#27 The Island

#27 The Island

A Chapter by Rhi

by Rhi. on Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:47 am

Sooooo the note says to take the boat out and go to (this is no longer a lake house. . .its an ocean house. . .) and we are to go out and take a trip around the ocean, it was signed by Ryan. . .he knew my stubbornness and he knew that I had been wanting to do so, so he wrote the note to make people think that some mysterious person had written it, . . you all know we wouldn’t be able to pass up another mystery!!! So we go out on the boat and we head for sea! But we don’t notice storm clouds on the horizon. . . and we don’t realize that when we dropped anchor, that the line wasn’t long enough to hit the bottom, and a current was taking us out to sea. . .
George- hey, everyone, is it just my eyesight or can we not see land anymore?
Everybody- *turns and looks* uh oh. . .
Me- where is that GPS? *looks all around boat and I finally find it* well George you actually have pretty good eyesight! Shore is about 90 miles thataway. *I point*
Keith- well lets start up the engine!
Me- wait! We need to pull up the anchor!
So we do all that and then Keith tries to start the boat but guess what???? It doesn’t start! And the waves are getting bigger. . .
Christy- *clinging to Damian* we’re going to die aren’t we?
Paul- *has taken a beach towel an tied it around his neck like a cape* not on my watch!
He then pulls out a thing of gasoline and declares
Paul- I do believe we are out of gas! Ryan*hands gas to ryan* fill ‘er up!
Ryan rushes over and fills up the thing w/ gas and we head off to where we believe shore is. . . but guess what????? We’re wrong. . . just by a few hundred miles. . . that’s all. . . and soon the waves are huge, its raining and our cell phones/radio aren’t working (surprise! Surprise!) and we soon find ourselves facing a gigantic wave!
Pagan- everyone hold your breath and find a buddy! And don’t let go of them!! And make sure your life vest is tight!
I grab Keith, we hold each other tightly, the boat goes over the wave and capsizes on the way down. . .when we hit the water I felt Keith being ripped away from me, when I surface he isn’t there. . .no one is there! I don’t see anyone! I scream, once, twice. . .no answer. Then I see a head bobbing and I swim over to it
Me- CHRISTY!*We grab hands* where is everyone?!
Christy- I don’t know! Damian was right next to me! Now he isn’t!!!!
That’s when we spot something bobbing in the water a little ahead of us GEORGE! We swim over to him, he his holding ryan (he hit his head and is unconscious) and Paul is floating on his back next to George, Pagan is also with them, she is trying to get Ryan to wake up. Kerry and Angel and Pattum all come over to us (mind you that the waves are still huge and it is still raining and everything)
Kerry- who is still missing?!
Christy- Damian! Damian is missing! Damian!
Me- and Keith he isn’t here either. . .
Pagan- Keith, he is a strong swimmer! So he is probably with Damian right now! (or so we hoped)(am I missing anyone????? Let me know if I forgot someone!)
Me- what do we do know?!
George- hold on tight and hope this storm ends soon!
Christy- but what about Damian!? We need to find him!
Kerry- Christy I don’t- we aren’t sure that-
Christy- NO! he is fine he is all right he is just- he is just- NO! he has to be ok!
We all hold onto each other throughout the reminder of the storm, we watch the sun set over the water, we feel the water begin to chill. . .we spend the night in the water. . .Ryan doesn’t wake. . .Keith and Damian don’t show up. . . and no land is in sight. . .

Haha cliff hanger! I’m writing the next part right now so hold on. . .


by Rhi. on Wed Jul 23, 2008 12:02 pm

i'm warning you now, this is LONG!

As the sun begins to rise and so do our hopes.
Me- *shivering* gggoorege? Is Ryan breathing?
George- *gives me a grim look* he breaths but not much or that often
Pagan- HIS EYES JUST FLUTTERED! Ryan? ryan can you hear me? Ryan wake up! Wake up Ryan! Come on, you can do it ! wake up
Ryan- *groan*
Pagan- Ryan can you hear me?
Ryan- *groan, he lifts his hand and feels his face* w-what happened?
So pagan then tells him a refined version of the past 12 hours. . . he shakes his head and then looses consciousness again. . . a few hours later we see something bobbing in the water in the distance, it looks like a piece of wreckage, we don’t take much notice. . . about 30 min. later I look over at it again and I see that it is moving slightly, I look harder and guess who it is?! Donny Osm-
I start swimming over to him but Paul grabs me, and pulls me back
Paul- there isn’t anything there
Me-what of course there is! Its Keith he’s right- there. . . but I saw- he was- why. . .?
George- did you drink any sea water?
Me- no. . .
George- don’t. if your seeing things already, I don’t want to know what happens when you really loose it. . .
We float for a long while, not talking, we are all in our own thoughts, Ryan comes to and then loses conciseness a few more times. . . after a while Angel claims she sees land but we don’t pay much attention, about an hour later Pattum says that she can see it too. . .another hour passes. . . and we all see land! Palm trees and everything! We begin to swim to it! And soon the shore is right in front of us. And when we are trying to get through the breaker waves (I believe that’s what they are called) Kerry gets caught under the wave and the reef hits her arm and it begins to bleed (a lot) we hurry to get to shore and Paul tears part of his towel cape and wraps it around her injury. . .
George- we need to find fresh water! And firewood and food! We’ll split up into groups , who wants to do what?
Paul- I’ll look for firewood, Christy why don’t you come with me? Lets get your mind off of Damian for a bit?
Chisty- but I want to- never mind, ok lets get firewood. . . angel why don’t you come too?
Angel- ok. . .
So the three of them set off to find firewood. . .
Pattum- George why don’t you and I find the fresh water?
Me- And Kerry and I will look for food. Pagan you just stay w/ Ryan.
So we all go our separate ways. . .Kerry and I find coconuts, and some berries. . . we see evidence of wild pigs. . .(this will not I repeat NOT turn into a Lord of the Flies! I repeat this will NOT turn into a Lord of the Flies!!!! or Lost. . .) we gather as much as we can carry and bring it back out to the beach. The wood crew found a bunch of fire wood and Paul is trying to start a fire. . .if this wasn’t life or death it would have been an amusing sight! And so as we are munching on our fruit George and Pattum come out and announce that they have found fresh water but we need to figure out how to get it. . . we don’t have anything to carry it in . . . a few days and nights pass, we get our fire going. . . it is huge. . .Ryan it hurt but doing better and Kerry’s arm is healing. . . most of the time we are watching the water waiting for any sign of rescue. . . George, and Paul explore the island. It isn’t very big at all. . . (we have been sleeping on the sand) one day as we are watching the water Kerry notices something in the water, we keep an eye on it but we don’t think much of it (some of our stuff from the boat had washed upon shore so that’s what we think it is. . .wreckage) Paul and George were exploring and I have gone to get more food. . . they watch whatever it is get closer they notice that it is waving to them!
Christy-OMG! Its Keith! Its KEITH! And he has Damian!!!!! *she jumps up and runs into the water, and she is followed closely the other girls*
so Keith is in the shallows and he has Damian on his back, and he is carrying a live saver, and a few things that look like emergency kits! (not our CT emergency kits!. . .only then we would have ice. . .and pillows. . .) soon he is on the beach and he drops (well places) Damian on the sand and drops his cargo.
Christy- what is wrong with him?! (she is at damian’s side trying to wake him)
Keith- he passed out about a day ago, I don’t really know why. . .
Pagan- where have you been? We thought you were dead!
Keith- where have I been? in the ocean! *smiles(no one else finds it funny)* when the boat flipped I was pulled away from Rhi, and by the way where is she? Is she ok? She made it right?!
Angel- yeah she’s out getting-
Me- OMG! Keith!! You’re alive! *I drop my food and run over to him and practically knock him over w/ a hug* where have you been!? You told me not to let go- I didn’t you were pulled- and *begin to cry and mutter nonsense*
Keith- *puts his arms around me(melting right now)* wow how much seawater did you drink?!
Me- *I pull away and slap him* that’s not funny! I’ve- we’ve been worried sick about you!
Keith- sorry, I really ist the time for jokes is it?
Christy- damian! Damian?! Wake up! he opened his eyes! Damian?
Damian- *trys to talk but it cant be understood*
Christy- what? What did you say?
Damian- *graons*
Christy- damian stay with me!
Damain- thuh suuhn! toouh briiuhght!
Christy- oh! She pulls him over into the shade. . . .
Me- Keith what happened?! Where did you go?!
Keith- well after the boat flipped, I was ripped away from you and I surfaced behind the boat and that was when I say damian, we wasn’t with Christy and he didn’t look too good, so I swam over to him and found a life ring for him to hold onto and then I started looking for the emergency kits, and I found them, and then by the time I had gotten back to damain, no one was around and we got pulled in a current for a while and somehow we eventually ended up here. . . we did see your fire at night and then we saw the smoke signal in the day, so that really helped! Hey where are George and Paul?! They are here right?! *a look of panic crosses his face*
Angel- yeah they are here, they are exploring. You should see Paul! He thinks he is a modern day Lewis ad Clark!


by mad_about_ct on Wed Jul 23, 2008 12:29 pm

hope you guys don't mind if i just jump right in. if you don't like it ignore it

after a few hours of waiting and talking on the beach paul finally returns
Paul- HA! i am brilliant! look what i found! *he then extents his arm to show us something in his hand, its a branch . . .*
Keith- Um . . .Pual? you are aware its a branch right? and you do know that they are everywhere?
Paul- yes but this is a special branch, look *he turns the branch over to show us a weird purple spot on it* it has been touched by human hands that dont belong to us.
Rhi- it kinda looks like a berry fell on it and got smushed . . .
Cristy- it does seem to be the same shade of purple as the berries that we have been eating.
paul- *looks at stick with a sad look on his face* oh, i guess you guys are right *slowly puts the stick in his pocket, still looking sad*
pagan- Paul, wheres George?
Paul-*a look of shock replaces the sad on his face* OH NO!!! *turns around and races into the isalens small forest*
Keith- that cant be good
Cristy- should we help?
Rhi- we dont know where George is or wheer paul went. its probably a good idea to stay here so no one gets lost
Keith- i just hope paul doesnt lose George on his way back . . . or lose his way . . . maybe we should follow them


by Rhi. on Wed Jul 23, 2008 12:58 pm

Everyone! This is Mad_about_ct, she is one of my friends (reallife). She and I have shared our obsession w/ ct together and now she has joined the forum! Yeah! Sooo, call her Chloe and give her a warm welcome. . . !


by mad_about_ct on Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:06 pm

thanks for the intro Rhi!


by Rhi. on Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:12 pm

well i couldnt let people think your just any old fan! lol

Me-no keith stay here, if they don’t come back in about 15 min. then we’ll go after them
Keith- o. . .k. . .hmmmm. . .
Me- what are you hmmmmming about?!
Keith-well I was wondering if I could make a surfboard out of that plank of wood. . .
Me- why would you need to make one?
Keith- sooo I could surf. . .!
Me- well your surf board washed up on shore yesterday, so-
Keith- it did?! Where is it?!
Me- right over th-
Keith runs over to where I pointed my finger, finds his board and then runs out to sea.
Pagan- *sitting down beside me* wow, I don’t think I have ever see that guy run quite that fast! Its like he hasn’t seen the water for years!
Me- yeah, and he just spent a few days in it!
Christy- and you like him why. . . ?
Me- well I wouldn’t be talking. . .damain just asked him if he can give him lessons. . .
Christy- oh goodness! I’ve gotta stop this madness! *she runs over to Damian to stop him*


by Rhi. on Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:25 pm

didnt soemone ask ryan what 3 things he would bring if he was left on a desserted island? and didnt he say something about a yacht?. . .well sry ryan, not this time. . .


by mad_about_ct on Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:34 pm

damian- cristy, what are you doing?
Cristy- i'm stopping you from killing yourself!
Damian- why would you do that?
Cristy- Wha . . .? you have to ask!
Damian- i just think you worry too much
Cristy- i wory just the right amount!
damian- well i'm strill going to learn how to surf
Cristy- no you are not!
damian- well what else am i supposed to do?
Cristy- you can stay with me and we can make braclets out of leaves and flowers
Damian- yeah right. thats girly. im going surfing. *runs int ocean after keith*
Cristy- *yells after him* don't expect me to talk to you when you get back! *mdtters under breath* if you live


by christyboo on Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:48 pm

Christy stomps back to the other girls.

Christy: Damian is being so stupid.
Angel: No he isn't, he just wants to do something with the guys for once.
Christy: He's going to kill himself!
*a sharp scream*
Rhi: What was that?
Christy: Oh. My. Gosh.

Nice to meet you mad_about_ct! Welcome!


by Rhi. on Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:49 pm

Lol then a shark comes and-

christy- what was that?
we listen for a bit but nothing else can be heard. . .
Ryan- I’m hungry
Pagan- you know you’re always hungry
Ryan- what’s your point? *pagan just shakes her head*
Just then a rustling of leaves can be heard behind us and out steps Paul and then George.
Me- so did you discover some uncharted land?
Paul- uuuh this is all uncharted. . .so yeah I did!
Me- where did your cape go?
George- it got snagged on a bush and Paul thought it was a monster trying to eat him!
Paul- it was not a bush it was a small tree and I did not scream like a girl!
Pagan- no one said anything about you screaming like a girl Paul.
Paul-oh, well then. . . just so you all know, I didn’t scream like a girl . . . George did.


by christyboo on Wed Jul 23, 2008 2:05 pm

Rhi: So you expect us to believe that George, a grown 40 year old man, screamed like a girl?
Paul: Uh, yeah.
Christy: Tough Nubbs!(I love to say that!)
George: Where are Keith and Damian?
Angel: They went out surfing.
Christy: Thanks for bringing it up, I just forgot about it!


by Rhi. on Wed Jul 23, 2008 2:10 pm

i think the emergancy kits that keith brought back should have the following things. . .

space blankets (you know those blakets that looklike tin foil?)
a colapsable bucket
water bottles
stuff to clen a wound
stitching supplies
a waterproof watch
a compas. . .
anything else?. . .a yacht. . . ? lol


by christyboo on Wed Jul 23, 2008 2:11 pm


I can't think of anymore.

What's going on with Damian's surfing lesson?


by Rhi. on Wed Jul 23, 2008 2:16 pm

a first aid book (so we know what we are doing. . .)
matches in a waterproof container
a few lighters. . .
personal hygene items
whistles (one for each person)


by Rhi. on Wed Jul 23, 2008 2:27 pm

So keith is teaching damain how to surf. . .he isn’t doing to well. . .keith has a lot of patience but it is beginning to run out. . . damian falls into water and a wave goes over the top of him. . .keith acts like he is going to pull his hair out, when damian surfaces. . .
Damain- I think i’m done for the day keith
Keith- good cuz I’ve had enough!*he takes his board and paddles out to catch the next wave*
Damian comes over to the group
Christy- see I told you not to do it.
Damian rolls his eyes and sits down next to Christy and takes her hand in his.
Me- *quietly* and they called it puppy-*evil glare from the young ones. . .*
Chloe- you know I know the whole dance to that song. . .
Me- care to show us?
Chloe- no. . .
Pagan- aw come on,it would be so entertaining!
Chloe- no I’m good right here.
Keith comes back onto the beach and he looks kinda funny. . .
Me- what’s up w/ you?
Keith-I just did a face plant and I swallowed some sea water *drops to the sand next to me, and lays back*
Me- uuuh, Keith?
Keith- yea?
Me- you just laid on an ant hill.


by christyboo on Wed Jul 23, 2008 2:53 pm

Is Chloe mad_about_ct?


by christyboo on Wed Jul 23, 2008 3:06 pm

Christy: Go jump in the water, hurry!
Damian: He is so stupid!
Christy: Just like you when you tried to surf!
Damian: Will you just let it go!
Christy: No, I won't let it go.
Damian: What's your problem?
Christy: What's YOUR problem?

They both storm off in the opposite directions.

Rhi: Now it's just Pagan, you, and I. Chloe, can you PLEASE show us the dance?
Pagan: Please!
Chloe: Ok. *gets up and dances while singing it*
Pagan: Wow, you're amazing!
Rhi: Yeah, that was really good.


by christyboo on Wed Jul 23, 2008 3:35 pm

Damian runs over to George and Paul.

Damian: I can't believe Christy!
Paul: Why?
Damian: She is acting like my mom!
George: When did she act like this?
Damian: She didn't want me to go surfing, and then got all mad at me that I did.
Paul: Well, you should hang out with the guys. You spend all of your time with her, and no time with us.
George: Yeah, we're missing having you around.
Damian: Ok, I'll start haning out with you guys.
Paul: Good. Let's go make a hut for us guys to stay in.

Keith walks back up to the beach to Rhi, Angel, Pagan, and Chloe with his back all red.

Keith: My back feels SO much better now.
Rhi: Good.
Keith: Hey, where did Christy go?
Chloe: She and Damian got in a fight. I'm pretty sure she went to go hang out with Whimsey, Kerry, and Pattum.
Keith: Oh, where is Ryan.
Angel: He went fishing
Keith: I'm going to go hang out with the other guys.
Rhi: Ok.

Christy stomps her way over to Pattum, Whimsey, and Kerry.


by Rhi. on Wed Jul 23, 2008 4:53 pm

christyboo wrote:Is Chloe mad_about_ct?




© 2008 Rhi

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Added on December 25, 2008

Do you feel you spend all of your time on the boards?