#22 Movies and Popcorn

#22 Movies and Popcorn

A Chapter by Rhi

by teenangel on Sat Jul 19, 2008 6:49 am

Okay so since we can't choose which movies to watch first, Paul finds his hat, writes the name of each one on paper, folds them into the hat and holds it way up high while I pick one out *opening paper* reading, "Pirates of the Carribean Curse of the Black Pearl!" All of us girls let out an excited whoop and settled onto the couch, floor, chairs or whatever there is...

Seating Arrangements, this will be weird but about where the words are the thing is in the room ok? ok.




ok so Damian and Christy are in one armchair, Rhi & Keith, Paul & ??Whimsey? (is that who) on the loveseat, George gets the other armchair to himself, the rest of us occupy the pillows we have spread on the floor (we moved a table to comfortably do so) and proceed with our all day movie marathon


by pagan on Sat Jul 19, 2008 7:22 am

Hmmm Susan we gotta find you a guy. Ryan is taken so keep your filthy little mitts to yourself you hussy you


by Rhi. on Sat Jul 19, 2008 9:34 am

pagan wrote:Hmmm Susan we gotta find you a guy. Ryan is taken so keep your filthy little mitts to yourself you hussy you

same goes for keith


by Rhi. on Sat Jul 19, 2008 10:05 am

Soooo(wow I ALWAYS start out w/ that. . .) we curl up and watch movies, I’m next to keith and I’m kinda leaning on him and about halfway through the movie he begins to fidget. . . then about 10 min later it gets worse. . .i swear by the time Jack is waiting in the boat toward the end (when you can see a flipper come out of the water. . .) my head feels as if it is attached to a jackhammer!
Me- *harsh whisper* would you settle down!
Keith- I cant sit still this long! I need to do something
Me- can you at least wait till the big fight?!
Keith- fine. . .
And then just about when Jack says “It’s the Honest ones you want to watch out for, for you never know . . .” keith cant take it anymore so he gets up and goes for a walk. . .i’m left on a couch all *sniff* by my *sniff* self (lol) but that way I can stretch out! (we should have watched star wars. . . ) so when the movie ends we take a 10 min break to go potty, refill our popcorn bowls, and for me to try calling keith. . .we soon find out that he left his phone in the kitchen (Christy picked it up, I thought it was another girl. . .) then just as we are about to put in the 2nd movie, keith shows up and we bribe him to stay w/ a giganto bowl of popcorn that he can have all to himself. . .he goes up to his room w/ the popcorn
Ryan- well that’s not really why we gave you the popcorn. . .
So we start the movie, then we hear footsteps racing don the hall and
Keith- don’t start the movie yet! I’m not ready!
Ryan- *I think he should have the remote control* we didn’t know you were going to watch- whatever just hurry up!
Keith runs back up stairs and a few minutes later comes back down with his popcorn. He sits down (next to me, hehehe) and starts picking though his popcorn, and pulling out little colored things
Me- what in the world are you doing!?
Keith- eating . . . ?
Me-what are you eating?!
Keith- food . . .
Me- oh never mind
We sit back and watch the movie. . .and around when Cptn Jack is talking about the Key and how they need to find it, keith takes a handful of his weird colored things and plops them in my, now half empty bowl.
Me- what the- you put m&m’s, gummy bears and reeses in your popcorn?
Keith- *smiling and liking one of his fingers* yup.
Me- hu, me too *I show him my bowl, which is dotted w/ colored candies*
Christy- SHHH! We’re trying to watch the movie!
Paul- yea key word trying! I cant understand half of what he is saying! And I still don’t get why he bit the toe nail!


by Kerry W on Sat Jul 19, 2008 11:22 am

Haha. People are now wanting to annoy each other, first suze, then Keith and Rhi...


by celticsusan on Sat Jul 19, 2008 12:00 pm

pagan wrote:Hmmm Susan we gotta find you a guy. Ryan is taken so keep your filthy little mitts to yourself you hussy you

Ok sweetie (still in my 'hot chick' character voice) how about his identical TWIN!!!!! (and I DO mean identical in every way, personality, to-die-for voice, eyes, sharp dresser, etc. *sighs heavily*


by celticsusan on Sat Jul 19, 2008 12:05 pm

Rhi. wrote:

pagan wrote:Hmmm Susan we gotta find you a guy. Ryan is taken so keep your filthy little mitts to yourself you hussy you

same goes for keith

not to worry Rhi! I'm going to find Ryan's twin! (Of course if I can't FIND him, then there's always...nah, it's Ryan's twin or nuthin'

"Excuse me", says Susan "I need to go back to my sexy, sweet hussy voice"! 'Hussy"...I love that!


by Rhi. on Sat Jul 19, 2008 12:13 pm

lol that would make an awesome story line!!!!! (but be4 u all get anny ideas! keith has nolook a like or twin. . . )


by Kerry W on Sat Jul 19, 2008 12:21 pm


Ryan has a twin? where did this information pop up???!!!



© 2008 Rhi

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