#24 The Shoe Has Hit The Fan

#24 The Shoe Has Hit The Fan

A Chapter by Rhi

by Rhi. on Sat Jul 19, 2008 8:48 pm

Ok so we stay the night in the other cabin (doing girly stuff. . . .) then in the morning we come back and the guys are in the living room, asleep on the couches and the TV is on. . .sooo we decide to play another trick. . .hehehe, so we go in the bathroom, get the toilet paper and wrap it around them, that’s when we find out that Paul is missing. . .we go upstairs and he is out in front our door asleep. We take out all of the light bulbs. . . put saran wrap on the toilets, un plug the TV, take all the good food and drink. . .(haha keith no Guinness for you!!!!) we take all the good movies, (they are left w/ gone w/ the wind) take off all their shoes and hang them on the ceiling (how? No idea) sharpies to their face (we sign out names) duct tape garbage bags to the outside of the windows (its pitch black now and their aren’t any lights!) turn down the air (43 degrees) we also steal all of their clothes. . . .and bed sheets. . .soo when they get up they will be cold and they will think it is night. . .

how we did this all? we're Geniuses!!!!!

by celticsusan on Sat Jul 19, 2008 9:38 pm

Rhi, you're all doing such a beautiful job on this, I'm gonna leave y'all to it.
May check in later. A friend of mine died today, so I'm not much in the mood.
Peace & luv you all.


by Rhi. on Sat Jul 19, 2008 9:44 pm

oh no! i know youre going to hear this a lot but i am deeply sorry!
if you ever need someone to talk to or anything, feel free to pm me!


by pagan on Sat Jul 19, 2008 10:08 pm

Susan you know where to find me. Sooo sorry.
I'll let you continue this one cos I can't think of a thing to go with it. I love it


by Rhi. on Sat Jul 19, 2008 10:10 pm

OOOOO i just thought of something really good!. . .hold onlike 10min. . .


by Kerry W on Sat Jul 19, 2008 10:33 pm

Okay... I'll wait!

Rhi, you are truly devious!!! you're scaring me!

Just finished watching Vantage Point w/my family...


by Rhi. on Sat Jul 19, 2008 10:36 pm

Ok so we left a walki talki w/ the button taped down so we can hear their reactions. . . .about an hour or so later we star hearing shuffling. . .and something about blankets. . .we think they were so tired they didn’t notice anything. . .like the toilet paper wraped around them. . .and then about 10 min later we can hear pounding in the stairs (this walki talki is REALLY high tech!) and
Paul- wow guys wake up!!!!!!!!!
Keith- mumble. . . . grumble
Paul- wake up!!!!!!!
Keith- WHAT IN THE WORLD- oh my- how did they- wear are my-
George- look at the ceiling
Damian- iI’mMMm FFrreeeEEEZZinGGGgg, and keith you have something on youre face. . .
Keith- what?! Wait- so do you! And you too paul!
George- what time is it?
Paul- I have no idea. . . maybe 2, 3 in the morning (its 9 in the morning) Keith turn on the lighs
Some shuffling can be heard and a click, click,clickclickclick!
Keith- the lights aren’t working!!!!!!
Damian- I really have to pee. . . I’ll be back in a min.
More shuffling can be heard and a door closes, and soon EWWWW!
George- what’s wrong?! Keith go checkon him
Keith- why do I- oh never mind. . . .
Shuffling. . .knock on door
Keith- damian? . . . damian? . . . I’m coming in!
Door opens, and a second later AW EWWW! What is that?! Its warm! What is that!
Damian- *barely audible* I think I missed. . .
Paul- (in kitchen) NO!
All- what?!
Paul- there isn’t any food! And all that’s left is that nasty grape soda!
George- who did this
Keith- I’m guessing the girls. . .
Damian- they put saran wrap on the toilet!
George- how did they get out?
Paul- good question. Theywould have had to move me to get out. . .
Keith- I think they have a window in their room. . .
Paul- now how do you know that?
Keith- I just said I think. . .!
Damian- they do. Its just above christy’s bed
George- now is that what you think?
Damian- . . . .no. . . ?
Keith- I’m gonna go check their room. . .
Sound of feet going upstairs, a jiggling of the knob can be heard
Keith- its still locked. . .hold on
Silence, a loud banging can be heard, then another, and another, then another. . . .and then a crash. . .
Keith- well they aren in here. . .wait, what is that? Oh never mind that’s a pillow. . .nope that’s a cockroach!
A fast thumping can be heard on the stairs. . .
Paul- *laughing* how do you get a pillow and a cockroach confused. . .?


by Rhi. on Sat Jul 19, 2008 10:51 pm

Damian- So what do we do now?
Keith- we can go find them
Paul-its 2 in the morning! And dark! I don’t like the dark . . .
George- we could put in a movie. . .
Damian-but the lights aren’t working
Ryan- they took themout dimwhits!
Keith- WOW where in the world did you come from?!
Ryan- well. . .my mom and dad. . .
Keith-oh god no- not that! Where have you been?!
Ryan- asleep. . .?
Paul- how do you know they took the bulbs?
Ryan- somehow their whispering seeped into my dreams. . .


by Rhi. on Sat Jul 19, 2008 11:03 pm

Keith- well what else did they do?
Ryan- I’m not sure. . . I do remember Rhi saying something about . . . your smoken hair. . .your cute butt. . .or was it your hairy butt. . .?
Keith- really?! What did she say about them? She couldn’t have been talking about me having a hairy butt!
Paul- how would she know. . . ?
Ryan- umm. . .i don’t think I wanna know that. . .but dude?
Keith- ya?!
Ryan- I was joking. I just heard the thing about the light bulbs. . . and something about the TV. . .
Keith- oh. . .ha ha ha I was just kidding! Of course she wouldn’t know about my butt. . .
George-o. . .k. . .sooo should we put on a movie or something?
So a lot of shuffling and cursing can be heard(when the TV wont turn on) then they final work everything out. . .and find that there is only Gone w/the Wind to watch. . . but they put it on anyway. . .soon we hear one of them get up and get the stale crackers and grape soda we left. . . guys. . .they will make champagne out of lemons if you give them to them w/enough time. . .soon we get bored and we go over to the house. . .but just as we leave the cabin, paul goes to the bathroom. . . and he forgot about the saran wrap. . .


by Rhi. on Sat Jul 19, 2008 11:49 pm

So we girls then go to the front door. . . but none of us want to be the first one in. . .i get voted it. . .(yea me!) so I quietly unlock the door. . .and quietly open the door and walk in . . . none of the guys notice so far. . . they are in the living room watching the movie. . .its the end, when Scarlett’s little girl dies. . .
Damian- that is so sad. . .
Ryan- ya, it is. . .
Me-*stifling a giggle*
I quietly go upstairs and then I walk down as if I didn’t know any of this had happened. . .(I’m wearing a parka)
Me- so what are you guys doing?
All- what the-!!! What are you doing here?!
Me- *I’m getting a lot of evil looks. . .*
Keith- where have you been?
Me- under your bed, playing w/the cockroaches and breeding them. . .
Keith- eww! Really?!
Me- gross no!!!
Keith- ok good! Wait- no to what?! The playing or the breeding?!
Me- NIETHER! why would I want to play w/ them!? Let alone breed them! How do you even do that?!
George- *begins to speak but shuts up*
Me- wow, good thing youre pretty!
Keith- *laughs* wait- you think I’m pretty?!
Me- sure. . .i also like youre hair . . .and your butt. . .
Keith- wow ryan you were right! She does think-
Ryan- I did make that up keith
Keith- but- how- why- hu?
Ryan- she was listening to us. . .
Keith- oh . . . spying is BAD! Why would you do such a thing?!
Me- spying is what is making you mad?! *ticking off of fingers*we wrapped you in toilet paper, which you are still wrapped in, we drew on your faces which I can see you haven’t washed off yet, we stole the light bulbs, food, drinks and movies, we turned down the air to 43 degrees, which you haven’t done anything about-
Keith- so that’s why youre wearing the parka
Me- uh, yea. . . we put your shoes on the ceiling *I look up* which are still there, we put saran wrap on the toilet. . . we put garbage bags on the windows, and we stole all of your clothes.
Damian- you stole our clothes?!
George- what time is it?!
Paul- oops I forgot to clean up my mess. . .
Keith- wow. . .*looks at me w/ ah and crawls over to my feet and hugs my legs* youre a genius! *looks up at me* marry me?
Round of ooooo’s from the guys. . . .
Me- uuuh, well. . .ummm. . .i wasn’t the only one who did this. . . but. . .umm. . .sure. . .!
That’s when all the other girls come in, and they all get funny looks from the guys. . .half in ah, half in anger. . .Keith still hasn’t let goof my legs. . .
Pagan- keith what are you doing?
Keith- hugging my future bride!
Me- wait what?! You were serious?. . .


by pagan on Sun Jul 20, 2008 8:01 am

this keeps getting better. keep it up Rhi


by Rhi. on Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:04 am

Keith- *still hugging my legs looks up at me* uuuh, yeah. . .kinda. . .
Me- is that a kinda or a yes, or a no?! Keith I’m only- I’m too- your only- you don’t even know my favorite color!
Keith- its pink isn’t it?
Me- how do you know that?!
Keith- . . . I, uh. . .you, ummm. You know you should really write a lot bigger in your diary.
Me- you still have that page?!
Pagan- you got it framed didn’t you.
Keith- *about to speak but Damian cut him off*
Damian- no, he had it laminated, and hung it on his ceiling. . . so all he has to do is blow on it to make it turn . . .
Keith- *glaring at Damian* you swore to never tell!
Ryan- well you did just propose . . . she would have had to find out sooner or later. . .


by celticsusan on Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:13 am

Rhi. wrote:oh no! i know youre going to hear this a lot but i am deeply sorry!
if you ever need someone to talk to or anything, feel free to pm me!

Rhi, thanks for being such a good friend


by celticsusan on Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:15 am

pagan wrote:Susan you know where to find me. Sooo sorry.
I'll let you continue this one cos I can't think of a thing to go with it. I love it

Pagan, thanks for being so sweet!


by Rhi. on Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:16 am

Of course! We girls gonna watch out for eachother!


by Pattum on Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:27 am

I'm sorry for your loss, celticsusan.


by Kerry W on Sun Jul 20, 2008 12:47 pm

oh my gosh susan. I'm so sorry!

Are you okay? We're def. all here for you.

Hope this cheers you up.


The other girls are just staring at Keith and Rhi.

"Oh. my. god. Keith actually did just propose to Rhi." Pat fainted, but George managed to catch her. (Hey... if we stole their clothes, what are they wearing???!!!)

Christy squealed, and started jumping around with Angel.

Pagan and Kerry started musing about what the wedding would be like b/c of the two personalities. (Like a beach wedding so Keith can surf afterwards ot something like that. lol)

"Hey! over here!" Ryan said. (By the way, the guys are going to be wearing boxers and sheets. This should be fun) "Where are our clothes?! It's freezing and I'm getting annoyed." He glared at Rhi.

"Hey! It was Pagan's idea about the clothes. Don't look at me like that!" She complained.

"I think they're somewhere in the lake..." Kerry said.

Silence ensues.

"You didn't." Paul said. All the guys started yelling and trying to get out the door to the lake.

"Calm down you guys. We actually didn't, but we have some clothes for you." Christy got a bag from by the front door, and started taking things out and tossing them at the guys.

The shirts were colors like neon pink, neon green, and purple, with writing like, "I love Hannah Montana" (damian got that), "Free Paris! (from when she was jailed... Keith got that.), "100% Dark, Handsome, and Sexy. (On front) also 100% Undateable. (On back)" Ryan got that shirt. "Diva" (Paul got this one.) and "I love my daughter." (George.)

They also got a kilt/skirt matching the shirts, and flip-flops. (also matching. they're ones girls normally wear.)

Ryan exploded. "There is no way I'm wearing this stuff. EVER!" He went and walked off.

"Hey!" Angel got everyone's attention. Her phone/camera was out, and and the screen showed some pictures that she had managed to get earlier w/o anyone noticing. "I have pictures of all you guys the way you are just now, and I sent them to my laptop, so there are copies, even if you delete them from here. You have to wear those, we're not going to give you back your clothes for a while. If you choose not to wear them, these pictures get sent to your screaming fans who would LOVE to have these. Comprehende? (sp?)"

Rhi grinned. "Nice job Angel. And we're going to go out to eat, you guys will be wearing that."

Keith perked up. "Food? Okay!"



© 2008 Rhi

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