#25 More Pranks . . .

#25 More Pranks . . .

A Chapter by Rhi

by Rhi. on Sun Jul 20, 2008 12:57 pm


by christyboo on Sun Jul 20, 2008 4:19 pm

So they all decide to go to an italian restaurant. Here is the seating arrangements: Christy, Damian, Keith Rhi, Pagan, Ryan, Angel at the end, Pattum, Whimsey, Paul, George, Kerry. After fifteen minutes, Christy and Damian decide to go outside. "So, that was really cool how we were there when Keith proposed to Rhi, huh?" Damian said. "Yeah, it was so romantic." Christy replied. "You are obsessed with romance, aren't you?" Damian asked. "Yeah,"Christy replied" I just wish that something romantic would happen to me." *Damian kisses Christy on the cheek* "Was that good enough?" Christy justs smiles at him, which of course ment yes. They join hands and walk back inside. Christy's face is lit up and Damian's face is blushing. Everyone looks at him as if to say "What did you do out there?" Christy and Damian just sat down without a word and then smiled at eachother. George gave them the "look" as always. Keith, Ryan, and Paul all started humming "Puppy Love".


by christyboo on Sun Jul 20, 2008 5:58 pm

So we're all back at the house and all in the rooms.

Damian and Keith:
Damian: Hey Keith, I really like Christy, but what should I do?
Keith: I'll tell you what to do if you tell me why Christy looked like that when you guys came back in the restaurant.
Damian: Well, I kissed her on the cheek. And this morning we actually kissed, but on accident.
Keith: Oh Yeah! Now that's what I am talking about!
Damian: Alright, I told you, so tell me what to do!
Keith:Ok,You should take her out on the Jet Skiis and tell her that your Jet Ski is running out of fuel. Stop out on an island and tell her that you will be stuck there for a while. Then secretly pack a picnic and suprise her with it. Then make a move!
Damian: Boy, you are good.
Keith: Can I tell you something?
Damian: What?
Keith: I am gonna make you the best man in my wedding.
Damian: What?!?!
Keith: Yeah, and I am pretty sure that Christy is the maid of honor.
Damian: But, why me?
Keith: You have always been there for me and this is my way to say thank you.

Christy and Rhi:
Christy: You look so happy but nervous.
Rhi: Yeah, I can't believe that he asked me! It's so weird!
Christy: Yeah. Do you want to know why I had that look on my face when I came inside the restaurant with Damian?
Rhi: Yeah, I was wondering why.
Christy: Well, Damian and I were talking about you and Keith and then I said how romantic it was. He started talking about how I am really into romance and then I said that I wished it would happen to me. Then he kissed me on the cheek and asked me if that was good enough.
Rhi: Awwwwww!!
Christy: Yeah, I really like him.
Rhi: I can tell! Hey, I have a serious question for you.
Christy: Go ahead, shoot!
Rhi: OK, will you be my maid of honor for my wedding? Damian is the best man.
Christy: Sure!


by Rhi. on Sun Jul 20, 2008 8:29 pm

oh.my.god.wow. . . i acually ment the marrage proposal to be, well, uuuuh, a joke. . . i didnt acually think that there would be a wedding involved! lol. . .i mean i'm totally fine w/ it and everything, i mean who wouldnt want 2 marry Keith Harkin???? lol. . . but uum. . . shouldnt everyone involved in this be like the maid/man of honor or whatever. . .???? anyway. . . soo uh. . .Rhi Harkin. . . hmmmm. . . .


by Rhi. on Sun Jul 20, 2008 9:09 pm

Sooo uh I think keith and I need to have a bit of alone time to talk things out. . . so we go on a walk down the lake shore. . .
Me- so, umm this is kinda a big thing here. . .
Keith- ya it is. . . you no you never actually gave me a real answer. . .your first answer was when you thought I was kidding. . .
Me- *sigh* keith, I don’t know what to answer with! I’m still- I mean- *sigh* I just don’t know! I mean I’m still so young, and you are too! we haven’t even gone out on a date, we haven’t spent any real time together, we are always bickering, we haven’t held hand or kissed, we haven’t done anything that couples are suppost to do! And I’m not even sure I know who you really are!
Keith- well what more do you need to know?
Me- I need to know what makes you, you! I need to know your friends, your family! I need to know what your aspirations are, what your goals are, who you want to be, and most of all keith, I need to know that you will always be there for me, no matter what. And I don’t know if either one of us is ready for this big of a commitment, at least not as of yet.
Keith- *stops walking and turns to face me and takes my hands in his* I have an idea
Me- what. . . ?
Keith- we become a couple. We do the things you said we should do, we talk about the things you said we should talk about, we meet the people you want to meet. Then when the time is right, we’ll talk about this again.
Me- are you sure you would be ok w/ that?
Keith- I’m ok with anything as long as you feel comfortable, as long as you feel that it is the right thing to do.
Me- but do you feel this is the right thing to do?
Keith- *looks me straight in the eye* yes I do. Like you said, we are kinda young, and we do need to know a bit more about each other, cuz marriage is a big commitment. . .
Me- thank you for understanding keith!
Keith- *smiling* well there is one thing I don’t understand. . .
Me- what would that be?
Keith- how you got the shoes on the ceiling!

does that work for everyone? . . . or was anyone dead set on a wedding. . . ? ? ? . . . i'm good either way . . .


by Rhi. on Sun Jul 20, 2008 9:14 pm

Whimsey are you still on here??????? i miss your stories!!!!!


by pagan on Sun Jul 20, 2008 9:51 pm

Rhi you and Keith need to date for awhile. Awww that bit with Damian and Christy...sooo cute. So I stole their clothes eh? How much trouble am I in with Ryan?
Susan we are all friends here and that is what friends are for. We are just a pm away. If you need anything etc etc just let me know.


by Rhi. on Sun Jul 20, 2008 9:59 pm

pagan, i do beleive you are correct. . .on all 3 points! and ryan may be a little mad. . .but just for while. . .


by Rhi. on Sun Jul 20, 2008 10:14 pm

So then after a while longer out by the water we head back to the house. . . when we get back we hear some yelling. . .
girl- what did you think you were doing?!
Guy- we were just having fun! Cant you take a joke?!
Girl- a joke?! A joke?! you call this a joke?! . . .
Me- *to Keith* what should we do?! Should we go in?
Keith just shrugs and walks up to the door and opens it and walks in, I follow. . .Keith stopped in front of me and wont budge, I have to jump just to see over his shoulder and what I see would defiantly be considered a ingenious prank!


by Kerry W on Sun Jul 20, 2008 10:31 pm

Hey, typing something. wait until I finish!!!

It's gonna be good.


by pagan on Sun Jul 20, 2008 10:46 pm

I see the fight between me and Ryan has started already. Can't wait cos I know it is gonna be good Oh yeah, I just posted a question for the man in his forum asking if he'd read this and told him his input would be welcome


by Rhi. on Sun Jul 20, 2008 10:48 pm

oooooo i cant wait!!!!


by pagan on Sun Jul 20, 2008 10:53 pm

He'll most likely say we have too much time on our hands like he did with the captions


by Kerry W on Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:01 pm

At that moment, Rhi and Keith walked in to see…

Chaos. Apparently, Ryan and the rest of the guys had retaliated. The other girls had been talking in their bedroom, but exhausted from staying up all night, finally fell asleep. (We were up for what, calculates… 8 am until 12 noonish the next day… 28 hours straight.)

That was when they struck. The guys put semi-permanent dye in the girls’ hair (the kind that washes out after like 25 washes.) in CT colors.

Kerry got blue (very dark shimmery blue since hair is so dark), Christy has green, Angel has silver-white, Pagan has light blue, Pat has a weird blue-green, Whimsey has a shimmery green. All 6 girls were actually a bit wet.

Luckily for the guys, they didn’t dye all their hair on their head one color so it looked terrible. They just put streaks in the hair, or dyed the ends. How they did this without waking them up, the girls didn’t know yet…

As soon as they saw Rhi walk in the door, all four guys dragged her to the bathroom and managing to tie her up somehow, put neon green streaks in her hair, getting her wet in the process. (You have to get your hair wet though I think. I’ve never done it myself)

A very bedraggled Rhi came out of the bathroom. The other part of the prank was that in revenge, the guys HAD actually drugged them in order to get this done. They slipped a sleeping pill into each girl’s cup in the restaurant; Keith had forgotten to do Rhi’s, b/c he was too busy thinking about their wedding. Their clothes were also stolen, and they were forced to dress in brown sacks, b/c when they woke up, they immediately went to take showers to wash their hair, and the clothes were stolen then.. (I’m not kidding. Actual sacks. And they were small on Kerry, Whimsey, and Pagan b/c we’re actually over 5’6…) So they definitley weren’t happy.

Rhi actually still had her clothes of course… but then she, realizing what the guys had done, dove back in and locked the bathroom door to wash her hair. But they forgot that Keith, our mischevious lad, actually knew how to pick locks. So while the other guys were distracting the girls, Keith picked the lock and stole Rhi’s clothes, replacing them w/ a sack…

BTW, the guys still don’t have their own clothes back yet.

I think this is slightly out of order and randomly skipping back and forth... But I think it gets the point across. The guys drugged them, dyed hair, and stole clothing...


by Rhi. on Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:10 pm

oh.my.god. *speechless* you did NOT disappoint Kerry! not one bit! wow!. . .ewww keith went in the bathroom while I was- *shutters* lol I love the die jobs!!!! and the sacks! only how are we wearing the sacks???? are they like dresses? or are we hunched in them ??? did they steal out unmentionables too????:shock:


by Pattum on Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:15 pm

There's something called hair mascara that just sort of combs onto the hair and sinks in only so far so it will wash out almost right away. It's not expensive so the guys could have bought every colour. Wearing sacks - cut leg holes in bottom, tie above bust and maybe around waist for strapless playsuit. Cut neck and armholes for dress. Tie belt. That was actually a style once made from decorative flour sacks.


by Rhi. on Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:22 pm

good points pattum!!!

So I get out of the shower and towel off, and when I reach for my clothes, a sack is in their place. Not fully understanding everything I walk out of the bathroom w/my towel on (holding it tightly of course) and go out into the living room
Me- what in the world is this?! *holds up sack*
Paul- *smirking* that would be your new clothing!
Me- ha ha ha not funny. Give me my cloths back. Now!
Ryan- I don’t think you quite understand the situation, you played 2 major pranks on us and we have just gotten you back. And we aren’t done, so you can just go right back up and put on your new dress.
Me- I will do no such thing! Give me back my clothing!
Damain- nope, not going to happen
Me- fine. . .
I walk back up stairs and go into Ryan’s room and get his stuffed dog. . .


by Kerry W on Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:44 pm

*ahem* Rhi-didn't we take nearly everything out of that cabin??? ( I thought this included Ryan's stuffed dog... Idk, just a comment.)

I'm glad you guys liked it!!! (no they didn't steal our underwear. And the shower glass is opaque, so you can't see anything. So don't worry about Keith being a PTom)

Ryan's just gonna love the stuffed dog part...

Yeah. I'm going to bed now... it's nearly 2 and I really haven't gotten that much sleep the past few days... (b/c of camp and trying to do hw and catch up on here and everywhere else that I have stuff. So I can barely think... am literally falling asleep at the keyboard.)

One last thing- The dye IS semi permenant. takes 20-25 washes to get it out, but we don't realize that until we try to wash it out and they tell us. We're really close to killing them b/c they actually messed w/ our hair, but we're lucky that they didn't dye all of it, or cut it. *shudders* There would have been a bloodbath if they'd done that.


by christyboo on Mon Jul 21, 2008 6:55 am

So it's 10:00 and all of the girls are up and the guys are of course still sleeping.....

Christy: Let's do breakfast in bed for the boys again.
Angel: You just want Damian to kiss you again!
Christy: Maybe, or maybe I just thought that it was fun. Besides, he kissed me on the cheek lastnight.
The girls break out in a chorus of Ooooooohhs.
Rhi: I took Ryan's stuffed dog since they did our hair.
Christy: I'm going to wash it and wash it until the color comes out, but I just like it that they put green in my hair because green is my favorite color.
Whimsey: We should all sneak up to their rooms right now and empty their shaving cream bottles and fill them with whipped cream, fill their cologne bottles, especially Damian's because he will probably put some on for Christy today, with Christy's "So Pink" Gap perfume, and use the left over shaving cream and mix it with body wash and fill their shampoo bottles with it.
Pagan: I like how you think!
Pattum: Yeah, this will be good.
Kerry: What are we waiting for? Let's go!!

Christy did Damian's stuff
Rhi did Keith's stuff
Pagan did Ryan's stuff
Whimsey did Paul's stuff
Kerry did George's stuff
and Pattum and Angel got everything out and ready.

Damian came downstairs first at 10:45, five minutes after the girls were done.

Damian: Good morning Christy.
Christy: Um, good morning Damian.
Rhi: There are more people in the room. Good morning Damian.
Damian: Oh, good morning girls.
Angel: Are the other guys still sleeping?
Damian: No, Keith just hopped in the shower, and George is shaving.
All of the girls burst out in laughter.
Damian: What's so funny?
Whimsey: Oh, it's nothing. Are you going to take a shower?
Damian: Yeah, why?
Kerry: Never mind!
Damian: Anyways, Christy, do you want to go out on a jet ski together at around 11:30?
Christy: Are you going to put cologne on before it?
Damian: Uh, yeah, why do you want to know?
Christy: Nothing.
The girls start cracking up again. Then Keith walks down with his hair all frizzy. The girls start laughing, and Christy almost passes out she is laughing so hard. Damian tries not to laugh, but then falls on the floor with Christy.
Keith: What happened to my anti-frizz surfer look shampoo?
Rhi: Maybe they forgot the anti part!
Then George comes down with his face all red.
George: I just shaved and my face is becoming red and itchy.
The girls keep on laughing. So now it's 11:15, the Keith got Christy upstairs so Damian could pack the picnic.
Pagan: What are you doing?
Damian told her his plan for the jet ski trip.
Rhi: That was Keith's idea, wasn't it.
Damian: Yeah.
Angel: Typical Keith.
Whimsey: Yeah, always trying to suprise the ladies.
Rhi goes upstairs and whispers to Keith that Damian needs help.So Keith runs downstairs.
Christy: What did you tell him?
Rhi: That Whimsey needed his help with the cocaroaches (I hope that I spelled it right! LOL)
Christy: Oh, well, I need to get my suit on.
Rhi: Are you excited?
Christy: Yeah.

So at 11:27 the girls come downstairs.
Damian: Christy, are you ready?
Christy: Yeah, I'll take the Yellow one and you can take the red one, since red is your favorite color.
Damian: That is so sweet, but I thought we could both ride on the big yellow one together, so we can talk.
Christy: Ok, let's go.

Christy got


by pagan on Mon Jul 21, 2008 7:36 am

He/she who messes with my hair might not live to see another birthday Grubs off my crowning glory. It is my best feature and I am proud of it. So I am going after Ryan with a vengeance, altho blue is my fav color. This is WAR!
But I am not as good as you too thinking up stuff. Love it love love it. The sack dresses are priceless. Also, never, ever mess with my dainties I will get you in the end(pun intended)


by christyboo on Mon Jul 21, 2008 8:14 am

So Christy and Damian are on the Jet Ski.......

Christy: Where did you get that cologne?
Damian: Um, why?
Christy: It smells exactly like my So Pink Gap perfume.
Damian: Don't tell me that you.....
Christy giggles.
Damian: So you did it! And I'm guessing that you messed up Keith's shampoo and George's shaving cream!
Christy: Hey, I didn't do those things.
Damian: Wait 'till the guys find out!
Christy: No! You can't tell them!
Damian: What will you do if I don't tell them?
Christy: I'll kiss you!
Damian: That works for me!
Christy: Hey, why are we slowing down?
Damian: Darn it! I forgot to fill the tank back up! I guess we'll have to park it on that island.
So they park the jet ski and sit down.
Christy: Dang it! I'm getting hungry!
Damian walks over to the jet ski and grabs a picnic basket out and a blanket.
Damian: Oh, I forgot about the picnic that I packed for us!
Christy smiles at Damian. In the basket there are pb&j sandwiches cut out in hearts, chips, and cokes.
After they eat, he puts his arm around her, and they talk. Then he gets up and says that he has another gallon of gasoline, then fills the jet ski back up and then they pack up and go.


by christyboo on Mon Jul 21, 2008 8:38 am

Keith: Hey! They're back!
Ryan: Let's go spy on them.
Whimsey: You guys are so nosey!
Paul: Come on, you know you wanna come!

So everyone goes outside and listens....

Damian: Hey, I still need my kiss!
Christy: Ok! *leans over and kisses him*

Everyone else that is spying them start singing "Puppy Love"

Damian and Christy turn around to see everyone clapping and Whooing and all of that stuff.

Damian: Man, we never get any privacy.
Christy: I know!

So now everyone is inside. The guys went upstairs and the girls all sat in the living room.

Rhi: So, what happened?
Christy: Well, I told him that his cologne smelled exactly like my perfume, then he found out. I told him that I would kiss him if he didn't tellthe other guys.
Whimsey: Impressive.
Pagan: Very impressive
Pattum: So, what else happened?
Christy: He purposley took out all of the gasoline in the jet ski so that we would have to park it on an island. Then he brought out a picnic basket and blanket from the jet ski and we had a picnic.
Angel: Awwwwwwww, how sweet!
Kerry: How did you get back?
Christy: He had another gallon of gasoline stored in the jet ski.

Just then, George walked downstairs.

Pattum: Hey George, what are the guys doing?
George: Damian is taking a shower, Paul is shaving, and Ryan is putting on cologne and getting dressed.
Christy: I guess Damian forgot.
George: Forgot what?
Pagan: Oh, nothing.

Just then, Damian, Ryan, and Paul walk downstairs.

Christy: Wow Damian, you look so handsome.
Whimsey: Paul, I think you are getting a rash.

Pagan walks up to Ryan and smells him.

Pagan: Wow Ryan, did you pick up a perfume bottle on accident?

All of the girls crack up.

Damian: Christy! I forgot about what you told me!
Paul: You guys are going to get it!
Ryan: You will need to learn how to sleep with your eyes open!


by pagan on Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:43 am

This keeps getting better and better. Keep it up ladies


by Kerry W on Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:46 am

That night, the girls all slept in one of the upstair rooms with the door locked, and their bodies against the door. (So it'd wake them if the guys did pick it and try to open it.) They forgot about the window.

In the morning, they woke up to find.... nothing.

The trouble came when they found out that the guys had cut up their blankets and stole their bags so they had no makeup, only weird smelling guy's shampoo. (ew. what girl wants to smell like a guy?) (Is the house still freezing?)

After they had washed, they came downstairs to find that the guys had breakfast ready for them. Damian, Keith, and Ryan were already at the counter eating it.

Whimsey and Pagan stayed slightly back, a little suspicious, but George looked up from the hot chocolate that he was making at the stove. "Morning girls! Come on in and have breakfast. The hot chocolate's ready, and the quiche and waffles will be ready in a bit." He set down some mugs of steaming chocolate with whipped cream down in front of the girls at the table.

Christy and Angel looked at each other. "Could this be a trick?"

Rhi shrugged. "beats me." She took a careful sip.

"Seems all right. So maybe they're trying to make up now..." Pagan said. The others were now drinking and talking, so no one heard her.

Pat turned to ask Ryan a question when she thought she saw Ryan gave a quick, secret smile to Paul. It was actually rather quick, so she wasn't sure if she had actually seen it. She shrugged and said, "Ryan, how long before the quiches? Who actually baked them?"

"I, with all my swanky skills at cooking, baked them with the help of these inferior men." Paul commented, striking a pose.

Damian elbowed Paul, making him lose his pose. "Translation: George cooked it with Paul getting in the way."

Just then, the oven beeped, and the quiche plus waffles were ready. George brought the pan over to the table and the girls dug in.


Hey, I'm not quite finished, but I really have to go now. sorry! I'll be back in about 2 hours, I have to go to a volleyball thing. (ugh.)


by Rhi. on Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:54 am

Pagan how come you havent writen much lately?


by Kerry W on Mon Jul 21, 2008 2:41 pm

The guys all held their breath...

"YOW!" *stampede of feet for the water and milk*

"GEORGE!!!!! GET HIM GIRLS!!!" was heard...

5 minutes later, all the guys were tied up and put outside by the lake while the girls made themselves a totally new breakfast.


Basically, don't ever underestimate a group of girls, most of whom REALLY don't like cayenne pepper or chili powder (and tabasco sauce) in their food. Ever tried it? It BURNS. My dad did it to me with chili powder (max) once, and it wasn't that much, but oh my gosh... My mouth didn't stop burning for like 10 or 15 minutes. I didn't talk to him for about 2 days.


by Rhi. on Mon Jul 21, 2008 3:07 pm

Lol! Kerry that was good!

So after we have made a new breakfast for ourselves (did we bring the food back?) we go back out to where we left the guys and they are all just sitting there tied up and bored. We bring them back inside and ties them to the chairs.
Damian- what are you going to do to us?
Christy- nothing. Well at least not yet. . .
Damian- uh oh. . .
Me- you know I kinda want to watch a movie. . . wait her I have the perfect one!
I rush up stairs and grab the movie and run back down and immediately put it in. we then arrange the guys chairs so they are facing the TV.
Paul- so what did you put in?!
Me- you’ll see
Ryan- uh oh. . .
Pagan- what?!
Ryan- I really have to go to the bathroom!
We girls look at eachother in questioning looks (we never thought about them having to go to the bathroom. . .)
Pagan- ok well we’ll untie your hands but your feet stay tied, and one of us will wait out side of the bathroom. No funny stuff! Got it!
Ryan- yes ma’am
So pagan helps him to the bathroom and that is when the movie begins to play
Keith- NO! not this movie! Any movie but this one!!!!
Me- what? Have you seen Mean Girls before? (girlyst movie I could think of)
Keith- yes! My sister made me! She practically did what you girls just did! Tied me to my seat! I couldn’t leave!
Pattum- well too bad, I guess you get to see it again!
Keith- I hate you all!
The movie plays on, ryan comes back w/ pagan in toe, not problems there, and toward the middle of the movie we begin to hear snoring. . .
All girls- george! Wake up! (he doesn’t)
That is when we get the idea to take christy’s hidden stash of nail polish and makeup and give george a makeover. . . the guys try to get george to wake up but soon we begin to paint their nails and give them makeovers. . . . keith is the most fun because he has hair that we can work with. . .and we found an extra hair die kit. . . a bright purple one. . .
Keith- don’t you dare come near me w/ that! If you do I will have to-
Pagan- what? Tip your chair? Keith you aren’t going anywhere and you cant move anything. . . youre getting purple streaks.
Me- and you know it will go great in your hair! You know with the blonde and purple complementing each other so nicely!
Paul- haha Keith your hair will be the talk of the town now!
Angel-I wouldn’t be talking paul, cuz I just found a tube of pink die. . . and I think you should be next!


by Kerry W on Mon Jul 21, 2008 3:25 pm

AWESOME!!!!!!!!! Rhi I love you!!!


"NO!" Keith yelled. "No purple in my hair!!! please!"

"Actually, I think he's right. Instead..." Kerry pursed her lips. Keith held his breath, pleading with his eyes.

"Let's put the pink in instead!!!" Kerry said excitedly. Keith groaned. The other girls laughed.

(Imagine Keith w/pink in his hair for a month!!! Sharon would kill him )

So when they were finished putting pink highlights in Keith's hair, they decided to put the purple in Paul's hair. (Think about it: you know how boys gel their hair oh so carefully and have light blond on the ends of the spikes? imagine that w/ purple instead.)

We also found some midnight/(really dark) blue for Damian's hair too. (same style as paul's)

Red is for Ryan, the Dark Destroyer... and to symbolize that he's on the dark side. ("Luke, I am your father..." lol.)

We can't do anything w/ George's head, so we think about it and come up with a solution....


Take it away guys!!!


by Rhi. on Mon Jul 21, 2008 3:46 pm

shoe polish maybe?????


by Kerry W on Mon Jul 21, 2008 4:03 pm

noo... Mabey we'll just call his wife and ask her for ideas...

(George, why did you have to be bald???!!! lol.)


by Rhi. on Mon Jul 21, 2008 4:18 pm

Soooo we die their hair, paint their nails and do their make up. . . I’m thinking george should go more w/ the natual look. . .same with damian. . .some pretty peaches and pinks. . . paul should get the funky colors like bright pink blue and purple, ryan should get a smoky eye and he definitely needs some heavy eyeliner! Keith. . . hmmm. . . Keith should go with the earth tones. . .greens browns. . . lol

So when we are done with that we get hungry. . . so we whip up some mac’n cheese . . . we also let the guys go but we turn off the water so they cant wash off their new faces! And when we all sit down to eat the guys are wary about eating the food.
Me- we didn’t do anything to the food that would cause any form of harm to you! So just eat!
Keith-(sitting next to me) I still don’t trust that you didn’t do anything to the food. . .
Me- *sigh, I reach over, take a spoonful of his food and eat it* happy?
Keith- you still have to swallow it *I slowly swallow* . . . I guess its ok to eat then. . .*takes a fork full of his food and closes his eyes and quickly shove it in his mouth, the guys watch him closely* well it tastes ok. . . I think its ok. . . *takes another fork full*
That is when the other guys begin to eat. . . we have a pretty quiet dinner (I guess it would be about dinner time. . .) and when we are all done we are all kinda tired (girls from the makeovers, guys from struggling to repel the makeovers. . .) so we head to bed. . . we all still lock our doors and everything. . . and soon we’r all asleep. . . except for one. . .ryan.

-in paul and ryan’s room-
Paul- dude I’m telling you I don’t know where it is!
Ryan- well where would he be! I cant find him anywhere! I cant sleep without him!!! *yanks up paul’s mattress w/ him on it*
Paul- dude your stuffed dog isn’t under there you’ve already checked 3 times!!!!!
Ryan- but I need to find him! Greg needs me!
Paul- you named it!?

-keith and damian’s room-
Damian- keith are you awake? Keith? Keith?!
Keith- wha? Hu?
Damian- are you awake?
Keith- *groans into pillow* nooooo
Damian- keith! Keith! Wake up! Are you up?
Keith- *groans* What do you want?!
Damian- I had to go to the bathroom and when I went what came out scared me!
Keith- *was rubbing eyes and face trying to wake up but suddenly stoped* you what?!
Damian- when I went pee, it wasn’t yellow anymore!
Keith- eeww! Why are you telling me this?! why did you wake me up to tell me about your bodlily function?
Damian- but it came out blue!
Keith- *sharp intake of breath* hold on *walks out of bed room, uses the toilet comes back* man those girls are smart!
Damin- what?! What is it?!
Keith- they put that stuff that changes your pee color, in our food! And *just realizing he never opened or shut the door to leave the room* they stole our doors. . .


by christyboo on Mon Jul 21, 2008 4:37 pm

Damian: Christy! Man, I know I love her and all, but she has gone too far.
Keith: I'm afraid to marry Rhi know, since we'll be living in the same house!
Damian: We need to get back at those two.
Keith: How about you take Christy on a picnic out on Little Love Island, then leave her there with a cell phone, a bag of chips, and a 2 liter bottle of Coke! We'll tie up the other girls and then make them watch the 2008 tournament for wrestling!
Damian: What about Rhi?
Keith: I'll get her back on a date or something.
Damian: Sometimes you are so smart that I can't believe it!


by christyboo on Mon Jul 21, 2008 4:54 pm

The Next Day.......

It's 9:37 and Angel, Christy, Rhi, and Whimsey are awake.

Christy: Why do guys sleep in so late?
Angel: I don't know.
Rhi: The mysterious life of guys.
Whimsey: No one will ever understand.

They all start giggling.

The other girls wake up and they all eat breakfast together. At 11:00 they decide that they will wake up all of the guys.

Christy and Rhi get Damian and Keith's room, Whimsey and Pagan get Paul and Ryan's room, and Pattum, Kerry, and Angel get George.

Rhi goes up to Keith and kisses him.

Rhi: Wake up honey!

Keith jumps up, kisses her on the cheek, and gives her a hug.

Christy: How should I wake up Damian?
Keith: Do what you did last time.
Christy: I want to try something else.
Rhi: Whisper something in his ear, like Wake up and I'll give you a kiss, or something.

Christy walks over to Damian's bed, sits down on it, holds Damian's hand, and whispers in his ear,"Wake up honey, I love you."

Damian shoots up from out of the covers and kisses her on the cheek.

Damian: Mornin'
Christy: Mornin'.
Damian: Where's my breaky?
Christy: It's to late for breaky, lunch is in an hour.
Damian: Do you want to go for another picnic?
Christy: Where?
Damian: Little Love Island.
Christy: Sure, we can leave at 12:00

Keith: Why don't you make us lunch then?
Rhi: No, why don't YOU make us lunch?
Keith: You owe us from what you did yesterday.
Rhi: Why don't we go out to lunch? Just you and me.
Keith: Ok. I'll get ready.
Rhi: Me too.
Damian: Same here.
Rhi: Yeah, I should too.


by Rhi. on Mon Jul 21, 2008 5:00 pm

lol thats cute! i cant think of anthing right now!


by christyboo on Mon Jul 21, 2008 5:10 pm

You can write about your date, or my picnic where Damian leaves me alone on the island and then ties up all of the girls with the other guys and puts on wrestling


by Rhi. on Mon Jul 21, 2008 5:12 pm

hold on. . .i think i have a story line in mind. . .hehehe *rubs hands together. . .*


by christyboo on Mon Jul 21, 2008 5:14 pm

I am watching "High School Musical: Get In the Picture"right know while I am thinking of some more story!


by Rhi. on Mon Jul 21, 2008 5:52 pm

Sooo the guys think they can pull something on us do they?? Well I have news for them. . . .

So keith is waiting at the bottom of the stairs for me to come down and he is talking to paul. I come down and practically collide w/ ryan as he is running up the stairs.
Ryan- whao! Sry! *and he never breaks stride*
Me- - whats up w/ him?
Paul- the Celtics are on again. And he has to get something, I’m not sure what. . .
Me- hu, well you guys have fun w/ the game. Keith are you ready?
Keith- yup! Lets get going *dazzling smile*

Keith- so where do you want to go?
Me- I don’t really care, I just want to get away from this house! And all the pranks going on!
Keith- well I think I can manage that. (do we have a car?. . .i say we do!)
So we get in the car (keith opens the door for me) as he comes around to the drivers side he gets a text so he stops right in front of me (outside) and reads it, smiles, laughs and replies back and then he is in the car starting the engine.
Me- so who was that?
Keaith- *pulling out* what?
Me- who just texted you?
Keith- hu? oh that. No one.
Me- uh hu, well ok then. Are you sure youre going to be ok driving on the right side of the road?
Keith- it isn’t the right side it is the wrong side and yea I’ll be fine.
Me- ok . . . I’m trusting you.
Keith- good.
So keith just starts driving, we are silent for a while (not in an ocward way) and then about 10 min into the trip keith flips on the radio and starts flipping stations but nothing good is playing so he flips it off again.
Me- so where are we going?
Keith- you’ll see
Me- well do you know where youre going? Cuz last time I checked neither one of us no the area.
Keith- I yahoo mapped the place.
Me- and committed it to memory?
Keith- no, they are right here. *shows me his phone*
Me-wow that’s a nice phone! Can I play with it?
Keith- sure. . .
So I start looking at all the phone’s features and (yes I know its wrong but) I look at the text history to see who was texting him, it was damian and it said “my plan is in action, is yours?” and he replied w/ “well she is in the car now. . .” hmmmm, so keith is up to something, this cant be good.
Keith- what are you doing?
Me- um, looking at your pictures!
Keith- which one are you looking at?
Me- ummm *fumbling trying to find his pictures* the one of. . . .youre. . .dog! *show keith the picture*
Keith- *smirking* that would be my mom
Me- what?! *looking at picture* OMG it is!!! I’m sorry! For some reason I thought it was a dog! I’m sorry! *blushing*
Keith- *laughing* its fine, I have no idea how you got a dog out of that though. . .
Me- I don’t either. . .hmmm
So then I continue to flip though the pics, there are more of his mom, dad, family, dog, a bunch of his friends and then there are a bunch of the other 4 guys, and then one of me. I’m sitting on a curb (when we did the road trip in ireland) I have sticks in my hair and I was trying to get a hold of george/paul/damian when our car broke down.
Me- I don’t remember you taking this picture. . .
Keith- which one? . . .oh that one, well that was kinda the point, you know so you wouldn’t know I took it.
Me-hmmm, wow why is there a picture of damian’s. . .no I don’t want to know. *gives phone back* so will you tell me how long this car ride will be?
Keith- nope
Me- ok then. . .i pull out my ipod and stick it in the little player (it’s a new car) and put it on shuffle. The first song that plays is The Island. And keith sings along w/ it!!!! (I melt)

I’m not done I just thought that this was getting really long. . .


by christyboo on Mon Jul 21, 2008 6:00 pm

So Christy and Damian go on their picnic and Keith and Rhi just got back and everyone is downstairs...........

Damian: Let me check on the jet ski.
Christy: Ok.

Damian hopps on the jet ski, turns the key, and rides off. Christy tries calling the other girls but they won't answer. After fifteen minutes, a guy rides up to Christy.

Tristan: Hey, I'm Tristan.
Christy: Hey, I'm Christy
Tristan: Why are you here alone? And why were you crying?
Christy: My boyfriend brought me to have a picnic with him, and he just left without telling me.
Tristan: You wanna go to the Tiki Hut and get some lunch with me?

Damian decides to come pick her back up when he sees something her take Tristan's hand and hop on his jet ski. He rides home as fast as he can.

Damian stomps in the house and slams the door behind him. Tears are rolling down his cheeks.

Keith: What's wrong? Where's Christy?

Damian ignores him and runs upstairs. Keith walked downstairs to the others. He turns off the tv and looks at everybody.

Keith: We have a problem
Whimsey: What is it?
Keith: Damian just came in, tears rolling down his cheeks, without Christy. He ignored me, which he has never done before. He is upstairs now.
Rhi: Where is she?
Ryan: I'm going to go talk to Damian.


by Rhi. on Mon Jul 21, 2008 6:21 pm

Sry Christy I did nt know you posted something! I tried to work youre events in w/ what I had planned. . .so what i'm thinking is. . . .

Rhi. wrote:So keith is waiting at the bottom of the stairs for me to come down and he is talking to paul. I come down and practically collide w/ ryan as he is running up the stairs.
Ryan- whao! Sry! *and he never breaks stride*
Me- - whats up w/ him?
Paul- the Celtics are on again. And he has to get something, I’m not sure what. . .
Me- hu, well you guys have fun w/ the game. Keith are you ready?
Keith- yup! Lets get going *dazzling smile*

Keith- so where do you want to go?
Me- I don’t really care, I just want to get away from this house! And all the pranks going on!
Keith- well I think I can manage that. (do we have a car?. . .i say we do!)
So we get in the car (keith opens the door for me) as he comes around to the drivers side he gets a text so he stops right in front of me (outside) and reads it, smiles, laughs and replies back and then he is in the car starting the engine.
Me- so who was that?
Keaith- *pulling out* what?
Me- who just texted you?
Keith- hu? oh that. No one.
Me- uh hu, well ok then. Are you sure youre going to be ok driving on the right side of the road?
Keith- it isn’t the right side it is the wrong side and yea I’ll be fine.
Me- ok . . . I’m trusting you.
Keith- good.
So keith just starts driving, we are silent for a while (not in an ocward way) and then about 10 min into the trip keith flips on the radio and starts flipping stations but nothing good is playing so he flips it off again.
Me- so where are we going?
Keith- you’ll see
Me- well do you know where youre going? Cuz last time I checked neither one of us no the area.
Keith- I yahoo mapped the place.
Me- and committed it to memory?
Keith- no, they are right here. *shows me his phone*
Me-wow that’s a nice phone! Can I play with it?
Keith- sure. . .
So I start looking at all the phone’s features and (yes I know its wrong but) I look at the text history to see who was texting him, it was damian and it said “my plan is in action, is yours?” and he replied w/ “well she is in the car now. . .” hmmmm, so keith is up to something, this cant be good.
Keith- what are you doing?
Me- um, looking at your pictures!
Keith- which one are you looking at?
Me- ummm *fumbling trying to find his pictures* the one of. . . .youre. . .dog! *show keith the picture*
Keith- *smirking* that would be my mom
Me- what?! *looking at picture* OMG it is!!! I’m sorry! For some reason I thought it was a dog! I’m sorry! *blushing*
Keith- *laughing* its fine, I have no idea how you got a dog out of that though. . .
Me- I don’t either. . .hmmm
So then I continue to flip though the pics, there are more of his mom, dad, family, dog, a bunch of his friends and then there are a bunch of the other 4 guys, and then one of me. I’m sitting on a curb (when we did the road trip in ireland) I have sticks in my hair and I was trying to get a hold of george/paul/damian when our car broke down.
Me- I don’t remember you taking this picture. . .
Keith- which one? . . .oh that one, well that was kinda the point, you know so you wouldn’t know I took it.
Me-hmmm, wow why is there a picture of damian’s. . .no I don’t want to know. *gives phone back* so will you tell me how long this car ride will be?
Keith- nope
Me- ok then. . .i pull out my ipod and stick it in the little player (it’s a new car) and put it on shuffle. The first song that plays is The Island. And keith sings along w/ it!!!! (I melt)

-at the house-
The girls haven’t really been tied up, they just aren’t allowed to leave the couch for more than 5 minutes every 30 min and they cant get up together. . . and the guys are watching the Celtics game. . .

-Christy and Damian on the Ski’s-
So Christy and daian leave for their ‘picnic’ and on the way out on the jet skis damian sends a quik text to Keith. . . .when the couple gets to the island damian pulls out the basket of food
Christy- so what did you pack
Damian- you’ll see!
He starts pulling stuff out like sandwhiches, salads and drinks. Christy and damian talk and eat and watch the water. . . that is when damian . . .


christyboo wrote:Damian: Let me check on the jet ski.
Christy: Ok.

Damian hopps on the jet ski, turns the key, and rides off. Christy tries calling the other girls but they won't answer. After fifteen minutes, a guy rides up to Christy.

Tristan: Hey, I'm Tristan.
Christy: Hey, I'm Christy
Tristan: Why are you here alone? And why were you crying?
Christy: My boyfriend brought me to have a picnic with him, and he just left without telling me.
Tristan: You wanna go to the Tiki Hut and get some lunch with me?

Damian decides to come pick her back up when he sees something her take Tristan's hand and hop on his jet ski. He rides home as fast as he can.


Rhi. wrote:-back in the car w/ keith-
We turned off the high way and are now heading down some side streets and suddenly I see the great blue!
Me- ah, so we are going to the beach. . .are you going to show me your skills on the water?
Keith- that ok with you?
Me- oh yeah.
So we finaly make it to the beach and keith pulls his surfboard out of the back (I guess he has been carrying I around w/ him this whole time?) and we first watch the waves and everything and then he goes out on the water and I look for shells, I see keith catch a few waves and to a few tricks (awesome!) and after a while he comes back to shore.
Keith- *smiling* so do you want to try?
Me- try? Well keith there is something I need to let you in on, the truth is *I walk up to him and whisper in his ear* I can surf. . .
Keith- what?! How come you never told me?!
Me- well I’m not that good and I haven’t done it for a few years now and I’mnot quite as into it as you are so . . .yeah. . .
Keith- *hands me his board* I wanna see you surf. (I guess this isn’t his fav board. . .)
Me- no that’s ok I’m good on the beach. *bzzz beepbeep* that wasmy cell, that’s weird who would *I read the text Christy- “damian went off I don’t know where he is! Where are you!!!!”* I cant believe- so it was- *look keith straight in the eyes* take me back to the house now!
Keith- what? Why? Who was that?
Me- *walking straight back to the car* Christy and damian just finished his end of the deal
Keith- what? What deal?
Me- the prank or whatever you 2 were planning. He followed through, and I can only guess what you were going to do!
Keith- well you know you did ruin my hair and everything and-
Me- I. don’t. care. Tell me what he was going to do! And while your doing that you will take me back to the house, now!

so just after we get to the house and have gone in. . . .


christyboo wrote:Damian stomps in the house and slams the door behind him. Tears are rolling down his cheeks.

Keith: What's wrong? Where's Christy?

Damian ignores him and runs upstairs. Keith walked downstairs to the others. He turns off the tv and looks at everybody.

Keith: We have a problem
Whimsey: What is it?
Keith: Damian just came in, tears rolling down his cheeks, without Christy. He ignored me, which he has never done before. He is upstairs now.
Rhi: Where is she?
Ryan: I'm going to go talk to Damian.

how is that???


by pagan on Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:01 pm

I just figured you two were doing such a great job and there wasn't anything I could add that's all. B ut I've got me an idear for George's bald head and about getting us gals some decent clothes. So hang in there okay? I'll do it later so I can play off you two.


by christyboo on Tue Jul 22, 2008 6:00 am

Ryan walks upstairs and goes to talk to Damian.

Ryan:*knocks on door* can I come in?
Damian: Sure
Ryan: What's the matter?
Damian: Well, I took Christy out on a picnic and left her there. I came back after 15 minutes and I saw her take the hand of some guy and hop on his jet ski.
Ryan: Well, why did you leave her there?
Damian: Keith said that it would be a good prank!
Ryan: Oh, well I guess Christy didn't think it was.
Damian: Well, I am still mad because she probably doesn't like me anymore, when I really like her.
Ryan: When she gets home, you should talk to her.
Damian: Ok, but I am staying up here.
Ryan: That's fine.

*Ryan walks out and goes back downstairs to the others*

Rhi: So, what's up?
Ryan: See, he left Christy on the island because Keith told him that it would be a good prank. He came back 15 minutes later and saw her take the hand of some other guy and get on his jet ski with him and take off. He still likes her but is afraid that she doesn't like him.
Whimsey: Keith, you are in trouble big time!
Keith: What did I do?
Ryan: YOU were the one who told Damian to leave Christy there in the first place.
Keith: Ok.
Paul: But where is Christy?
Pattum: I don't know.
Angel: We'll talk to her when she gets back.

30 minutes later, Christy gets back.

Christy: *yells* I'm home!

Everybody runs upstairs to see her.

Pagan: Where were you?
Christy: Well, Damian ditched me after 5 seconds of our picnic. I was on the island alone for 15 minutes, until a boy named Tristan came up and took me on his jet ski to the tiki hut for some lunch.
George: Well, there is one sad boy upstairs that thinks he has lost his girlfriend to some stranger.
Christy: Damian is still my boyfriend. Tristan tried to kiss me, but I told him that I already had a boyfriend.
Rhi: You should go upstairs and talkt to Damian.
Christy: Ok, I will.


by christyboo on Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:09 am

Rhi: So, Keith. What were you going to do to me?
Keith: Wha, what are you talking about?
Rhi: I read your text message to Damian and the on e he sent to you.
Keith: What? How did you get it?
Rhi: I'm good when it comes to phones!
Pagan: Keith, you are dead!
Whimsey: Tell us!
Keith: Ok, Ok, I was going to leave you there aswell.
Angel: Get him!


by pagan on Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:52 am

They all tackle Keith and tickle him. He cries for mercy but the girls are relentless. Then Pagan goes for the makeup kit. By the time she is done with him, he looks like he's ready for Halloween.
Meantime, Christy has gone upstairs to talk to Damian. She explains what happened on her end and they patch things up.
Meantime, the guys have fallen asleep again. Pagan goes to work on George's head.
She finishes it and stands back to admire her handywork.
Pagan: Not bad. What do you gals think?
Whimsey: I think he might consider a wig from now on.
Pat: Pagan that was brilliant.
Pagan: Now I am going to my cabin. Be back shortly.
Pagan leaves and comes back with a suitcase.
She says: Follow me.
The gals go upstairs. Pagan opens the suitcase to reveal she has a set of clothes for each of them.They all change and go back downstairs.They decide to clean up the kitchen and start lunch.


by celticsusan on Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:57 am

Pattum wrote:I'm sorry for your loss, celticsusan.

thanks Pat! You ladies have certainly helped.




by celticsusan on Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:01 am



Kerry W wrote:oh my gosh susan. I'm so sorry!

Are you okay? We're def. all here for you.

Hope this cheers you up.


The shirts were colors like neon pink, neon green, and purple, with writing like, "I love Hannah Montana" (damian got that), "Free Paris! (from when she was jailed... Keith got that.), "100% Dark, Handsome, and Sexy. (On front) also 100% Undateable. (On back)" Ryan got that shirt. "Diva" (Paul got this one.) and "I love my daughter." (George.)


Yes, Kerry as a matter of fact it did cheer me up! Can't seem to pick my favourite shirt!!!


by pagan on Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:30 am

Welcome back Susan. You have been missed. Huge hug from me hon and you know where to find me.



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