#26 See Ya Later Lake House!

#26 See Ya Later Lake House!

A Chapter by Rhi

by christyboo on Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:50 am

So after lunch, Keith, Rhi, Damian, and Christy go tubing.

Keith: Who's going first?
Damian: Me and Christy will.
Rhi: Ok, hop on.

Keith: He's halarious!
Rhi: What do you mean?
Keith: What I mean is that he wants to do everything with Christy.
Rhi: Yeah, and he volunteers her for whatever he is doing so that he can be with her.
Keith: Watch this, I'm gonna make them flip!

Keith makes a sharp turn, Damian falls off, Christy laughs at him, Keith makes another sharp turn, and Christy falls off as well.
They all start cracking up.

Keith: How about we have a little competition.
Rhi: Yeah, first one to fall off loses.
Damian: What do they have to do?
Keith: I'll think about it with Rhi.
Christy: Ok, deal.

So Christy is doing good, Damian is looking cocky, but hangs on. Then Keith makes a sharp turn. Damian flies in the air, but then lands back on the tube. Then during the last turn, Christy and Damian grab hands and jump off together. They swim back to the boat and hop back on.

Christy: We both lost, what's our punishment?
Keith: I'll talk to the others back home and we'll find something.
Damian: Ok, your turn!

So Rhi and Keith go and have their turn.

Christy: I'll drive!



by Kerry W on Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:46 am

Suze!!! *Big Hug*

We'll always be here for you, so call (PM) if you need anything. Ok?

I'm glad I was able to cheer you up! Those shirts actually exist!!! (except for Ryan's) But they do! It's pretty awesome.


by christyboo on Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:50 am

What shirts?


by christyboo on Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:57 am

Back at the house, Everyone is playing Taboo. Here are the teams:

Team 1(Celtic Cats)Pagan, Ryan, Paul, Whimsey
Team 2(Scottie Dogs) George, Kerry, Angel, Pattum

It was Ryan's turn, and he was doing fishing. Everyone kept guessing roping steer or something. Then Paul said "Trying to get Pagan to stay next to you" And that was when the game ended because Ryan started chasing Paul around the house.

I'm just kidding Pagan


by Rhi. on Tue Jul 22, 2008 10:06 am

thisis when i REALLY wish this was real life! i would do most anything to see Ryan chase Paul around the house!
now hold on cuz i do beleive i have a story in the works. . .


by Rhi. on Tue Jul 22, 2008 10:09 am

no i dont acually. . . i started to write but whatever idea i had just flew out of the window. . . hmmmmm


by Rhi. on Tue Jul 22, 2008 10:36 am

After we finish watching Ryan and Paul race around the house, keith runs up stairs and disappears into his bedroom. We can hear hum rummaging around through papers and stuff, then there is a weird banging. . .
Damian- should one of us go check on him?
Me- I have no idea. . . maybe you should-*keith walks back down the stairs*
Ryan- what were you doing up there?
Keith-up where?
Paul- in the sky where the unicorns are! In your room! Duh!
Keith- nothin’ *sits back down on the couch*
We all just kinda stare at him for a minute and then we start talking about what we may want ot do tomorrow and that’s when keith goes back up stairs and more rummaging can be heard. . .
Pagan- damian go up and see what he is doing
Damian- fiiiiinee. . . .
He slowly walks up stairs and shuffles into his room
Damian- *mufled* what are you doing?
Keith- nothing
Damian- keith! Keith stop! What are you doing to my bed STOP!
Things rummaging and moving can be heard and a loud THWAP of a mattress can be heard . . .
George- I think I’ll go see what these 2 are up to. . .
So george hurries up the stairs, and into the bedroom he goes
George- what are you doing? Why is your bedroom such a mess? Keith, where’s damian?
Keith- in the closet
A door can be heard opening
George- damian, why are you in there?
Damian- keith opened it up and I looked in, and then he shut it on me.
George- keith what is the matter? What are you doing?!
Keith- nothing!
Damian hurries out of room and someone closes the door. Muffled voices can be heard. . .
Christy- damian whats going on up there?
Damian- I have no idea, keith it just tearing apart our room, I think he is looking for something but I don’t know what it would be!
Me-oh dont tell me somebody is taking our stuff again! I mean other than the pranks and everything. . .has anyone else lost anything?
Ryan- *he opens his mouth to speak but he closes it backup quickly*
Paul- *seeing this, sighs* his stuffed dog-
Ryan- GREG!
Paul- his stuffed dog greg, is missing. . .
Me-oh, I forgot about that!
Ryan- you know where he is?! *gasp* did you take him?!
Me- ya I did, hold on i’ll be right back. . .
I hurry up stairs and into my room and I quickly find “Greg” and just as I’m about to leave the room and shut off the light, I notice an envelope taped over the light switch. . . and it has my name on it. . .
Me- *to self* where did this come from? It wasn’t here when I came in. . . *so I open it and what I find inside is-


by pagan on Tue Jul 22, 2008 11:23 am

I think Ryan chasing Paul thru the house is hilarious. Now gee, anyone got any idea what I put on George's head? C'mon, you guys are so good with this stuff I left it for you to run with. Now do me proud please. Love the whole thing. Just hilarious!


by Rhi. on Tue Jul 22, 2008 11:35 am

Ok so i’m gonna back up just a bit cuz we need to write about george’s head!!!! Now that just sounds weird. . . .

So this is during lunch!
Pagan- so uuh george have you looked in the miror lately?
George- no why?
Pagan-oh, no reason. . .
George wipes his mouth with a napkin, excuses himself and heads for the bathroom. . .a few seconds after we hear the light flip on we hear
George- what in the world did you do to my head! Is that glitter glue? And. . . omg you used sharpies and what in the world is that? You put sequins and paper hears on my head too?!
By now we are all cracking up. . .
Pagan- *calling to george* read what it says on the very top
George-. . . rub my head, it gives good luck!. . .
Light switch is flicked off and a not very happy george comes out of the bathroom and sits back down at the table. . . keith then comes out (he took a nap) and he sees george’s head for the first time
Keith- wow dude! I know I just woke up but is something wrong with your head? It looks like a fairy farted in your general direction. . . (my friend Nick used that line for one of my Halloween costumes like 2 years ago. . .lol)


by pagan on Tue Jul 22, 2008 11:52 am

Love it Rhi. I needed to do that cos you all were wondering what to do with George's bald head a while back. "Fairy farted" I love it Now have Paul say something cos it is gonna be good!


by Rhi. on Tue Jul 22, 2008 11:57 am

i'm on it!


by Rhi. on Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:06 pm

George- thank you keith. That was just what I wanted to hear
Paul- well you know it was either a fairy farting, or a leprechaun dumped all his rainbow marshmallows on your head. . . or maybe it was the easter bunny! Yeah he threw all his eggs on your head and that was the product.
Pagan- I don’t know. . . it could have been someone w/ a lot of skill w/ crafts. . .
Keith- no it was the fairy. Definitely. Only I’m not sure how it got in. . .*start checking out the doors*
Me- *giving keith an odd look, whispering to pagan* so did you use superglue on his head?
Pagan- yup. And I put a clear coat of nail polish over everything to keep it all in place!
Me- what will happen when he has to scratch his head?


by celticsusan on Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:18 pm

pagan wrote:Welcome back Susan. You have been missed. Huge hug from me hon and you know where to find me.

Thanks for the welcome Pagan. Glad to be back. Will be adding to the story eventually. Gotta get my brain power back! And my
sense of humour!


by celticsusan on Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:22 pm

Kerry W wrote:Suze!!! *Big Hug*

We'll always be here for you, so call (PM) if you need anything. Ok?

I'm glad I was able to cheer you up! Those shirts actually exist!!! (except for Ryan's) But they do! It's pretty awesome.

Thanks Kerry! I'd love to have a picture of all our guys actually wearing those shirts! Wouldn't that be a riot! They've all got such
good senses of humour and they'd know we meant it just in fun. I hope.


by Rhi. on Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:49 pm

its tempting to buy thhose shirts and then, if they did another PBS thing, give it to them. . . then we would have to go through this whole story of why we're giveing them he shirts. . . lol we could print out the storys and get then bounded lintoa book form and give them each a copy! ol tha would be cool. . .and then we could make a hat for george that looks like what pagan did to his head in the story. . .lol


by pagan on Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:46 pm

Go for it Rhi Hey you can always mail a copy to Ryan along with the hat I love the story. Keep it up


by celticsusan on Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:54 pm

Hi Pagan!


by celticsusan on Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:02 pm

Rhi. wrote:its tempting to buy thhose shirts and then, if they did another PBS thing, give it to them. . . then we would have to go through this whole story of why we're giveing them he shirts. . . lol we could print out the storys and get then bounded lintoa book form and give them each a copy! ol tha would be cool. . .and then we could make a hat for george that looks like what pagan did to his head in the story. . .lol

Rhi, that would be so cool. Who's going to find one of those shirts for Ryan? (By the way, the back of that shirt is SO untrue !) But I do have a question that is sort of troubling me. Are y'all sure (in view of everything that has happened recently,) that all these stories would be viewed in the manner we wrote them in?, i.e, just a bunch of true fans who respect and adore these special guys and have discovered the bounds of their own literary "talents"? I'd hate for anyone to think we were really trying to do something disrespectful to any of these guys. After all, if we didn't think so much of them we wouldn't have been doing the stories!

I know, really a bummer of a thought.


by pagan on Tue Jul 22, 2008 10:18 pm

Hi Susan Not to worry. All anyone has to do is go back and read what we've written to begin with. I am sure anyone who jumps could see we are only playing. I left a message for Ryan to come over and take a look when/if he gets bored


by celticsusan on Tue Jul 22, 2008 10:24 pm

Pagan, you think he'll ever get THAT bored!!!


by pagan on Tue Jul 22, 2008 10:39 pm

One can only hope Susan one can only hope


by christyboo on Wed Jul 23, 2008 6:05 am

Rhi. wrote:George- thank you keith. That was just what I wanted to hear
Paul- well you know it was either a fairy farting, or a leprechaun dumped all his rainbow marshmallows on your head. . . or maybe it was the easter bunny! Yeah he threw all his eggs on your head and that was the product.
Pagan- I don’t know. . . it could have been someone w/ a lot of skill w/ crafts. . .
Keith- no it was the fairy. Definitely. Only I’m not sure how it got in. . .*start checking out the doors*
Me- *giving keith an odd look, whispering to pagan* so did you use superglue on his head?
Pagan- yup. And I put a clear coat of nail polish over everything to keep it all in place!
Me- what will happen when he has to scratch his head?

Christy walks downstairs with Damian.

Christy: Whoa George! Look at your head!
George: That's it, I'm going to go attempt to wash it off.
Christy: Wait! Let me get my camera first, I want to take a pic of it!

Christy runs back upstairs.

Damian: Who did it?
Pagan: Thank you, thank you, thank you very much.
George: Pagan, I am going to get you!

Just then, Christy runs downstairs.

Christy: Who took my camera?
Paul: What are you talking about? You just used it yesterday.
Angel: Yeah, you were taking pictures of Damian during his nap.
Christy: I told you not to tell!
Angel: Oops!
Ryan: Did you check outside?
Christy: I'll go check.

Christy runs outside. Then she returns with it in her hand.

Christy: Hey Rhi, there was a note on the switch with your name on it, did you get it?
Rhi: Yeah, I opened it.
Christy: What did it say?
Rhi opens it and reads........


by CVaughn on Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:12 am

pagan wrote:Hi Susan Not to worry. All anyone has to do is go back and read what we've written to begin with. I am sure anyone who jumps could see we are only playing. I left a message for Ryan to come over and take a look when/if he gets bored

These stories are so much fun. It reminds me of when I was a teen-ager I used to write stories like this about my fave T.V. shows. My best friend and I would spend hours writing episodes for the shows. We even sent some of our work to the producers of one show. They were kind enough to reply, saying that they could not use the material, but that we should continue with our creative efforts. Then my sister got into it. We would all write our stories and then we would read each others entries, just like we do here. Great Fun.
I have a hard time keeping up with the story but I love the adventures of Christy and Damian. You go, girl!


by christyboo on Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:25 am

LOL! I wish it was all real, though.


by pagan on Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:01 am

I know CVaughn. Just plain fun. I like the "young love" story myself. I love what Rhi and Christy do as well as Kerry. I get a chuckle every time I read here


by christyboo on Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:32 am

We should end the lake story and all of us should go do something else. But what? Maybe we could go on a boat ride and then go have a picnic on an island. Then the boat will drift off and we will be stranded on the island and will have to live off the island. Then in the end, it was all a prank by Sharon and Phil and they had a video crew and everything and it was a reality tv show. You know, like the Even Stevens Movie.


by pagan on Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:46 am

I would like to see us get ship wrecked on a desert island. Now THAT would be a hoot


by celticsusan on Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:40 am

pagan wrote:One can only hope Susan one can only hope


by Rhi. on Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:11 am

ok so are we done w/ the lake house story??? i really like the stranded idea. . . but i dont think it should be a prank, i think it should just be another one of our adventures. . .



© 2008 Rhi

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