jiffy. . .)
As I begin to walk over the guys pagan shouts “show some skin! That may get you a little further! And take your air out of that ponytail!” so I roll up my shorts and fix my shirt, let my hair down. . .i walk up to the guys (shoulders back, chest out. . .paul gives me a funny look)
Me-so uuh, where’s keith?
Paul- h-he just went to get more wood, you look different, why? (ugh. . .men. . .)
Me- no reason, oh there he is!
Over to keith I trot over to him (trot????). . .strut maybe???
Me-so keith, what ya doing?
Keith- *he’s bent over checking out the wood* nothing.
Me- Hows your back doing? Is it feeling better? *I begin to rub his back*
Keith- uhh its fine now. . .yeah the water really helped. . . .
Me- so whats the wood be for?
Keith- something.
Me- *ive stoped rubbing his back and have moved my hand to his shoulder*and what would that something be?
Keith- none of your- *he raises his head to look at me and his eyes stop half way up, I clear my throat* oh! Uh. . . umm. . .sry, its umm. . .
Me- whats the wood for?
Keith- we’re builing. . . . something. . . . . . . ?
Me- oh, well, what are you building?
Keith- uh,umm. . .we’re builing a. . .a . . .
Me- a. . .?
Keith-a-a fort.
Me- ah, well I’ll let you get back to it! *I run off*

Pagan- so did it work???
Me-surprisingly yes *I unfold my shorts and fix my top and put my hair back up* he said that they are building a fort.
Chloe- a fort. That’s what the big secret is?
Angel- wow. . .i knew guys were odd but. . .wow. . .
Chloe- uh oh. . .
Us girls- what?
Chloe- paul just found out that the secret has been told. . .and he is heading our way. . .he looks mad. . .i think we should run. . .


by pagan on Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:18 pm

Welcome Chloe I swear the way you take up where Rhi left off you two could be twins. I love it. Keep up the good work gals cos I am laughing my a**reading this stuff.
Hokay: here's me
Paul: Now that was dirty getting out secret that way.
Me: well gee we gotta find out what you guys are up to ya know. Maybe we'd like to help.
Paul: Well some things are best left to men to do ya know.
Me: Like getting us beached on a desert island?
Paul stomps away angry.
Me: ya know ladies that isn't a fort they are making. It is a raft to get us off here. Or maybe they think they can leave us behind. We need a spy. Or, best yet, we start our own raft. That will show THEM we are helpless women.
Rhi: Okay. Where do we start?
Pagan: How should I know? I've never built a raft before.
Pat: Well we've watched plenty of movies so let's go.
Pagan: But we don't have Wilson to show us the way.
Pat: Who needs Wilson? We've got....The first aid kit!


by christyboo on Thu Jul 24, 2008 6:00 am

So the girls l run over to the first aid kit.

Chloe: This will be harder than we thought.
Pagan: We need the other girls here and we need a spy so that we can copy off what the boys are doing.
Rhi: But who will be the spy?
All of the girls: Christy!!!!

They run over to the other girls.

Rhi: Ok girls, the guys are building something for them, like a raft or something, for guys only.
Whimsey: How come we can't help them?
Chloe: They only want guys doing it, so we are going to do one too, to show boys that we are not girls that are afraid to break a nail or something.
Pagan: And we've decided to have a spy, to go over there and see what they're doing, without them knowing.
Rhi: Christy, you're going to go over there and apologize to Damian. You will do that while seeing what they are doing.
Christy: But why me?
Chloe: We picked you because you and Damian are very close.
Pattum: What are we going to build?
Angel: I know! we will build a hut for us.
Whimsey: Let's start!
Rhi: Christy, go over there and give Damian some coconut milk and apologize.
Christy: Ok, but I hate the fact that you are using me.

Christy runs over to the guys.

Christy: Hey Damian, I'm sorry. I was being over protective. The truth is, I know someone that has died from surfing, and I didn't want you to. Will you ever forgive me?
Damian: Of course!
Christy: Here's some coconut milk. What are you guys doing?
Damian: Why would I tell you? You're a girl!
Christy: Damian McGinty! I hate you!!

She takes the coconut juice from Damian's hands, pours it on his head, and runs off.


by christyboo on Thu Jul 24, 2008 6:25 am

Me: Damian is such a jerk!
Rhi: Did you see what they were making?
Me: Yeah, they had a board with poles sticking out of it.
Whimsey: Why is Damian such a jerk?
Me: He says that he can't tell me what they are doing, since I'm a GIRL!!
Chloe: Well then, let's start!
Christy: I don't want to make it, I'm just going to go on a walk.
Pagan: Ok, go ahead.


by christyboo on Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:00 am

On Christy's walk, Sharon calls:

Sharon: Hey, Christy? It's Sharon
Christy: Hey Sharon! What's up?
Sharon: I have a big secret to tell you, but you have to promise not to tell.
Me: Ok, shoot!
Sharon: Ok, well, you guys are being filmed right know.
Me: What!!
Sharon: Well, you see, Phil and I told Ryan to take you guys on a boat ride, and get you guys stranded on the island. This is all on purpose.
Me: But... how....why..
Sharon: Right now, this is a reality tv show.
Me: Wow!


by pagan on Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:45 am


by Rhi. on Thu Jul 24, 2008 9:54 am

So back at the construction sight we girls are working up a storm. . .that is until we find that we don’t have any nails. . . or hammers. . . .or saws. . . .
Pagan- what are the guys using to cut the wood and what are they using in place of nails?!
Me- *I crane my neck to try and get a glimpse of what they are doing* uuuh, well I see Ryan, ummm, and more Ryan. . . .gosh would he just move! *I duck behind a pile of wood* I think he saw me!
Pagan-probably, since he’s walking toward us. . .
Me- oh, great!
Ryan- *looking over the pile of wood at me* what are you doing?!
Me- oh, just analyzing the wonders out of this sand. . .
Ryan- o. . . k. . . anyway, Pagan, have you seen my yellow, shirt. . . I could have sworn it was around here somewhere. . .
Pagan- dude, your wearing it and your not gonna get much on us by spying.
Ryan- spying? Me? Why would I do that?!
Me- oooo!! Pick me! Pick me!!!! *weird looks from the 2 of them, I clear my throat* you, Ryan, were sent over to our work site to see what we are using in place of nails and a saw.
Ryan-no I wasn’t!
Me- ok, so you came all the way over here to ask about a shirt that you must have known your wearing? Cuz it couldn’t have been that you just wanted to talk to pagan because if it was that you would have started out with how nice her shirt looks. . .then gone into your little rehearsed story- *keith comes jogging over, he is drenched in sweat*
Keith- hey Ryan I think we figured it out! But we need your help! Hey pagan! *pagan gives a wave, Keith looks over the wood pile* Rhi, what are you doing down there?
Me- *clear throat* I am cultivating the ground w/ my mind.
Keith- uh hu. . . well there is a scorpion right by your head
Me- WHA! *I jump on the wood pile but loose my balance and fall off the other side* the only thing cool about scorpions is that they glow in the dark. . .but I don’t think all of them do. . . *I look over the wood pile to see the scorpion * where did it go?!
Keith- *Keith just laughs, shakes his head and walks off w/ Ryan*
Me- so was there a scorpion or not?
Pagan- I don’t know, but I’m keeping a watchful eye on where I put my feet from now on!
Just then Christy comes running down the beach shouting something but none of us can understand her, shes too far away. . .


by teenangel on Thu Jul 24, 2008 12:57 pm

really cool...post later


by teenangel on Thu Jul 24, 2008 1:19 pm

I was at a camp this week and this is what happened once...someone can use it for a story on here if they want.

Wed. Night the boys asked us how many cell phones we had and what the numbers were. So we told them, and we figured out that the boys were going to prank call us. WE decided to have their plan backfire, but we were'nt sure how to. First we were going to turn off the phones, but that's no fun. So we invited Nick over. (Nick is a girl who made a boys voice). So we waited forever and finally they called. Their were 12 girls in the room, we all had our pillows stuffed in our mouths and faced the ground so we wouldn't make "Nick" laugh. "he" answered the phone. "Hello?...Who is this?...This is Nick....I think I have to go now....I think you have the wrong number....bye." Then we all burst out laughing...THe boys have no clue....we were filming a movie and this will be on the movie


by jenfromGA on Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:23 pm

i'm lovin this story so far, although if Rhi ever needs a replacement for herself in the story... let me know!!! keep it up!!!


by christyboo on Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:28 pm

Jen, on the next story, we will add you. I just don't know any possible way we could add you in this story. Sorry!


by Rhi. on Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:34 pm

lol jen,well addyou in if you like but i'm not gonna be leaving anytime soon, sry

and if your goining to join the story be sure to read the big red message on page 37!!!!!!!!


by christyboo on Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:36 pm

What am I yelling in the story? Even though it's me, I don't know what I yell. Oh, and Angel, how was camp?


by Rhi. on Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:38 pm

i was thinking something about the prank or something big just happened, i was gonna leave that up to whoever conyinued the story


by christyboo on Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:42 pm

Oh, well, I'll think about what I yell. That sounds really weird! LOL!


by christyboo on Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:44 pm

I know that this is random, but has anyone else here watched High School Musical: Get In The Picture?


by Rhi. on Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:44 pm

nope, i dont care for the HSM movies


by christyboo on Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:56 pm

Once Christy gets closer, the girls understand what she is yelling.

Christy: Ryan! Ryan! Hey guys, where's Ryan?
Rhi: He's making the fort with the other guys, why?
Christy: I just have to talk to him.

Christy runs over to the guys.

Christy: Ryan, I have to talk to you.
Ryan: Um, ok.

Christy and Ryan disappear.

Christy: Sharon just called me. I know about the whole TV thing.
Ryan: I thought she said that this was a secret.
Christy: I think one more person should know.
Ryan: Yeah, one more guy.
Christy: Why not a girl?
Ryan: Because girls share their secrets with other girls.
Christy: Yeah, we do do that. But I won't. And you know that.
Ryan: Yes I do know that. I think we should tell Damian.
Christy: Yeah, he can keep a secret.
Ryan: Ok. We'll tell him tonight.


by Rhi. on Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:16 pm

So while christy is talking to Ryan. . . .

Me- you know when christy came screaming down the beach I thought she had found mor scorpions!
Pagan- I thought she had gotten stung by one of them!
Me- what do you think we should-*a shadow crosses us* what do you think youre doing over here?
Keith- nothin.
Pagan- why are you here? Go back to your own fort!
Keith-I’m bored!
Me- you have a fort to build!
Keith- igot kicked out of the building committee.
Chloe- how in the world did you do that?!
Keith- I don’t think you want to know. . . .
Me- so what do you think your gonna do that’s fun over here?
Keith-I don’t know! I just thought I would start over here first for something fun and then I would move on if I couldn’t find anything. . . and I think I’ll move on
Pagan/me- wait! We have stuff for you to do!
Keith- what. . . ?
Me- you can hammer in the high beams and tie them together w/ that stuff.
Keith- well that doesn’t sound like fun
Pagan- *sigh* do you always have to be so difficult?!
Keith- yup! *and he walks down the beach*
Me- ok so lets get that beam up there, and I’ll hold it and chloe can you tie it in place? Chloe? chloe?! *shrill scream, chloe comes running out of the bushes* whats wrong?!
Chloe- I was behind that bush and something crawled up my leg and I thought it was a bug but then I looked down and- and it was a scorpion! This place it crawling with them!!!


by teenangel on Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:41 pm

this is hilarious!!!!!! I will write a prank as soon as the huts are built


by Rhi. on Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:45 pm

Me- we need to get this fort built and fast!
so we work for the next few hours at a feverish pace and we finally finish the fort, just in time for dinner. Keith went fishing and brought back 2 big fish and so we cooked them over the fire and after we were all done eating we started to just chat about our day and that’s when Christy and damian got up to “take a walk” and a few minutes later ryan said he had to use the bush. . .
Chloe- that’s odd, it seems like they planned something. . . I thought the bush we decided on was the other way. . .
Pagan- it is. . . I wonder what they are planning. . .
Me- or have already planned . . . maybe they are putting into action. . . .
Keith- whats in action?
Me- not your head.
Keith- well that was a lame come back, and you know what? You act like that and i wont tell you what I found on my walk. So there!
Pagan- what did you find keith?
Keith- nothin.
Chloe- another scorpion?
Keith- no.
Me- *sigh* keith what did you find?
Keith- none of your business!
Me-none of our-! Keith you’re the one who brought it up! Now tell us what you found!
Keith- *sighs and rolls eyes, he reaches in his pocket and pulls out something black* a camera!
Chloe- soooo. . . ?
Keith- I found a camera behind a bush. It wasn’t on but it felt pretty warm so I think it had just been shut off.
Pagan- sooooo. . .?
Keith- i think someone is spying on us!
Me- who?
Keith-I haven’t gotten that far yet.
Pagan- maybe it has something to do w/ what ryan damian and Christy are doing!
Keith- What are they doing?!
Me-we dont know, they just left around the same time and we think they are up to something.
Chloe- should we follow them?
Me- yeah, lets go!
Everyone else was too engrossed in their conversation (something about paul in a diaper) to notice us leave. . .we follow their footprints to a sheltered area, and we overhear them talking. . .


by teenangel on Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:48 pm

ok...no one post anything about sleeping but that we are getting ready to go to bed so I can post my prank, please


by Rhi. on Thu Jul 24, 2008 5:09 pm

did you want one of us to post something or are you posting it? i'm a little confused. . .


by teenangel on Thu Jul 24, 2008 5:10 pm

I will post the prank but I thought you all would finish what you overheard and stuff then say we all decided to get ready for bed or something


by Rhi. on Thu Jul 24, 2008 5:22 pm

ah, ok i understand now!


by Rhi. on Thu Jul 24, 2008 5:35 pm

Keith- so that’s what they are planning!
Me- how can you understand what they are planning!? All we can see is them pushing a piece of paper back and forth!
Keith- you need your eyes checked. It is obvious what they are doing! They are speaking in code!
Pagan- ok and what would that code be?
Keith- its hard to explain
Chloe- sooo what are they planning?
Keith- something about a lizard. . .and a. . .dragonfly. . . ummm Oh! It’s a about a camera and something about filming and. . . TV. . .!!! I got it! They are going to make a video and they want to show us it but they don’t have a TV! Ha ha! I’m so smart.
Me- keith?
Keith- ya?
Me- where did they get the camera? We didn’t bring one on the boat w/ us. . .and even is they did you’re the only one who brought anything back from the boat and how would it have survived the water damage?
Keith- . . . hu. . . well, maybe they found it somewhere?! Like I found the camera!
Chloe- watch out they are finishing up! Oh now they are leaving! Run!
So we run and hide behind a big bush, and watch them head back to the camp.
Pagan- now what?
Me- I say we wait a bit and then act as if we just took a walk around the island.
Pagan- ok sounds good!
Me- oh, and if you get time pagan, you may want to work your womanly charm on ryan and see if you can get anything out of him.
Pagan- yup, I’m already formulating a plan. . .
Chloe-I think we should start heading back now.
So we take our time walking back to the campsite and when we get there everyone is getting ready for bed. . . .

Take it away angel!


by teenangel on Thu Jul 24, 2008 5:50 pm


Ok so Keith and Damian are not completely done with these pranks. (I hope we have a cell phone or two left! If not then I guess I found one and ryan found one that somehow have full batteries but no way to call off the Island) The guys all get in a circle and start whispering so we get suspicious. I hear "we'll call them tonight" so I tell all of you to come into the hut because I'm scared of the dark (not really). So we get Pagan (sorry) to do a really deep, manly voice. We all pretend to be getting ready for bed when they look in to say goodnight then go to the other side of the hut(separated by thick wall). *Ring* Pagan answers the phone and pretends to be someone else. We all have our faces stuffed with cloth so we cannot laugh, but asap when it's done we burst into a fit of laughs!!!!!!! The guy sounded like Damian she said, but wasn't sure. He was like "uh, um, oops, uh who is this?" and stuttering to no end.

Ok, take the rest of it, that's my prank, wish we had a hose, there was more to the real prank from my camp


by Rhi. on Thu Jul 24, 2008 6:26 pm

Ok so our huts are separated by a wall. . .hmmm this could get interesting. . . .

A few minutes later the guys try again (oh the wall is really thick so we cant hear them and vice versa, yes we are awesome hut makers!) and this time I get to do the voice, but I opt for a very girly voice.
me- *high and squeeky* hello?
Keith- Hi is there a Haywood U. Cuddleme there?
Me-nope but I’m pretty sure there is a Eura Snotball over there! *hang up*
A few more pranks go on, some over text others by phone, but soon we get tired and settle in. just as I’m about asleep a faint knocking can be heard on the wall next to me. I listen silently for a few moments and when I think it was just one of the guys adjusting, I hear it again and this time is louder. I wait a few moments and the knocking comes again and this time it is even louder. So I knock back. A few seconds later the person knocks back, this goes on for a good 5 to 10 minutes and it seems like they are trying to tell me something, but whatever it is I have no idea. And soon whoever was knocking stops and all is quiet again. . . then footsteps can be heard outside. So I slowly crawl out from under our makeshift covers and silently open the door. Just outside our door about 10 feet away is a dark silhouette. I quietly step out of the hut and close the door and just about that time, the figure turns around . . .


by jenfromGA on Thu Jul 24, 2008


aww c'mon now, keep goin, keep goin!!! What happens?!?! I get so engrossed in this story and then everybody stops! okay, okay, I know ya gotta stop and rest sometimes but this is a really good story!!! And I don't mind not being in it. (... I know your not planning on goin anywhere Rhi. )




by celticsusan on Thu Jul 24, 2008 8:29 pm



Rhi. wrote:Ok so our huts are separated by a wall. . .hmmm this could get interesting. . . .

A few minutes later the guys try again (oh the wall is really thick so we cant hear them and vice versa, yes we are awesome hut makers!) and this time I get to do the voice, but I opt for a very girly voice.
me- *high and squeeky* hello?
Keith- Hi is there a Haywood U. Cuddleme there?
Me-nope but I’m pretty sure there is a Eura Snotball over there! *hang up*

Rhi, shades of Bart Simpson there???? George would love this! Carry on!



© 2008 Rhi

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Added on December 25, 2008

Do you feel you spend all of your time on the boards?