#23 Le Pank Deux

#23 Le Pank Deux

A Chapter by Rhi

by teenangel on Sat Jul 19, 2008 12:24 pm

After Dead Man's Chest all of the guys are asleep (don't know how). We girls decide to get them back (just for fun) for all of the jokes they had played on us. We set up a video camera so all of them can be seen and turn it on. We found 5 cans of whipped cream, shaving cream and 5 bags of potato chips. Each of us takes one of each and dumps them in the hands of our assigned guy.

(for lack of something else to do)

Everyone else is behind the camera.
Simultaneously we tickle their noses with feathers which makes all of them slap their faces full of shaving cream, whipped cream and chips. They wake up shouting. We grab the camera and run upstairs to one of the rooms and lock the door.


by Kerry W on Sat Jul 19, 2008 12:36 pm

The guys are defintley annoyed. They run up after the girls, and bang on the door.

Christy, Rhi, and Kerry, are literally on the floor, laughing so hard that they're crying with Christy nearly passed out. The other girls are also laughing and shaking their heads.

"Should we put this on Youtube? This is priceless!!!" Whimsey asked.

"Why not?" Rhi grinned.

"Hey! The banging's stopped. What are the guys doing?" Angel asked. The other girls looked at each other and Christy, Pat, and Pagan went "Uh-oh."

Kerry went to listen at the door. "I don't hear anything. They must have gone off to plan their revenge probably..."

"Why do I have sudden images of us being kidnapped and made to do something humiliating??... Or them somehow making us turn blue or green?" Rhi gulped. Who knew what Ryan, Keith, AND Paul could get up to when they're like that? (Damian and George aren't as mischevious, but they're still in on it.)


by teenangel on Sat Jul 19, 2008 1:01 pm

lol! The first thing running through my mind would have been to lock the window...this will be very interesting


by teenangel on Sat Jul 19, 2008 1:13 pm

I was bored (still am) but couldn't get on the computer so I just wrote down a story...it was supposed to be after all the movies but what's the fun in that?


by teenangel on Sat Jul 19, 2008 4:37 pm

Ok, I am really bored...here's my version of what happens next

So all of us are worried about what the guys (who are still covered in guck) are planning but all we can hear is a gentle hum of whispering. We figured out that we are in Christy and my room so I go to my nightstand and dump out the glass of water I have there and press it to the door. I listen and hear:
Ryan: Ok, girls are really curious so if we are just really quiet for awhile the will come out and then we can go in and break the camera, we'll figure out how to get back at them later.
Paul: What do we do?
Ryan: We take turns gaurding the door and whenever they come out the guard shouts and we all burst in.
Keith: What do the rest of us do?
Damian: Well we could all watch another movie, that might get them out.
George: Why don't we just climb up to their window and get in that way?
Ryan: They are more than likely watching the window and have it locked.
George: Oh, right.
Paul: Ok, who's first..wait I'll get my hat and we can draw names!
Keith: I am so not going first! I need a shower and a change of clothes!
*****all look at the mirror, simultaneously***** ME TOO!!!!!!!
Ryan: Ok so whoever is not guarding can clean themselves up but we'll still play the movie.
Back in the room I inform the rest of you about their plans, receiving a groan on all sides.
Christy: But I have to go to the bathroom!
Whimsey: We can't stay in here forever, I'm hungry!!!
Rhi: Yeah!
Pagan:Yeah, what they said!
me: Well we could always climb out the window and go back to our other cabin for a bit...that would solve our problems temporarily.

Your turn


by Kerry W on Sat Jul 19, 2008 6:03 pm

Hmmm... I'm working on something for this. It prob won't be up for at least 1/2 an hour since I have to work around the fam.

Damian is 2 months and like 2 weeks older than I am. love the sig Angel.


by Kerry W on Sat Jul 19, 2008 6:41 pm

The other girls agreed with Christy's idea. They'd go back to the other cabin, leaving one of them behind with a cell phone to report anything. They decided to do rock paper sisscors to decide who'd do it. (Ultimate loser has to do it)

It was finally down to Whimsey, Pat, and Kerry when they heard a small 'BANG' from downstairs. The three looked at each other. (The winners have already left, taking the camera with them)

"Do you think that was on purpose to make us come out?" Whimsey asked.

"I have no idea." Kerry replied. "Why not listen to the door; see if we can hear anything else?" Pat suggested.

"We could go down from the window and around to the front door, and see from there." Whimsey said.

"Okay." Pat said.

So after carefully climbing down the trellis by the window, the three snuck around instead to the kitchen window, but all they could see was smoke.

"Are they okay?” Pat asked.

"Let's just go and check the other windows. Maybe they went upstairs to wait for us to come out.” Whimsey suggested.

So Kerry went and scaled the trellis to check the upstairs. She could only see in one window, which meant that she’d have to climb along the ledge. “Nothing” She called down to the other girls, just before she lost her footing.

Miraculously, she managed to land on her feet, falling forward and twisting her ankle, but caught herself on her wrists. “Ow.” She winced. (Done that before. It’s not fun.)(Oh, and it’s a small 2 story cabin, so I think the first floor is what

Whimsey and Pat immediately came running over. “Oh my gosh. Are you okay?” They asked.

“It’s fine guys. I’m okay.” She grimaced when she tried to get up. “Yow.” Kerry said softly.

“What hurts?” Pat asked, squatting down beside Kerry.

“My ankle’s twisted; I’ll be able to walk on it in a bit. I caught myself on my wrists, so they hurt from the force, but I’m fine otherwise, I promise. I’ll have a few bruises, but I’m okay.” Kerry sighed, getting annoyed about the fuss.

Just then, Whimsey’s phone rang. It was the other girls, wanting to know what was taking them so dang long. They had to explain about Kerry’s fall, with Whimsey and Pat wanting to take Kerry back and just wait out the guys, but Kerry kept insisting that she was fine and just could stay behind with the phone, like originally planned.

Finally, out of pure stubbornness, she won the argument. So Whimsey and Pat finally went back, after making her promise to call if anything happened. Anything.


© 2008 Rhi

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Added on December 25, 2008

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